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New free simple way to stimulate immune system for any type of infection Page 5 of 6

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Hello Steve

I placed my order with Organic Essentials today at the phone number you provided earlier.

Are you saying that Organic cotton from different sources may give different results?

Do you know where Organic Essentials gets their cotton from?
Pat2006 last decade
Hey Truthfinder,

I am only relating information and do not intend to persuade your beliefs or anything.

From my understanding Rife's technology was based on the idea that all one-celled organisms (bacteria, fungus, etc) have their own resonant frequencies (as does EVERYTHING else in the universe) and by applying those same frequencies you could "deactivate" the enzyme around bacteria (and other). (It vibrates until it destroys itself - imagine a wine glass and an opera singer). His microscope had over 2000 pieces, he developed one that could see one-celled organisms alive using ultraviolet light with a 60,000x magnification. (This degree of mag. is unheard of even today). Our modern day electron microcscopes can only view them dead. Through it, he identified the cancer cell alive. He also began listing the frequencies of disease organisms.

Clark has a PhD in physiology (studied biophysics and cell physiology), was doing government funded research, started private consulting, and later got an ND. She discovered an electronic technique for scanning human body.

Clark agreed that everything oscillates at it's own energy level (calls it bioradiation). Maybe its "Chi" energy. She then "accidentally" found that any positively offset frequency kills all bacteria, viruses, and parasites simultaneously given sufficient voltage (between 5-10 volts frequency), duration (seven minutes), and frequency (anything from 10 Hz to 500,000 Hz). Not just their same frequency applied back at them, this is what differs from Rife. Rife was only killing the specific thing with the specific frequency. What if you have more than one "thing" keeping you from being well?

She says it takes 3 "zapping" treatments to kill, but then sometimes new and different ones occur immediately (possibly from infecting the parasites you have just killed, then they are released). Anyway, by the third zapping, they have all been killed each time. (7 minutes is long enough/ with 20 minutes breaks). Also, energy travels on the exterior of things, so the body of the "parasite" shields interior. (As well as the interior of some parts of us - like our bowels - hence the cleanses below).

Parasites defined as anything living off of you.

She believes that the reasons for many diseases is because these parasites don't follow their normal route through the body and don't get flushed out properly (example- a liver fluke not living in the liver). Also that we pick up some animal parasites, and that some parasites are going through their "outside" life stages inside of us.

She says the problem is that these things have found solvents/metals/toxins etc. (from many places) that we ingest that allows them to survive. The only way to solve, is to "clean" up our immediate environment internally and externally.

In her books, she gives short case histories of people she has helped and/or cured. She basically offers the same advice to all with small modifications to fit individuals. 1. Do a dental cleanup (get rid of your amalgam fillings if any and replace them with non-metal compound.) 2. Clean up your internal environment (zapping, bowel,liver,kidney cleanses 3. Clean up external environment (stay away from those "solvents" etc.)

From one of her books: Lyme disease virus is Borellia and it's frequency is Low-378.95 and High-382.0 KHz. She "zaps" them at 380 KHz. Now 5-10 volts is sufficient and kills all.

I don't claim to know any more than any one else about all of this, just what her books say. Anyway, you should research more about it.

Other people using electricity for health:
Drs.William Lyman and Steven Kaali, working at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City made an important discovery (in 1990). They found that they could inactivate the HIV virus by applying a low voltage direct current electrical potential with an extremely small current flow to AIDS infected blood in a test tube. Initially, they discovered this in the lab by inserting two platinum electrodes into a glass tube filled with HIV-1 (type 1) infected blood. They applied a direct current to the electrodes and found that a current flow in the range of 50-100 microamperes (uA) produced the most effective results. Practically all of the HIV viral particles were adversely affected while normal blood cells remained unharmed. The viral particles were not directly destroyed by the electric current, but rather the outer protein coating of the virus was affected in such a way as to prevent the virus from producing reverse transcriptase, a necessary enzyme needed by the virus to invade human cells.

