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New free simple way to stimulate immune system for any type of infection Page 3 of 6

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Yea, I think it would be best to avoid all radiation emitting products. A TV shouldn't be too bad if you sit far enough, but I am not up to speed on how far is "far enough".

Does anyone have any results to post?
plyfreak last decade
To NC Girl and Plyfre---NC maybe you are making cottoncpiece too big-it should simulate his fingertip when rolled up which means it should be a little bigger since its not as dense--if its still too much trouble keeping it in , just remember the method if he ever gets an infection or something you must treat any time in his life.

To Ply--Ten feet is definitely ok for any tv I have experienced and that includes all parts of your body, even your feet-but maybe they are making em even stronger these days, -if the cotton works youre far enough, --but like I said you wouild have to be in the next room for plasma-17 feet not even enough-big screen too---Steve
stevelord last decade
Thanks Steve. I will never forget the cotton. I will try again, although I thought I was making it small enough maybe I wasn't.
WNCGirl last decade
Also NC Girl,Re your husbaqnds allergies he is using cotton for-- Im trying to add em up... 6 people have tried the cotton for allergy, hay fever or allergic rhinitis and also one of them for allergy to a cleaning product--They all tell me the hay fever symptoms are 75% better in 15 minutes-thats all the experiment was for 4 of them- -they always use that figure-one uses the cotton all the time and said it totally eliminated his multi year problem his hay fever --I may have posted his email to me on this website somewhere-he is the one using the cotton for his autoimmune diseas, Ulcerative Colitis which put his 20 year UC in total remission-note he wasnt taking immunosuppressive drugs because they didnt work for him. The cleaning product person said her allergy never appeared during her 4 hour shift the time she tried cotton -for the first time ever she said--Steve
stevelord last decade
I read about the ulcerative colitis... eczema is being investigated as an autoimmune disorder (as well as mulltiple sclerosis and insulin dependent diabetes.

I would like to see some research on how many people have autoimmune diseases that are not vaccinated.

My uneducated guess is not many if any.

Okay, I started back on the cotton this time, a smaller piece. It still comes out, but if it gives him relief, it gives me relief.

My husband has always suffered from seasonal allergies, he says it gives him relief also.

Whatever the reason, IT WORKS, and won't cause INSANE side effects.
Thanks again.
WNCGirl last decade
Hi Steve,
You have said "The radiation from most computer monitors will totally abolish the effect".
I have to use computer most of the time in a day, but will it have bad effect if I do it while using computer? I want to do it just hoping there might be some little effect. I have LCD monitor.
Can this be done everyday? Or is it only when you have some problem? Does it just cure or boost your immunity so next time you are not so much prone to get illness?
Is it ok to leave it on while drinking, eating?
I want to cure cold cough.
Thanks Kumghi
kumghi last decade
To NC Girl and Kumahi

ToNC Girl--If eczema is an autoimune disease then ideally it should be treated 24 hours a day every day as I do for my autoimmune disease because with that type of chronic disease unfortunately when the immune system is not being stimulated into a more tolerant state by the cotton it will start attacking again after the cotton is removed. Although maybe part of te day treatment can get the eczema down to a tolerable level.

To Kumahi--Take the cotton out during computer--it wont help and will make the immune suppression you get from the computer slightly worse. Also the stimulation only occurs when wearing it so youwould be just as prone to get a cold or whatever after you remove it (oh maybe there is a slight benefit afterward
but it must be so slight I cant even notice it.--

But of course the good it did while in will still be there , like if you partially healed some injury or something, although a virus could theorhetically regrow onvce you take the cotton out , but I have found that if you can dampen it low enough your unstimulated immune system can prevent relapse even with the cotton out because a number of those 11 people who used it for colds told me it didnt come back after they quashed the symptoms in a few hours and took the cotton out.

stevelord last decade
Hi! Steve

Something very strange happen the first day i use the cotton.I put it in my left ear.My Inguinal hernia go back so i did not have any problems at all.

Also I feelt more energy, even if I only sleep 2-4hours at night, I was not tired when I woke up.

I was feeling just GREAT.

But then suddenly the day after my Inguinal hernia was worser again,i try another cotton in my right ear this time, but I still got the problem for the whole day.

Then I put it back in my left ear the other day at evening,then I feel suddenly my Inguinal hernia go back and healed again.

Maybe its better for me to have it my left ear ONLY.

What do you think?

Sometimes maybe i did not get the cotton on the right place into my ear,or maybe it was to small.

What do you think?

One evening I felt headache when using the cotton, but positive side was that my
Inguinal hernia was ok again.

Wonder if cotton can couse headache when its healing?

