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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr Kadwa Please advice on Hayfever

I am a 24 year old in UK and about to start work after completing university. I am suffering with severe hay fever from many years now. My symptoms are Itchy and burning sensation in eyes. Symptoms like flu. Runny nose, headache, body ache. Dry cough.
Another thing i have scaly dandruff and eczema on face/hairline.
For hayfever, i take Benadryl, acrivastine 8mg daily.
For Scalp dermatitis and dandruff, i use ketoconazole 2% shampoo.
For face eczema, when severe i use Eumovate cream (clobetasone butyrate 30g) and when not flare up i use Daktacort 2% ointment(miconazole nitrate and hydrocortisone).
Dermatits/Eczema flares up anywhere on face. mostly temple and beard shaving.
Please give me advice on medicines for all the three severe hayfever, scalp and face dermatitis.
My palms sweat a lot.
I would be grateful for your advice
Thank you
[Edited by pestan1 on 2017-06-15 05:57:26]
  pestan1 on 2017-06-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1 to day 3
Sulphur 30 twice a day

day 4 to day 10
Graphites 30 in evening.

One dose means 2 pills.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dr Kadwa i have finished the dose on 1st July. Today i have hay fever symptoms. Runny nose, drowsy red face and sneezing. I went to park to play football and cricket. My reactions get worst after playing in park/garden.

I had eczema flare up on face when i visited switzerland for 3 days in between treatment. I had to apply steroid cream.

My voice is very hoarse, and sounds like overused, as if talking with difficulty.

Waiting for your reply.
[Edited by pestan1 on 2017-07-04 03:34:28]
pestan1 7 years ago
day 1 to day 3
Phosphorus 30 twice a day

day 4 to day 10
Sulphur 30 in evening.

One dose means 2 pills.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dr Kadwa I have now finished the dose of phosphorus 30 and sulphur 30.

I have not taken benadryl for hayfever. Although i have not been to park. Hayfever symptoms are in control. There are some moments when runny nose, itchy eyes do happen.

Eczema on forehead temple looks dry flaked skin and it can be seen formed in mornings. Also some scars left on temple.Left hand side of the temple has rough skin.
Still some dry white flakes from scalp seen falling on shoulders.

I have enlarge pores on whole face including nose. the face skin looks aged. Some years back, i had black head problems. I have a wart type appearance below the eye. Also my ears gets blood red colour all of sudden. Which can be easily spotted on my fair skin.

Last year I had a "Infrapatella Fat Pad Impingement". I had to wear a leg brace on right leg for 30 days. Although i have gained flexible movement with the knee, but the pain comes when walking or playing. Long time i had a ankle problem, which was sorted out with physiotherapy.

As noted by my father, there is some improvement in hoarse voice and in overused tone.

Receding hairline on temple. Hairs turning grey. Scanty at some places.

Please advice and thank you.
[Edited by pestan1 on 2017-07-23 02:11:47]
pestan1 7 years ago
Hello Pestan1

When Kadwa comes back will continue with your case.

Just thought would give you a tip for hay fever. Since you have it for years and you develop it every year, you can note down the season or month when it's most likely to hit.

You can take a dose of Psorinum 200c one or two doses a week/fortnight before this period. And this will prevent the intensity of hay fever episodes and gradually over the years it can take away the vulnerability to this fever.
maheeru 7 years ago
Dear Maheeru,

Thank you for the tip, I will try to acquire the above medication from India and in the mean time await Dr Kadwa's advice.
pestan1 7 years ago
You may take Phosphorus 30, Sulphur 30 and Graphites 30 every month or so.

It is better to take one remedy at a time to know the response.

You should use Rhus Tox 30 twice a day for few days and see how that impacts your knee and leg.

Psorinum is a good suggestion by Maheeru.
kadwa 7 years ago

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