Alternative medicine explores the stressors (environmental, biological, chemical, psychological, and emotional) in a patient's life that cause a weakening of a particular energy field; which in turn allows the manifestation of a disease condition in a weakened area. In order to maintain a state of health, all energy systems within the body need to exist in a state of balance or equilibrium. Imbalance leads to conditions of discomfort (dis-ease) which eventually spirals into ill health if not corrected. The Chinese and Indians (Ayurvedic medicine) had worked all of this out thousands of years ago.

Anyway, a great place to read about all this stuff is educateyourself(dot)org, if you're interested.

WNCGirl last decade
NC, thanks so much for taking the time to explain all of this to me – much I knew, much I did not.

A couple of things, though…….

I thought there was a list of frequencies to use with the Clark zapper for killing specific organisms, just like the Rife machines. Is that something that has changed? Your post sounded like there was some universal pulse to kill off all pobbible bugs in the body with a zapper.

For obvious reasons, most experiments with microbes and blood has to be done in test tubes (“in vitro” studies) or smears. I have read about many amazing “in vitro” studies where all kinds of things can be killed in a test tube or in a blood smear. But it doesn’t work the same way once inside a living, human body.

Take the blood of the Western Fence Lizard, for example. In a test tube or on a smear, this lizard blood will kill Lyme bacteria in human blood. (Crocodile blood has similar properties.) If a Lyme-infested tick bites this lizard, it “cures” the tick of carrying Lyme. But if humans take the blood orally or by injection, it doesn’t work. Something in the living human body binds the peptides or whatever it is that made the lizard blood work on human blood in the test tube.

If you talk to anyone knowledgeable about electronics and wave theory and all of that, they say a Rife machine can’t possibly work because the wave lengths are too long (or too short – now I forget) and probably won’t even penetrate the skin, let alone into the blood, tissues, or organs.

So, I just don’t know what to think.

Frankly, I would like to see some before and after samples taken of human blood (after zapping) to show dead bugs. And how do we know they are dead, and not just “dazed and confused”? And, of course, that only tells us what is going on in the blood, not the tissues. How many are there that “got away” and maybe burrowed deeper into tissues to evade the pulsing?

And I know that just killing bugs won’t do the trick either without paying attention to some of the other health aspects you (Clark) mentioned.

I guess my stance at this point is that if even one person is helped by any treatment or modality, then it is a valid therapy. It just may not be an answer for everyone, and probably not THE answer without doing other things as well.

You are right – more research needed *sigh*. I’m approaching burnout.

Thanks –

Truthfinder last decade
Hi Sorry to be ziggagng back and forth re orgainc cotton and Charmin toilet paper in the ear for this healing, due to the fact that almost all previous observations by all of us were with the pre gmo conventional cotton and so with unforetunately that being now not available (maybe in INdia?) Im trying to find the best substitute.

The English (Tansanian) version and Australian version of organic cotton I referred to are not acceptable and the US version called Organic Essentials although possibly giving the same smooth result of the old conventional cotton on the brain, is not as stimulative of the immune system
stevelord last decade
To continue my last post above which was sent by malfunction before I finished it...

"is not as stimulative of the immune system as the old non gentetically modified cotton" but the Charmin is close enough to the old cotton in stimulative effect that that is our ticket. Again, CHarmin white toilet paper, not Charmin Basic, or Charmin with Aloe or with lotion etc--just Charmin available in England and Sweden USA and many more countries but not India and India should first try cotton balls grown in India which maasy not be genetically modified yet and if that fails find your most expensive toilet paper to try. A friend in India will send me some of your locally grown brand to test.

Thats about it.

stevelord last decade
By the way the reason organic cotton doesnt give the same stimulative effect as the non gmo conventional cotton of old is probably due to the process of bleaching, the old cotton using chlorine bleach which to some degree breaks down the fibers and perhaps renders them less cotton like than the hydrogen peroxide bleach of the organic version. I used to bleach bluejeans until I could tear them like tissue paper.

