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Enlarged Prostate



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Enlarged prostate8Enlarged Prostate2Dr Kadwa enlarged prostate3ENLARGED PROSTATE68Recommendation for enlarged prostate5how to diagnose BPH (Benign prostate Hyperplasia) or enlarged prostate4Bilateral Inguinal Hernia,Fatty liver,High BP,Hypothyroid,enlarged prostate11Enlarged prostate6Enlarged Prostate1Enlarged Prostate1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Enlarged Prostate and Urinary Retention

Hello all,
I am new here, 47 year old male. I was diagnosed with BPH in June and have taken Terazosin (max. dose = 20 mg/day) ever since. In early September I went for the first time to urolog for the symptoms wouldn't go away. He found urinary retention on the spot (1.2L) and applied catheter for 10 days first. After 10 days I failed the voiding test and was left on catheter for 2 more weeks. This time I passed the test and am off the catheter. However, I go to the bathroom every half an hour or so, and make just about 100 mL of urine each time and it's burning me. Also, during the night I find it very difficult to urinate. When I was on the catheter I used to collect more than 1L of urine each night. Now that I am off catheter I do less than 0.4L a night. I would appreciate any advice. Joe De Livera I look forward to your reply.
  alcatraz on 2005-10-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please read my posts on the treatment for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) where I have detailed the treatment that I recommend for this ailment.
You can do so by clicking on the search window on this page.

I would suggest that you too use this same remedy Arnica 30c that I have recommended which you can use in what is called the Wet Dose which is made up as follows:

Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml or about an inch of water to ensure some air space on top.
Put in 3 globules Arnica 30c or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottls of soda.
Sip a teaspoonful 3 times daily with the last dose taken just before sleep.

You will discover that you will sleep very deeply after the Arnica and that you will not have to void any urine if you refrain from drinking too much water after dinner.

You should notice an improvement in your urge to urinate in about 3 hours after the first dose and this improvement will continue as long as you use the Arnica therapy. Since you are in urine retention I would suggest that you take a teaspoonful of the potentized remedy 3 times daily and after your problem is stabilized you can reduce to twice daily.

Avoid coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats containing saltpeter which antidote the remedy. Acidic fruits and vitamins like C will also add to your discomfort.

You have not given any details of the estimated size of your Prostate which you will see on the Uro's report expressed in grams and also what your PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level is in your blood. It may be necessary to have biopsies done on your Prostate and your Uro can advise you on this matter.

You are also best advised to consult a second opinion to verify the first.
Joe De Livera last decade
For your combined symptoms i recommend you to use sabel ser tincture 10 drops thrice daily in alternation with solidago tincture 10 drops thrice daily in a little water.It will solve your combined problem.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thank you for your input on the treatment of BPH.

I have detailed my own experience with my Prostate and I did not mention in my post that I was first prescribed Hytrin by my Uro in 1996 to which I discovered I was allergic as my BP dropped down to dangerous levels. I then changed over to Homeopathic remedies and first started treatment with Conium M 30c and when it was not effective I graduated to Sabal Serrulata 30c, which I was using when I had a slight abrasion for which I used Arnica 30. I discovered that Arnica was by far more effective than the other 2 remedies and my immediate problems with my prostate seems to be stabilized as long as I used 2 doses daily which I did for 6 years when I went into urine retention caused by a long 22 hour flight when I finally decided to have surgery for my prostate.

I have no experience with the use of Tinctures and I presume that you have used them in your practice.
Joe De Livera last decade
Joe and Sajjad,
Thank you for your replies.
More data:
My PSA is 0.8
Size of prostate was defined as "not big" by both my uro and my family doctor, though I haven't read the report.
I am scheduled for a cystoscopy, what do you think?
Are "globules" of Arnica same thing as "pellets"?
Joe, please tell me how to find your older posts regarding BPH, what exactly should I search for, I found it very hard to find something here.
alcatraz last decade
Sabel serulata is only effective in tincture.You can use arnica montana also alonwith the medicines i prescribed for you,this is only to save you from surgery.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Sabel serulata is only effective in tincture.You can use arnica montana also along with the medicines i prescribed for you,this is only to save you from surgery.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Judging from your PSA and the size of your prostate, it is obvious that you do not have BPH. I note that you have been prescribed Terazosin which is the same Hytrin that I was prescribed in 1996 for my BHP which I referred to in my post above.

I must admit to some surprise that your Uro did not first check what the reason was for your incontinence which I believe is due to an infection in your bladder, Cystitis. You must do a culture of your urine and an ABS (antibiotic sensitivity) test to figure out what the organism is. This bacteria is usually sensitive to Amoxylline but you are advised to check with your doctor for the antibiotic and the dose.

As you have already noticed the Hytrin you are now using has not helped you as this is a Beta Blocker which works by lowering your Blood pressure and thereby helps with the bladder muscles to relax and thereby void the urine. It is no wonder that this drug has not helped as the cause of the infection has not been addressed by your Uro and an antibiotic prescribed.

There is also the remote possibility of your having an infection of your Prostate, Prostatitis but this can only be eliminated after a ABS of the Prostate fluid which is expelled by massaging the prostate through the anus and the fluid collected is cultured.

I would suggest that you do the urine culture immediately as you have suffered from this infection since June and the Antibiotic used under your doctors supervision. You are also advised to do the culture of the Prostate fluid to eliminate Prostatitis.

