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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Arthritis in 13/14 dog. Hips and knees.

Ella is 13/14 years old Collie/GSD and you have helped me before with her.
Ella came to live with us nearly 3 years ago and already had arthritis in both hips and both knees. Vet put her on pain killers which did not help that much.
She developed a limp and yourselves gave me advice and the limp vanished!
Also Ella's arhritis vanished when I stared to feed all my dogs the barf diet but with all the damp weather we have had of late Ella is having problems. She is obviously in pain and is stiff at times. She still loves her walks and wants to run after her ball. I have noticed that when walking on concrete pavements she is very, very slow and so I rarely walk her locally as we take them all to big open spaces.
But I would like to know if you can advise me on what I can give her to ease her pain.
Thank you in advcance as I know you will do your best to help Ella and me.
  Kathyw on 2013-06-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her Rhus Tox 30 in the morning and evening for 3 days and see how that affects in 10 days.
kadwa last decade
Thank you very much kadwa. I will get them tomorrow and let you know how she does on them.
Kathyw last decade
i think that you have rhus tox with you as you used it earlier.
kadwa last decade

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