Why this may be helpful for this use of it is that it may render the cotton less cotton like and more neutral and thus more likely to fool the body into thinking it is the human finger touching the ear which is whthe cotton and toilet paper work and other things do not, they are mostly glucose molecules strung together.


stevelord last decade
I know the *sigh* and the burnout all too well.

I enjoy talking alternative.

Apparently those people cured got a valid therapy from her.

She does list frequencies (I think used now to diagnose, zap, then check if frequency is still there). But yes, she says they all die with 5-10 volts, correct duration, frequency (3 times), etc.

She does copyright her material but grants permission right below to use any part of her materials for non-commercial use only to provide the copyright page.

She gives specific instructions on how to build your own zapper from parts at Radio shack.

What I do know is the zapper I have that is built in to my silver generator has electrodes that hooks up to your wrist one on an artery and one on a vein are visible. (Mine is actually Beck's protocol).

I can definitely feel the pulsing.

More blood electrification history--- it's technical, but worth knowing.

A brief announcement of this discovery appeared in The Houston Post (Mar 20, 1991), then in Science News (Mar. 30, 1991 pg. 207) and later in Longevitymagazine: (Dec.1992 pg. 14). Following their work in the Fall of 1990, Kaali and Lyman presented their findings at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapies (an AIDS conference) in Washington DC on March 14th, 1991. Kaali outlined two methods for treating an AIDS patient with this new therapy: One method involved removing a small amount of blood, electrifying it and then returning it to the patient's body. The second method involved sewing a miniature electrifying power supply along with two tiny electrodes directly into the lumen of an artery. For long term treatment, the mini electrifying unit needed to be removed and relocated to a new artery site after 30-45 days since scar tissue and calcification forming around the implant unit would lead to artery blockage. Kaali (along with co-inventorPeter Schwolsky) filed for a patent on this implantable electrifying device on Nov 16, 1990 and nine months later was granted patent #5,139,684 on August 18, 1992.

It's interesting to note two things here:

1. In order to obtain a patent from the United States Patent Office, Kaali and Schwolsky had to prove that the device works as claimed. Lacking solid proof, US patents are simply not granted.

2. Very often it takes years to obtain a patent, yet this patent was granted in only nine months; a further indication to me of the strength of their demonstrated claims.

It's also interesting to note that other than the 3 publications mentioned above and the March '91 AIDS conference, nothing again appeared in print, radio, or TV about this important discovery as a potential treatment and cure for AIDS from Kaali and company. Most knowledgeable observers feel that Kaali and Lyman's discovery was intentionally suppressed following the March '91 AIDS conference presentation. If AIDS research was on the level and not the sham that it actually is, this should have made front page news around the world. (Around 1999, I was contacted by a woman with AIDS who had managed to reach Dr. William Lyman over the phone. She asked him about his experiments with Kaali regarding blood electrification and if she could obtain the treatment through them. Lyman denied any knowledge of any AIDS treatment or cure. He said he never heard of Dr. Kaali and he had no idea what she was talking about concerning blood electrification and then hung up on her. What does that tell about the power of the people behind the suppression of this discovery?)

A man named Walter Schnitder drew Dr Robert C. Beck's attention to the above-mentioned item in Science News. Beck looked up the patent and decided to try and duplicate the therapy, but he wanted to do it non-invasively; that is by applying the electric current from outside the body. Now if you apply a direct current (DC) potential to the skin, you're going to get an electrolysis effect and that can cause problems, so Beck designed a circuit that varied the voltage with an alternating current (AC) at a very low frequency and avoided the electrolysis problem. The waveform that Beck chose is not the typical sine wave seen in AC household outlets, but rather is a bi-phasic square wave, meaning that the waveform voltage has a positive half and a negative half, allowing the current to reverse direction each half cycle. Square waves generate a large number of harmonics. Harmonics are frequency multiples of the original frequency. Odd harmonics are mutibles of the original frequency multiplied by 3, 5, 7 etc. and even harmonics are multiples of 2. For example, the odd harmonics of a 4 Hertz (Hz) square wave would be 12 Hz , 20 Hz, 28 Hz, etc. right up into the radio frequency range. (This is why the pulser uses a 9 volt battery)

