The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Can any homeopathic remedy stop a status migraine
Has anyone used a homeopathic remedy to stop a staus migraine? By status migraine, I mean one that never ends and continues.[message edited by Cupcake3 on Wed, 10 Oct 2012 22:39:47 BST]
Cupcake3 on 2012-10-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Cupcake-yes homeopathy can help with this.(duplicate thread)
You need to post all questions on your thread with Nawaz, otherwise
your treatment will get confused.
Homeopathy really does not look at names of conditions. Nawaz
is studying everything about you and will prescribe a remedy
or series of remedies that will be a match with your symptoms and
remove them. The remedies activate your life force to go into
action and start clearing out anything causing problems.
You need to post all questions on your thread with Nawaz, otherwise
your treatment will get confused.
Homeopathy really does not look at names of conditions. Nawaz
is studying everything about you and will prescribe a remedy
or series of remedies that will be a match with your symptoms and
remove them. The remedies activate your life force to go into
action and start clearing out anything causing problems.
♡ simone717 last decade
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