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Hair loss and nose bleeds issue -Zady please follow up Page 3 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I checked here and I cannot find Nitric acid 30. Is there another replacement for it?

As for my pregnancy, Astha and Priya are twins and they are my only children. I really wanted kids and was very happy to have them. As for bitterness, there was no arguments in the family when I was carrying my twins. Instead bitterness happened after their birth with my in-laws.
Around 5 months before my pregnancy, my mom was diagnosed with brain tumor. I was quiet stressed because of that. Then she had 2 surguries ( in august 2005, and then in december 2005) and got better and lived for 2 years after that. December 2005 was the time when I found out that I was pregnant.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions.
Thank you,
[message edited by Simran25 on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 01:46:06 BST]
Simran25 last decade
Think of getting smallest bottles of nat mur 200, nit acid 30 and Antim Crud 200 from helios pharmacy in uk, or from somebody traveling to Delhi.
Zady101 last decade
Does it matter if I get Boiron pills or Hyland's pellet form?
Is one preferred over the other?
Please let me know.
Simran25 last decade
Hylands is poor. Boiron is ok.
Zady101 last decade
I will order the meds tomorrow and should have them by next week sometime.
In the meantime, Astha's nosebleeds have become more regular. Should I start giving her ferrum phos again?

She has also been sneezing at lot in the morning ( like her sister Priya). These sneezes happen as soon as they go to the bathroon after getting right out of bed in the morning.

Please recommend,
Thank you.
Simran25 last decade
Please give Ferrum Phos 6X and Silicea 6X, 2 tabs each, 4 times a day, to Astha.

Give just Ferrum phos 6X to Priya.

Duration - 1 week.
Zady101 last decade
Hello Zady,
I have been giving ferrum phos to both Astha and Priya for the last 1week.

Astha has not experienced any nose bleed since then.

But, both girls are still sneezing a lot in the morning when the wake up and go to brush their teeth.

Please recommend,
Simran25 last decade
Hello Zady,
I am still giving ferrum phos to Astha every night. So far she experienced just 1 nose bleed in the last 15 days. This nose bleed happened when I forgot to give her Ferrum Phos the night before.

Do I need to continue giving her ferrum phos for a long time? She does not seem a whole lot stuffy these days. Also for the last few days she has been complaining about a tingling feeling in her feet when she sits in one position for some time. Is this some kind of deficiency?

Please recommend.
Thank you,
Simran25 last decade
Nit. Acid 30

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once only.

Continue Fphos for 3 more days.

Update after 5 days.
Zady101 last decade
I have pills for all medications ( nitric acid, antimonium and all others). I do not have drops. Is 2 drops equivalent to 5 pills?
Please confirm.
Simran25 last decade
Zady101 last decade
Hello Zady,
I gave nitric acid to Astha on Friday, sep 20. On Saturday in the evening, she got very stuffy and could not sleep properly at night. Then she was better during the day on Sunday and again very stuffy in the evening and night. Today morning she is still stuffy but she is much more worse at night.

Her mucous is thick white. She also had some sticky stuff in one of her eyes corner this morning.

I don't know if this is because of the medicine or she is just starting another cold.

Please recommend if I need to repeat or change any medication.
Thank you,
Simran25 last decade
Please wait 3 more days. In case things get further worse, let me know.
Zady101 last decade
Astha is still very stuffy and irritable today. She cried today for no reason and I could totally see that she is not comfortable because of her stuffiness. Her mucous is thick, white in color and she has a lot of discharge.

Both girls are stuffy because of the changing cold weather.

Please recommend.
Simran25 last decade
Is the mucous thick and ropy or ball shaped?
Zady101 last decade
The mucous is thick and ball shaped. It is sticky but not too ropy.
Simran25 last decade
What's the status of nose bleeds?
Zady101 last decade
This morning Astha had one nose bleed when she was blowing out the mucous. There was quiet a lot of blood with mucous but it was not drippy.
By evening when I got home from work, I noticed that Astha's mucous is now stretchy, sticky, white to yellow and roppy,
Please recommend.
Simran25 last decade
Kali Bich 30 will take care of things.

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this twice everyday for 3 days.
Zady101 last decade
Your treatment has worked like magic on all of us. Astha also seems to be getting better. Her nose is still stuffy but less than before. She is still blowing out a lot of thick white mucous that is not ropy anymore. But now she is able to sleep properly at night without waking up due to stuffiness.

I haven't given her any ferrum phos for the last 2 days. No nose bleeds for the last two days though.

Simran25 last decade
Ok, good. Give twice a day for 2 more days and update me.
Zady101 last decade
Astha had a nose bleed today after almost 2 weeks.
She is not stuffy these days.
Do I need to repeat any medication?
Let me know.
Simran25 last decade
Nit. Acid 30

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this once only.

Update after 5 days.
Zady101 last decade
Gave Astha Nirticum Acidum today, October 16 2013. Will update you in a few days.
Simran25 last decade
Hello Zady,
Astha had a lot of thick nose bleed today from her right nostril.

I also wanted to discuss another of her conditions with you. Last year in October Astha was diagnosed with Amblyopia ( lazy eye) in her left eye. She then she has been wearing glasses to correct the problem. For the past few weeks, I have noticed that she has been winking her left eye a lot and otherwise blinking both her eye more than usual.

Is there a remedy in Homeopathy to fix the lazy eye?

Please share you thoughts and recommend a plan if any.
Thank you,
Simran25 last decade
How is her condition now?
Zady101 last decade

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