Georges Lakhovsky, Nikola Tesla and many other scientists had discovered that everything in Nature has its own resonant frequency including every bacteria, virus, parasite, and fungus on the planet. Dr. Royal Rife was able to cure terminal, end stage cancers in the 1930's by applying the specific resonant frequencies of certain unique bacteria that are always assocaited wtih all types of cancers. The steady application of the bacteria's resonant frequency by plasma wave radiation caused the bacteria to internally shatter and eviscerate, thus destroying it (and all the other bacteria within the body that possessed the same resonant frequency) .

While Kaali and Lyman used DC current to deactivate the AIDS virus, Beck found that he could get he same results using the 3.92HZ square wave. Kaali and Lyman found that the amount of the current applied was the critcal factor and if they kept the current within a range of 50-100 micro amperes- they were able to disable the HIV virus within a petri dish as mentioned above. Kaali then worked out a design of a small battery with two tiny electrodes that could be sewn directly into an artery in the arm or leg. By maintaining the current flow between the two electrodes within the 50-100 micro ampere range, the HIV particles were gradually disabled within the bloodstream and the AIDS victim would gradually recover his health. The procedure required surgery that costs about $5,000 (at that time). The implanted electrodes would cause scarring of the artery walls, so they had to be removed and implanted in a new section of an artery every month or so, costing another $5,000 each time the procedure was done. It took about 6 or 7 months to see a substantial improvement in the AIDS patient.

Beck studied Kaali's patent and tried applying the electrodes to the skin directly over those arteries that were close enough to the skin surface. The 50-100 micro ampere current could be created within the artery by electromagnetic induction allowing the entire therapy to be applied externally, without the need for implanting electrodes into the arteries. The device he put together to accomplish this is today called a blood electrifier.

Beck started by applying his blood electrifier to himself. He originally placed the electrodes over leg arteries near the ankles of either leg, then changed the location to two different spots on the arm, and finally found that it worked just as well if he placed the two electrodes near each other over the ulnar and radial arteries just behind the wrist. To find the correct location in order to center the electrodes exactly over the artieries, Bob recommends carefully feeling for the pulse of either artery and marking the path of the artery with a ball point pen. You can then memorize the correct location and align the electrodes over the artery path precisely and hold them in place with a stretchy wrist band that's held together with velcro.

I think research is being done and cures are being found, and it is just getting suppressed if "the man" can't make money from it. I believe Rife did have one for cancer.

WNCGirl last decade
Everyone, don’t forget to take off your watch when you use the cotton. This seems to be the hardest thing for me to remember. Putting my watch on is just one of those ingrained habits.

NC, by the way, how is your baby’s eczema doing?

When you post about the “educate-yourself.org” website, be sure to put that hyphen in there. If you Google “educateyourself.org”, you will be referred to the wrong site, and nobody will find anything of much use there.

You seem to have done your homework on the history of zapping. I got lost in the science behind swapping AC and DC frequencies, etc. but it is interesting to note that Kaali and Schwolsky received a patent for their device. Also, I’ve read that some of the early Rife technologies were patentable. But how far afield are the other machines out there? As an example, my alternative doc told me that she had a patient who spent $5,000 on 2 Rife machines to treat himself and his brother for prostate cancer. After 2 years of faithful use, there has been no change in the cancer for either man. No progression, but not a cure, either.

