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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Shoulder and upper arm pain

I am having pain in shoulder and upper arm.
I took Lycopodium 30 and Bryonia 30 for 6 weeks. 4 tablets 3 times a day.
Pain reduced from 5/6 on scale 10 to 3/4.
A homeopath in study advised to change to Arsenicum album 30 by putting in 250 ml water string it 5 times and take a spoon per day.
I took for last one week and pain is down to 2/3.
She asked me to take now one spoon per week.
Any opinion.
  Ashapruthi on 2020-01-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please continue treatment with your homeopath.
It is working.
simone717 5 years ago
Thank you for putting light on homeopathic remedy for shoulder and arm pain. As a physical therapist, we also believe in non-invasive treatment for pain relief.Physical therapy is also a best treatment for pain. To know more visit us at First Class Medical PC for Physical therapy richmond hill ny.
firstclassmedical 3 years ago

I have had a great amount of success through remedies for a large number of issues pertaining to the symptoms related to Physiotherapy.
Soft tissue injuries extremely severe where surgery was the only option
Cartilage tendon as well as ligaments
Feel free
Kaps 3 years ago

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