Strange also that I feel great and Inguinal hernia problems is gone also, when I use my computer.

Why did it not be negative effect on the healing?

Sorry for many question but I am very Satisfied,and hoping that my Inguinal hernia will be cure , even if it takes a VERY long time to heal it.

Have great day.

peter300 last decade
Hi Peter--Im surprised that the cotton worked at all on your hernia because I dont understand how ones accellerated healing systems can cause the retraction of such a structural problem that it is thought could only be healed by surgery, so we'll just have to wait and see from your continued experience.

It is always possible that the cotton could sometimes be not be in far enough to be touching the innermost wall where your tingertip would touch when inserted all the way in the ear-you have to keep checking for that and it is possible to make it so small it isnt substantial enough to resemble the forefinger-and a pea size is too small-how big do you make it-

As for the headache if you were not making some error then I am at a loss to explain it because the record of the cotton in curing and preventing both regular headache and migraine is so good that I was beginning that a headache could not exist with the cotton-

Some older computers like the one I am using now do not interfere with immune stimulation and chi effects of aalternative medicine like the cotton effect provides and to tell, you just have to test it enough with a few problems to see if your results using the computer match your results when not using it.

As for the euphoria you felt the first day that is from the added dopamine (feel good neurotransmitter) that is enormous the first day but it moderates thereafter and just produces a little more thereafter (but noticeable and it helps a bit my dopamine deficienicy disease,restless leg syndrome)but its healing effects remain enormous forever-never stopping which differentiates it (in my experience) from almost all other alternative medicine methods which do seem tostopworking after a bit of use-again in my experience.

Also know that if the cotton is being effective for one thing then it is at that time working for all things, because its effectiveness greatly accellerates ALL healing systems of the body.

By the way, it is the almost universal report to me that it aids in sleep- quicker, deeper longer more refreshed, with more dreaming. Do you find that to be true?

Thanks Steve
stevelord last decade
Hi! Steve

Maybe I did something wrong to get headace.At my work we have a new computer, maybe that was the reson.

At my home i have an old computer, never notice any headache at home.Only nice feeling.

When i only sleep a couple of hours, I still feel fine and not so tired when i wake up.

About dreams I dont remeber if I dream more then i did before.

Normally its easier and faster to sleep.

Are you using the cotton everyday(24hour)?

Have nice and happy day.

peter300 last decade
To Nc GIrl--

Here is an excerpt from an email to me today--

well that eccema guy has not had a flareup since starting cotton therapy....his hair dye is also not gib=ving him any probs.......good news........well did i tell u about my wife's prob ?i dont remeber...u see i talk about cotton to a lot of folks daily...so i am confused whether i talked to u about this...she had some swelling on her left thigh....with some visible veins( purple in color).Not varicose...now .....cotton has cured it alll..............they just DISAPPEARED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wow,,,,,,,

stevelord last decade
Hi Steve,

Can cotton works for Lazy Eye (Amblyopia), Strabismus and for poor vision (all in left eye). My daughter 6 y/old is having that problem. Any suggestion?
pritpal last decade
Hey Steve,
I have been keeping the cotton in his ear, but it wasn't making a big difference in his flare-ups, and it actually was oozing with it. I don't think he really has eczema, I think it's toxins from his vaccinations. Neither side has any history of eczema, and it started showing right after shots. I have been talking to Nesha-India about his problem and have been following her suggestions also. I think why his wouldn't clear with the cotton is because his body his trying to dispel toxins, regardless. May be the cotton was helping his immune system by pushing the toxins out at a faster rate. It helps, but I am ceasing at the moment because it is clearing on it's own and I want him to be comfortable while this happens. It makes sense to me that the cotton would enhance your immune system (whoever said because your body thinks you have an infection). That makes sense. My husband uses it when he is having some allergies.

WNCGirl last decade
It is interesting,nonviolent way of treating oneself. I came across EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy) - emofree dot com recently. It worked very well when I was having acute hernia pains.

Now, I have come across this cotton plug therapy and it has relevance now since avian flu is taking round the world.

Thank You Stevelord for sharing this info.
asknikhil last decade
Hi Pritpal and Askiikhil,

As for your dauthters eye problems a quick trip to the net gives a variety of reasons and as no one has never tried it for this I cant say for sure but by way of reminder this works by stimulating seemingly all functions of the body benefically, immune , healing, and just normal functions.

Just for example of what I have observed for stimulation of normal functions beneficially, it has been reported to me that when a friend works out with weights he is able to lift more weight (or the same weight more easily) during the reps he is wearing the cotton compared to those reps that he isnt and there are numerous examples of how the cotton can improve various normal functions and I cant seem to find any it doesnt improve. Just today my Indian friend reported is sons sleep is being improved by the cotton and that finding has been relayed to me countless times and I can also attest to it.