Sadly, many “conspiracy theories” really are true, and I agree that any alternative treatment that potentially diverts considerable dollars from the medical realm will be attacked in one form or another.

Well, NC, it is too bad you are not sick with anything so you could report on the efficacy of your zapper. (Just kidding of course about your being sick). But my policy at this point is to talk to REAL PEOPLE – in person or support forums online – who use various devices and methods to treat themselves to find out how well something may work for others. Posted testimonials on websites may not be representative of the product, so I don’t put much faith in those these days.

Thanks very much for your replies and the discussion. It all helps when trying to decide what to do in a particular situation.

Truthfinder last decade
Hi again Truthfinder,

I know all the language gets confusing. I think the main difference with what the first two were doing do with their patented and Beck's device is that Beck's isn't invasive. He found that the radial and ulnar arteries on the wrist was the best place to pulse because they are closest to the surface of the skin, as well as the best type current used. If the other two were seeing results in test tube, then also with the intravenous way, Beck only found the better less invasive approach. I know it us hard to judge whar is true.

Sorry about forgetting the hyphen in the educate site.

There is a zapping forum on curezone. You might be interesting to read vtoolsshadow posts about Lyme specifically. Just google zapper forums, it should be one of the first to appear.

Yeah, I'd like to zap myself and see an effect, not that I await sickness by any means.

A relative of mine with ovarian cysts and fibroids will be visiting soon though, and is already following Clark's other protocols, so we'll see what happens with that.

My son's "eczema" is 99.999% GONE. I am thrilled to say the least. I think the tiniest bit remaining is only because his habit of scratching isn't gone yet. He tends to go for that spot when he gets sleepy although visibly there isn't anything there. If I can distract him by putting something in his hand, (like a carrot), he forgets about it. I don't truly know the cause, if it is/was really eczema, or when it actually started. He also hasn't had and won't have anymore vaccinations. These are what I associated with the skin eruptions.

Hope you can find some answers to your troubles.

And I hope you are using the cotton!

WNCGirl last decade
Hi, Steve,

I've just discovered this interesting disussion and intrigued enough to see if it helps both myself and my husband's often restless sleep pattern. Also, my husband has allergies and snores and I read in an earlier post that the organic cotton balls "stopped" the snoring. That was enough to start searching for the stuff.

That said, it was like finding the Holy Grail. Yes, I finally found the Organic Essentials cotton balls but they were the "new" variety with the new packaging and "luxuriously soft" description across the top of the packaging. After going to five different stores, I realized that I wasn't going to turn up any of the older versions of Organic Essentials cotton balls. Thus, we both tried the Charmin toilet paper (plain, no scent, etc.) Didn't work one bit and we gave it 5 nights of trying.

So, today I'm in the city and run across Organica Essentials' "cotton rounds." These are cotton discs about the size of a cracker and are used to remove eye makeup. The packaing says: "Softest premium cotton" so, yes, it may be made from the same "luxurously soft" spin of the new version cotton balls. (I bought a tube of 100 as they were only $3.50).

The question is have you had any success with these cotton rounds? If so, how should one use them? Tear apart and insert in ear as described? Or...what?

Jane525 last decade
Thanks, NC. Curezone has a forum for about everything, so it would probably be a good place to start.

Glad to hear your baby is nearly 100% better.

Also, in one of my earlier posts, I asked you if you had considered using homeopathic nosodes instead of vaccines. It seems to me that this might be a way to give your child immunity without all the added garbage that vaccines have. Any comments?

Truthfinder last decade
Why don't parasites come out in bowl movements?

Why are there people who believe parasites are part of our natural digestive system?

If there is such a thing as natural parasites, what happens if they are zapped to death.

I have heard that things like pumpkin seeds kills parasites, but I also would suspect that they would eventually leave the body with whatever therapies used to get rid of them or do they stay in the body dead or alive?

