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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi everyone, i'm new here and have just rediscovered homeopathy after a number of years. Can anyone tell me if if i'm right in thinking that euphrasia is a good remedy for realllyyyy bad stingy eyes? if so can anyone recommend an alcohol free one which is for my 12 year old son. Thanks in advance
  Theladygarden on 2013-07-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

You could pick from a couple remedies on this. I will give
some details.

However, allergies mean the immune system is out of
balance and if you go to a good homeopath in your area,
he can address the remedies needed to return your son's
system back to normal and he won't have allergies anymore.
The immune system is acting as if pollen is a threat and
is making the body overeact to it. I think this would best
be done at the end of summer when attacks are not so
severe- if not you could go now.

Euphrasia and Allium Cepa have significant eye symptoms
and they can be used for the specific issue but are not
going to probably be for his overall immune state remedy.

Allium Cepa,has the eyes and nose run like a faucet. red
burning watery eyes, with non irritating discharge.Worse
in a warm room, strong hunger and thirst, hates
cucumbers, likes onions. Irritating discharge from left nostril

Euphrasia- the hay fever centers on the eyes, and there is
a hot irritating discharge from the eyes-and a Non irritating
discharge from the nose-eyes are sensitive to light and water, frequent sneezing, frontal headaches. Worse in sunlight,
wind and warm room, better open air, blinking, wiping the eyes.

The instructions for dosing are 3 pellets of 30c every 4 hours
till you see improvement. After improvement give more doses
only when things start to return. If No improvement after 3 doses,
then try another medicine.

You can order these two in pellets 30c off of this site,
at top of forum- or if you are in usa I believe Whole foods
has both of these in 30c- 6c is ok or an x potency if they
have it- just give every 2 hours.
simone717 last decade
thank you very much, I think I will source a local homeopath and work at 'healing' the body. I hate to see my child suffer, he is taking 'luffa complex' right now.
Theladygarden last decade

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