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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss and spermathorrea

sir,amr age:20,hight:5'6'.ami masterbation kori class 8 thake.akhon ami spermathorrea &hair loss probleam a bogdeci.jakhon ami ottejio hoi takhon amar sara sorir kape.som somoi lonly &nervus fell hoi.amr uti probleam dora pore 1year age.doctor amake siprocin khate bole.ami siprocin tablet khaoar poreo kono sofol pai ni.aamar tol pete betha onobob hoi ar uranari trac a jala kory r cholkai.ami thuja 15 din khai.kicodin balo cilo kinto abar problem ta dekha diyce.please help me by homeopathy remedy
  Rana hossain on 2013-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take selenium 3x one tablet thrice times a day.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
sir,ami student. age:20,hight:5'7'.weight:62.aamar mathai onek itching hoi,r choto choto pimple ace.matha cholkanor somoi nokher modde sada sada danadar podartho ase.hoi enviroment a matha onek cholkai.hair onek loss hocce.hair onek thin hoye gece.ami select plus shampoo use koreci jate ketoconazol ace.ai shampoo use korar pore dandruf komece kinto itch&pimple komeni.ami arseneum alb use koreci.ata use korar por itchin aro barece.sir ami homeopathy onek belive kori so please give me best homeopathy remedy.
Rana hossain last decade

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