Growing up, I had a little brother who would deficate worms. It was believed he got them from eating dirt. No one else in my family had this problem except him. When we moved to the USA, my mother got some prescription medicine and we never saw another one again. His hard, bloated face went back to normal as well.
Pat2006 last decade

I am definitely interested in nosodes. My two 1/2 year old won't be getting any more either, so I would like for them both to use the nosodes.

If you are healthy, and catch a virus, you have a much better chance of getting over without ill effects.

My main goal is to keep my children as healthy as possible, which includes but is not limited to the food they eat, not just type, but how it is grown, not processed, etc, exercise, sunshine, happiness, love, etc. Since homeopathy is very new to me (not the idea, or concept) just actually needing or using - where would I find them? The major small city I live close to is fairly holistic compared to most cities. (It's about an hour's drive) and I think stores there should carry plenty of options. The small town I live closest to only has limited homeopathic anything.

I would like it if you detailed anything you can about the nosodes.

To Pat2006:
Parasite do come out in bowel movements. You said your brother deficated worms - they are parasites. Some can be too small to notice or see, or are in eggs stages that you can't see.

The idea of parasites, when used by me, doesn't just mean parasites like worms. It means anything that lives off of your body, takes it's food from you (or rather the pollutants in your body -through the air you breath, the food and drink you intake, and the products we use on our bodies) - including bacteria, viruses, etc.

The natural parasites are the good bacteria, and yeast, that live in the intestines. You don't want to kill these, but zapping doesn't reach the intestines to kill them anyway, although it's always a better idea to help recolonize the good through probiotics.

Parasitic worms (flatworms = tapeworms, flukes; roundworms = threadworms, pinworms, hookworms)all go through different stages of development that look very different from the adult. Some roundworms are picked up from animals, usually by swallowing the eggs (from dirt). Black walnut hull tinctures also kill parasites.

Everyone gets parasites, and your body can flush them out without you even knowing it. The healthier you are, the better chances you have of not getting infected by anything.

When the parasites die, your body does flush them out - (this is why your brother's face stopped bloating).

WNCGirl last decade

It might also depend on why your husband snores. If he is snoring because of his allergies, I think it should help. But there could be physical reasons why also, that maybe cotton isn't helping.

Just a thought.

WNCGirl last decade

Did you make designs with your bleach on bluejeans like peace, love, and happiness?

WNCGirl last decade


After I posted earlier, I remembered a woman who had live ones in her brain that were affecting her ability to function. The medical doctors told her the risk of an operation to remove them. If they were alive and upon any attempts to remove them, they should spill they might kill her.

It was believed she got them from pork that was not well cooked.

She went to a very skilled healer who killed them first and then she had the surgeons remove the dead ones.

Roommate and I went to see her after her successful operation.

Maybe we should spend more time with energy (tai chi, meditation, Qigong, etc)healing.

Thanks for all the great insights into parasites. (I have been recovered from SEVERE Candida since 1989,which I cured on my own since I could not find a professional willing to help me.)
Pat2006 last decade

My husband snores primarily because of allergies (had them since he was a young boy) but also because he had a deviated septum. This was 90% cured by surgery, although I wasn't for the surgery and tried to do everything possible to avoid it. He had sleep apnea and the doc figured that the septum issue was responsible. The snoring was so bad 10 years ago (prior to the surgery) that you could literally hear my husband snoring when you were three rooms away!!

Okay, last night he tried the cotton rounds. There was a definite difference in his breathing. MUCH better and less aggravation. He was still quite restless though. But the cotton rounds are working better than Charmin ever did. I will try the cotton rounds myself tonight to see if they help my sleep pattern which is to wake at the slightest sound or movement. Obviously, with a snorer next to you, I wake a lot due to the SOUND.

Still would like to hear from Steve and get his take on the cotton rounds from Organic Essentials.

Jane525 last decade
I know how you feel Jane.

So, Steve what do you think?