So the bottom line is even if her lazy eye etc is not technically a disease , it may be able to be improved to some noticeable degree by the cotton. The only thing I should tell you though is that I have observed over the years that these things (there are others I used before cotton) that stimulate all our functions benefically also will accellerate the growth rate of children if done all the time.

Now, I did an experiment with mice with one of these methods and they did in fact grow faster than their genetically identical relatives who were not being so treated but at the end of the growth period they ended up the same size which told me that perhaps the growth accelleration would not cause the height of a human to be beyond his genetically predetermined height because he would stop growing when that heght was reached, at least if accerated by one of these "chi" stimulators, not excess growth hormone problems.

But who knows, maybe it would and maybe you would not want her to be say, several inches taller than otherwise she would be.

FOr both of you posters remember it is essential that the cotton not be genetically modified (GMO) and the only way to be sure is to buy organic cotton balls (check your business phone book under health food stores which should carry them), the package must say its organic, since Cina is planting GMO now and maybe INdia etc. SO it may be all over the globe now and it simply will not work for this as the body balks.--

All you need to know about using the cotton is in my various posts on this thread. And again I am not a Doctor so you should check with your Doctor about this.


stevelord last decade
To NC girl and any others who may have bought organic essentials brand cotton balls-they have started using a new package with a softer variety of cotton and it gives only a fraction of the stimululation as the one I have been using and that I sent to Peter and deranges the immune system so as to cause me autoimmune symptoms in me within 10 seconds--the new one has two purple stripes on the front and says luxuriouslyi soft-which one did you buy?--thanks
stevelord last decade
Oh no, Steve. I think mine are the new ones - 2 vertical medium-purple stripes on the sides and it says "luxuriously soft" near the top. Both my old bag and the new bag are the "soft" kind.

On ingredients, it just says organic cotton bleached with hydrogen peroxide.

I went to their website to see if I could find out what they might be doing differently, but part of the site is under contruction, and I could not access info on the cotton balls at all.

Steve, are there any other brands that you use?

Truthfinder last decade
Sorry for the late visit to this post. I will try this method. A good news anyway.
kuldeep last decade
I bought the organic essentials brand cotton with the sunflower and purple background behind the flower. Doesn't sound like I have the new one.

Okay, I am trying to get something straight in my head, if you have an "autoimmune" disease, your system is hyperactive and is basically attacking itself. So is the cotton helping or exacerbating the situation for these type problems? Since this is not an infection or a virus, bacteria, etc., but an attack on your own self should we be stimulating the immune system in this case?

I am reading that it is helping others, but am curious to how it effects this "autoimmune" thing specifically.

Although, on another note, I've been reading Hulda Clarks books and maybe these autoimmune disease are just "parasites" that need some zapping afterall.

Are we really sure that "autoimmunity" is even a real thing? What does that mean? How can you be allergic to yourself? (I'm obviously being rhetorical) I think the (bad)external environment found it's way inside and it living there. I am liking what I have read from Hulda Clark's books so far. And we are all trying to find ways to get rid of "it". Whatever works, as long as it's safe, I'll try it.

Just a thought or two.

WNCGirl last decade
NC, I have become convinced that autoimmune diseases are, in fact, often triggered by a microbe of some sort. In many ways, Hulda Clark is ahead of her time.

In the case of bacteria, most of them have surface proteins that the bacteria can “change”, depending on the environment. Surface proteins are the way our immune system identifies the organism. Every cell in our bodies also has a surface protein for identification. When and if the surface protein of invading bacteria too closely resembles a “host cell”, then the body cannot tell the difference and will attack both.

This is particularly true of the bacteria responsible for Lyme Disease, because these bacteria have about a 10-fold increased ability to vary their surface proteins compared to other bacteria. It is no surprise, then, that late-stage Lyme Disease often results in diseases like Lupus, MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, Scleroderma, etc.

I tried to post a link to a short article that explains this pretty well, but the abchomeopathy forum won’t let me post the URL in here.

I’ll let Steve answer the cotton/autoimmune question.

Truthfinder last decade
Hi Tracy,
Yes, I am convinced of this also. I have also read about Lyme Disease changing surface proteins and eventually causing other diseases etc... but thank you for the attempted url posting anyway.

My son's eczema I think is directly related to his vaccinations and the bacteria are feeding off the toxins in his system.

Nesha-India explained to me that if it were vaccine induced it would clear around 20-40 days. It seems to be in the final stages of clearing, although it is taking longer than 40.

