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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Shoulder and upper arm pain

I have pain in right shoulder rotator cuff and muscles of upper arm in certain movement positions specially extending out and up and moving it back. MRI shows minor arthritis, but more inflammation of tendons and little bit calcium deposits in joint. Moving in wrong position creates a severe pain as if someone cut it with a knife, which subsides in 10-15 seconds. Using towel to dry my back, looping belt in pants, shaving or combing are difficult to do. Can some one please help with homeopathic treatment?
  zahidy1 on 2013-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may take.
1. Rhustox 30c 3 times 4 pill or 5 drops in some water.
2. Calc flour 6x + mag phox 6x 2 tabs from both 3 times a day.
Please report after 7 days.
libra981 last decade

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