Maybe Jane and I should be the ones wearing cotton in our ears...ha ha.
WNCGirl last decade
Hi Jane--My final opinion on Charmin vs Cotton after zigzagging back and forth during my learning experience above was that cotton organic only possibly had an advantage over charmin toilet paper in effects on the brain neurotransmitters and I guess that would include sleep and for anything else since Charmin has more of a stimulative power it would be superior, although organic essentials would have a definite beneficial effect on everything just not the top effect.

I am akeptical of cotton rounds because Im not sure they can be fashioned into a nice round continuous ball so as to be fooling the body into thinking it is a finger which is the whole purpose of these objects--Would rather you try the cotton balls orgaanic--(For anyone listening in ENgland your English version was not satisfactory-the one grown in Tanzania but Charnmin is available there as are Organic Essentials from US websites.

But what is it exactly that Charmin failed for because it should be more effective for allergies, if not for better sleep. If there is a faliure I am believing that there is more likely to be a source of radiation present in your room as the culprit--First tell me if your Charmin is white and it doesnt say Charmin Basic at the bottom or with lotion etc righrt-just a word Charmin printed in large red letters right and nothing qualifying it like the word basic below it etc. And youve got it the size of say an ordinary noise earplug put in the spot where those earplugs go-in as far as they can go until they hit the inner waqll wall next to the ear canal opening, and check in the mnorning to see if they have started to come out in which case they would be no longer effective starting whenever they started to come out and would need to be tapped in all the way again.

You dont live right next to a street power line or close to a giant transmission tower do you or have your mobile phone right next to bed or other possible source of constant radiation do you or (and I know this one is hard to believe) but do you wear a cross or other perpendicular lines or do you have a bigger cross in the room near you? And do you all take any drugs which may be immune suppressive. Do either of you smoke. Those are the main categories of interfering stuff, do any of those apply.

There is only one other person in 5 years that said it didnt help them sleep, (Truthfinder), and possibly in hard core insomnia too it may not blow that away but otherwise it is universlly told to me and to my Indian friend in India who has handed the organic essentials out to many people that it aids in all facets of sleep, and I agree for myself depth ease of going to sleep, staying asleep longer, dreaming mor vividly. I am anxious also to see if for someone who is benefitted by Org Ess for sleep to try the CHarmin for sleep and compare it and tell us if they can detect a difference. (by the way use one ear at a time , not both ears.)

Let me know any of the above if you will, Jane. THanks Steve.
stevelord last decade
Hi, Steve,

Well, as I have zero experience using the organic cotton balls, I don't know what's better. To answer your questions, I don't wear a cross, smoke or have any of the other problematic issuess you described. We live in a home that is situated far away from other homes. There are no power lines or transformers either (I know of this problem as I studied the effects of high power line transmission and its effect on the electromagnetic current of the body over 20 years ago.) The only issue may be a VERY small transmission broadcast point that emits millowatts of energy and is situated about 700 feet from our house. It is used for wireless internet. The only issue is that when my husband and I have gone away on vacation (even to remote areas with no electricity or running water), his sleep pattern is still restless. Believe me, I've considered this broadcast point many times in relation to health matters. My husband does smoke BUT he didn't smoke for several hours or more before going to bed and using the cotton.

Steve, is the NEWER version (the soft luxurious newer brand of Organic Essentials) simply not worth using or is it worth a shot? To track down any other type of organic cotton ball on the Internet without knowing in advance if it will work is too consuming for me. I really do want to give this a suitable try so if you think the newer, softer variety of Organic Essentials cotton balls are going to work, please let me know and I'll purchase them when I'm in the city next time.

Jane525 last decade
Hi Jane THanks a lot for that. Y say your husband smokes his last cigarette 2 hours before bed. I have refered throughout this thread to the fact that smoking reduces the effect drastically of this therapy.