(I am NOT doing vaccines any more, I don't know what I was thinking in the first place) and it doesn't flare up, or ooze anymore. I just started using colloidal silver ointment while waiting for it to clear on rash areas and it is marvelous.

I have a "zapper" and am waiting to use it (because they have only used it on 8 months or older and mine is 6 months old, although he sure is f a t.)

WNCGirl last decade
NC, I have read/heard such awful things about vaccines. Is it the mercury in them that is the problem? I had it in my head that the drug companies stopped using mercury after about 1999, but not sure about that.

I have read a little about using homeopathic nosodes instead of vaccines. There are quite a few homeopathic vets that do this with animals, but not sure about the human aspect. Do you know anything about that?

Glad the colloidal silver is working. Amazing stuff. Caution necessary when using internally, though. I’ve been using it lately myself.

Oh, you have a “zapper”! Are you using it on yourself? I was tempted to buy or make one years ago. Now I’m looking at Rife and other micro-current devices for killing Lyme and other bugs. Very expensive, however.

Steve, didn’t mean to hijack your thread - sorry. I hope you are out there finding us an “organic cotton replacement product”.

Truthfinder last decade


It is not only the mercury, but the tons of antibiotics, bacteria, aluminum, formaldehyde, hodrochloric acid, and animal serum and protein, chick embyro, fetal cells, latex and who knows what else. TOXIC POISON TOXIC POISON CRAP that they necessarily???? put in to preserve???? the virus/bacteria?? There are great articles/explanations on a site called educate-yourself(dot)org if you are interested. The CDC (Center for Disease Control -US) website also actually lists all of these things if you know where to look.
The insanity is killing us and people don't know why. All these crazy chronic and acute illness that have crept up over the years when we are giving our children around 22 doses of crap before they turn a year old. Well, this is why - 99.99% why. Okay, I tend to get worked up about this. I will stop now. I find peace in knowing I am saving my children by stopping the insanity from here forward.

I am making the silver myself, not with salt, and using distilled water. Bought the generator from a company that knows what they are talking about.

We are/will only use it internally when around sick people, or my husband brings home bugs from work. I ordered the ointment-maker to make it using my own colloidal silver.

The zapper is built in to the generator. I haven't used this yet. I don't have anything wrong with me, that I know of, except tendonitis in the ball of my left foot. I am planning on using it to see if it clears that up, mmmh? I will let you know.

According to Clark, you can kill ALL BAD BUGS, ETC. with a zapper (home-made if you know how) she gives instructions in her book, very inexpensive.

She says any positively offset frequency kills all bacteria, viruses and parasites simultaneously at only 5-10 volts. She has a website also.

She was using Rife's ideas until she accidently discovered that this range killed all the "bugs" when she was only targeting one at a specific range.

WNCGirl last decade
Hi Gang,

Ok this is lucky for us. Organic Essentials (farmer I contacted)says the softer balls probably have new variety of cotton and more testing by me has found a variation in the degree of stimuation from each ball even in the same package and extremely poor result was just from one ball so far and other balls in the same package are better but it is all irrelevant because I have always known toilet paper worked (it is cellulose from trees) the same chemical formula as cellulose that is cotton and both are just glucose stands strung together-glucose also being ubiquitously found in the human body so we are familiar with that molecule--But the brand I tested several years was this nasty institutional brand and cotton gave a mildly beter result so I went with cotton.

So I tried Charmin White toilet paper today and it is better than practically every ball in 3 different bags I have of ORG. ESS cotton. WHich is great because you can get it cheap in any market in US and England and it is also sold in Sweden Peter and many other countries-I used white-no dyes and there are 6 types of Charmin sold and mine was just called Charmin, not Charmin with aloe or Charmin Basic or scented or lotion etc.

Ill try Scott brand tonite to see if is as good and it is found everywhere even INdia and even a few countries that CHarmin is not so Ill let you know.

I got another very timely sore throat virus tonite (which I get in assembly line fashion due to genetically poor immunitiy in my throat) and used the Charmin in my ear for it and it blew it away while I was sitting in my car and during the test I alternated a ball from 2 different bags of cotton and the CHarmin was clearly better than both. So that is the ticket.

stevelord last decade
Well good, because organic cotton is expensive. One advantage about the Org. Cotton though is the hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent. I wonder how the TP is bleached. With chlorine? I know we're wiping with it anyway, but it's just a thought.

WNCGirl last decade
NC, thanks for the great info. I'm going to take another look at the "zapper"....

Glad to know there are a couple of alternatives out there, Steve. Keep up the good work, and thanks...

Truthfinder last decade

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