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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

31 years old female with hair loss and thinning

Hi, I am new to this forum. I have been suffering with extreme hair loss and thinning on front and mid scalp. My mom has very thin and visible scalp and my younger brother also has baldness since he was 20 years old. I used to have extremely thick hair and beautiful skin. I have jawline acne almost all the time with oily skin. Scalp is oily as well. I started getting oily skin and rosacea since after I got my first period when I was 14 years old. I am anxious and nervous in nature. I have low self esteem, low confidence. I feel low at times. Major concern and worry is hair loss and body image (weight). I have low energy levels. I am 5'3' tall and weigh 125 lbs, with pretty big waistline. I also have lichen sclerosis in vaginal area which was diagnosed when I was a child. It still is a problem for which my GYN has recommended to apply premarin estrogen vaginal cream twice a week. When I apply this cream for 6 weeks, it improves the skin color and elasticity. When I stop using it then the problem reappears. The solution given to me is to use it for life. My parents are diabetic. My father passed away last year at the age of 59 due to cirrhosis of liver. I have been going to many doctors looking for a treatment. Tests always come back normal except for low Vitamin D and Zinc. I was on birth control pill, Aldactone, Zinc supplement, Rogaine for almost a year. Discontinued all these medicines as I did not want to be dependent on them for the rest of my life especially considering my age. I am married for 4 years now. I am planning for pregnancy soon and hence did not want to continue the meds due to side effects. I currently take multivitamin, biotin 5000mcg, Vit D 1000 IU, Fish oil supplement. Last year in October 2012 I was diagnosed with thyroid fullness and ultrasound detected a nodule. Had an ultrasound again yesterday and nodule is 0.86 cm. Recent blood work report is due in a week or so. Thyroid, hormones and iron levels have come up normal in all my previous tests. Waiting for my most recent blood report. My periods are 32 to 38 days of cycle length. I have been through a lot of stress since 2007. There is still a little bit of stress but not as much as until last year. Few years ago, I started experiencing breast tenderness 10-12 days before period. I also have neck and shoulder tightness. When I do yoga and try to lose weight then I feel much better and shoulder and neck pain reduces a lot due to good posture. I have gingivitis which is under control since last year with visits to dentist. I like warm weather, not too hot and not too cold. I tried to write as much as I could. Please let me know if there is a template I can fill out for this condition to give more information you are specifically looking for.
  mnchkin on 2013-03-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1. 'Hep Sul 200' one dose every week for three weeks. Preferably in morning. Don't eat half hour before and after taking this remedy.
2. 'Nat Mur 6x' three times a day. Don't take it on the day you take Hep Sul.
dhundhun last decade
Thank you dhundhun. I really appreciate your quick response. Can you please tell me what the diagnosis is and what problem/ problem(s) will these medicines treat?
mnchkin last decade
Homeopathy works on symptoms. It is not related to diagnosis. You are already taking medication from GYN based on diagnosis and probably supplements based on knowledge from other sources. Since they failed you are here.
dhundhun last decade
I understand your point. I won't say that none of the remedies for hair thinning or hair fall from other sources have failed. The reason I did not want to continue was because I did not want to become dependent on them for life. Also, considering my age and planning to try for pregnancy it is not advisable to take those medicines. I am looking for a safer alternative (homeopathy) which can cure from within and eventually be a permanent cure provided it is safe while trying to conceive or during pregnancy. As far as medication from GYN is concerned, I am currently only applying the estrogen premarin vaginal cream for lichen sclerosus.
mnchkin last decade
For Vit D deficiency, 1000 IU is like a drop of water falling in desert - just disappears. The protocol to treat Vit D deficiency is 50,000 iu per week for three months and then test. If still low, continue in three months cycle + test, until desired level is restored. The maintenance dose could be 4000 iu daily thereafter. Half an hour exposure to Sun provides 10,000-15,000 iu. That is the amount what person working in field (e.g. farmers) gets every day.

For Zinc deficiency 50mg of zinc + 2mg of copper every day should be able to help.

If biotin is issue, try improving gut bacteria. Good gut bacteria makes over 10000 mcg of biotin a day. Also biotin is recycled in body. Biotin works only when this capability of gut bacteria is inhibited by various factors or body is unable to recycle it (biotinidase deficiency). In case of biotinidase deficiency, biotin requirement shoots up to 40000 mcg a day. BTW, are you diagnosed to be biotin deficient?

Homeopathy, although sees conditions, it is more related to cause, symptoms, modalities, susceptibilities, etc. It can't help with Vit D, you need to go in Sun or take magadoses of Vit. D. In due course of time if your constitution is depleting Vit D fast, it can help restore the constitution to reduce depletion rate.
[message edited by dhundhun on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 19:42:54 GMT]
dhundhun last decade
Hi there,

on the vitamin D-

See the site- vitamin D council.org-types of Vit D to supplement with.

Vitamin D can be depleted out of you thru use of certain medicines,
such as phenobarbitols, dilantin, Depakote, Cholesterol drugs,
and corticosteroids such as prednisone, etc.

On the Vitamin D site- they say that any hyper para thyroid
problems the vitamin D intake if supplemented should be
directed by your endocrinologist. For people with Sarcoidosis,
granular TB and some types of -cancr Vit D should be planned out
by your Dr. if you are going to supplement.

So it is not clear when you started the deficiency and perhaps
the meds you were taking caused this-but due to your Thyroid
you should check with the Dr on the dose- and use the Sun-bc
there is a body mechanism that does not let Vit D turn into
overdose from the Sun.
simone717 last decade
Hi dhundhun, thanks for your post. I have vitamin D deficiency for about 2 years. It is not too low though. Just a tiny bit lower than normal level. The reason being that in Northeast USA it is difficult to get enough sun exposure during winters. Adding to that I work in IT so always indoor. Summer is coming soon so I hope to spend some time in the sun. I was not diagnosed with any deficiency with Biotin. My dermatologist had recommended that biotin is good to take if i have hair thinning and hair loss. So, I have been taking it for more than 2 years now. I will get my latest blood report and thyroid results in a week so I can update that information as well. I did have gut issues until last year. I had diarrhea issues which was cured by taking homeopathy meds. I am sorry if I confused everyone with my medicines. I just wanted to list what I am currently taking in case anyone was looking for complete information. Symptoms that are of major concern are: hair loss and hair thinning (primary), rosacea, acne. Doctors have said that my hair loss is androgenic diffused alopecia/ female pattern hairloss. Hair and facial skin tend to be very oily.
mnchkin last decade
Thank you simone717. I will look into the vitamin D more seriously.
mnchkin last decade
dear madam dhundhun
very interesting information on 'biotin'.please if its possible let me know about the references on this topic('Good gut bacteria makes over 10000 mcg of biotin a day. Also biotin is recycled in body. Biotin works only when this capability of gut bacteria is inhibited by various factors or body is unable to recycle it (biotinidase deficiency). In case of biotinidase deficiency, biotin requirement shoots up to 40000 mcg a day').i searched on internet but nothing i could find ,
i appreciate your help so much
paymanz last decade

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