How long after each cigarette? Well I smoked two very small puffs and measured the effect by the effect on me I described above of how I know how much my immune system is being stimulated. I could detect no stimulation whatsoever for 2 hours after smoking those 2 puffs after which it returned to normal. From talking to people who tried this that smoke the benefit is not zero but very limited.

Now how long would this greatly reduced effect last? Well if it is the nicotene that is doing the stunning then it would seem quite a long time as it would be reduced by half acccording to one google website in 2 hours (it depends on individual variability) and

a full cigarette would seem to be Ill guess up to 10 times what I smoked for the test. So if your husband is curious maybe dont smoke at all one day and then see what happens at night. Of course that is like asking him to cut off his hand for a day so...

I reneged on what I said about that new organic essentials versus the old organic essentials because that perception I had was due to the fact of my own variability not the cottons variability, due to a problem that has occurred now in my phyusiology that was not present in earlier times when almost all the testing of this method was done.

Thanks for answering.

stevelord last decade
Hi, Steve,

So, the newer variety of Organic Essentials cotton balls works just as well as the old variety?? If so, I'll pick up a bag when I go into the next this week.

Yes, telling my husband to not smoke for a day is not going to happen. He's been off and on the Nicorette chewing gum, but even that has nicotine in it. He's well aware of the immune-suppression of smoking and yet the addiction is very strong. They say it's easier to get off of heroin than nicotine. Don't know any heroin addicts but I sure know a lot of nicotine addicts and they are an addicted bunch. Will pass the info to my husband re: the smoking relationship to the cotton balls and the test you did. As I don't smoke, I will try the newer version of cotton balls from Organic Essentials (provided that is what you meant by you "reneging" and give it a go for myself.)

Thank you.

Jane525 last decade

I asked my health food store guy if he could order a Lyme nosode for me in a 1M potency. He could not. He said that only an ND or a Homeopathic doc could order it.

I have a suspicion that will be the case for any nosode of any potency, because I guess these is a slim chance it could contain live microbes.

I have some thoughts on this, but I don't want to clobber up Steve's cotton post any more than I already have, LOL.

I'm swamped right now or I would start a new thread here on the board about using nosodes as vaccines. Maybe it would draw some posts from people more familiar with this topic than you and I. I'm having a little trouble keeping up with all the things I am investigating on the Web right now.

Maybe YOU should start a new topic about this..... and I'll catch up to it when I can, LOL?

Truthfinder last decade
Yeah new organic essentials are same as old and what are you going to try it on , just sleep - so are you saying charmin toilet paper doesnt help your sleep in any way? Do you have difficulty with any aspect of sleep?

thanks Steve
stevelord last decade

I don't have a problem with sleep except that I'm very easily awakened by sound and movement in bed. My husband snores and can be restless at times and that can keep me awake. Thus, I figured if the cotton could help his allergies which are contributing to his snoring and if the cotton can help his immune system which may or may not be affecting his restless behavior (who knows?) AND if the cotton is just plain ol' good for inducing deeper sleep than I would try it to deepen my sleep and maybe not be so sensitive to his movement....well, then...we'd all be happy, wouldn't we?

Yes, I tried the Charmin and my husband did too. I'd say that it reduced his restlessness by about 10% and snoring by maybe the same. However, it just was not very comfortable to keep in the ear all night long. I concur with this. The cotton is so much more malleable. I will pick up a bag of organic cotton balls as I told you and start using them asap.

If you have any more information to share, I'd love to hear it.

Thank you.

Jane525 last decade
Thanks Jane, I sure wish one of you out there would try the charmin toilet paper taking into precaution all that I have recommended (including not smoking, ring and watch off no radiation etc, etc etc, for a cold so you would see what I am alleging , that it cures a cold that has set in in a few hohours and if gotten to immediately after the first symptom, then it cures it in minutes. The same for the flu.

Then you all would know that Im not just blowing smoke here
or exaggerating this dang thing.

stevelord last decade

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