After you have eliminated the infection(s) we can deal with the Arnica 30.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you so much for your replies.
I have my own doubts about BPH, since both doctors told me it was not big, based on rectal exam. It also didn't respond to Terazosin.
However, could an infection block the urethra? My biggest problem now, after I got off catheter a few days ago is that I cannot urinate at nighttime, even though I have the urge. Last night I spent about an hour trying and trying.
BTW, I had some sort of urine analysis done in January when I first complaint to my doctor about slow flow of urine and nocturia. Unfortunately I don't have the paperwork now, but I remember all was OK. Then in June I had the first rectal exam and was prescribed Terazosin. Beginning of September I had my first visit to uro and he found urinary retention. He also did rectal exam and said prostate wasn't big.
It would be such a relief for me if this was just an infection, since somehow I think that is easier to treat than BPH.
Joe, please tell me if it is possible that I have just infection based on the data I provided now, especially the fact that it seems that the urinary tract is blocked.
I would also appreciate any help in navigating this site to find similar situations in archives.
alcatraz last decade
My advice to you is as follows:

Stop Terazosin

Take Ciprofloxacin 1 tablet twice daily for a week to rule out any bladder infection.

Drink a lot of water and watch how the flow improves after the Cipro.

Do a scan of the Bladder and Urinary tract to check for any abnormalities.

I suggested Cipro for a week as this will stop any infection in the Urinary tract including the Prostate, the Bladder and Urethra. I will be very surprised if you do not respond by being able to void urine easily on the second day after you start on Cipro.

You are positively not a BPH case and the Hytrin cannot help you.

I can well imagine the trauma that you have suffered so unnecessarily since January and cannot understand the attitude of your doctors, especially your Uros who have received specialized training in your problem.

Report response from time to time.

Where do you live ?
Joe De Livera last decade

I had cystoscopy done today and the dignostic is "neurological bladder" Anyhing related to prostate is ruled out, prostate is normal. I will have to use a small catheter probably for the rest of my life. Anyway homeopathy can help? I will probably post a new message with different title, please do reply to either one. Lots and lots of thanks for what you are doing.
alcatraz last decade
You have already used a catheter for some time and I cannot understand your resignation to using it for the rest of your life.

My advice to you is to use Cirprofloxine for a week dose 1 tablet twice daily and see if this brings you any relief. This is to rule out any infection in your urinary tract.

I find it difficult to accept your Uro's diagnosis of a Neurological bladder as this occurs in children as far as I am aware who are also suffering from Spina Bifida.

Arnica is the only Homeopathic remedy that I can think of for the moment and I would like others who see this post to please advise ASAP
Joe De Livera last decade

Thank you for your reply.
I forgot to mention yesterday that infection is ruled out since I've taken Cipro for the last few days (they gave me that when I went off the catheter last week).
The suggested treatment is CISC (clean intermittent self catheterization) 3 times daily. And the diagnostic is "neurogenic bladder" (am not sure if it's the same as "neurological bladder"). Please let me know what kind of Arnica you suggest and how to take it. I will order as soon as I get your reply. Catheter is awful, but unfortunately I don't see anything else now.
alcatraz last decade
Glad to note that your Uro seems to know his stuff. Keep on the Cipro for at least a week and if there is no improvement in your status, we can presume that you do have some problem which you now identify as Neurogenic Bladder. Shall check this up as I have not come across it before.

The Arnica 30c you need can be in globules or in liquid form. I am copying the instructions that I gave you in my post above:

I would suggest that you too use this same remedy Arnica 30c that I have recommended which you can use in what is called the Wet Dose which is made up as follows:

Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml or about an inch of water to ensure some air space on top.
Put in 3 globules Arnica 30c or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottle of soda.
Sip a teaspoonful 3 times daily with the last dose taken just before sleep.

You will discover that you will sleep very deeply after the Arnica and that you will not have to void any urine if you refrain from drinking too much water after dinner.

You should notice an improvement in your urge to urinate in about 3 hours after the first dose and this improvement will continue as long as you use the Arnica therapy. Since you are in urine retention I would suggest that you take a teaspoonful of the potentized remedy 3 times daily and after your problem is stabilized you can reduce to twice daily.

Avoid coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats containing saltpeter which antidote the remedy. Acidic fruits and vitamins like C will also add to your discomfort.
Joe De Livera last decade
I am copying an article on Neurogenic Bladder which you may like to read:

Neurogenic Bladder

What is a neurogenic bladder?
The muscles and nerves of the urinary system work together to hold urine in the bladder and then release it at the appropriate time. Nerves carry messages from the bladder to the brain and from the brain to the muscles of the bladder telling them either to tighten or release. In a neurogenic bladder, the nerves that are supposed to carry these messages do not work properly.

Problems often associated with a neurogenic bladder:

urine leakage - this often occurs when the muscles holding urine in do not get the right message.
urine retention - this often happens if the muscles holding urine in do not get the message that it is time to let go.
damage to the tiny blood vessels in the kidney - this often happens if the bladder becomes too full and urine backs up into the kidneys, causing extra pressure.
infection of the bladder or ureters - often resulting from urine that is held too long before being eliminated.
What may cause a neurogenic bladder to occur?

accidents that cause trauma to the brain or spinal cord
heavy metal poisoning
acute infections
genetic nerve problems
How is a neurogenic bladder often diagnosed?
When neurogenic bladder is suspected, both the nervous system (including the brain) and the bladder itself are tested. Tests may include x-rays of the skull and spine, or an electroencephalogram (EEG) to identify any brain dysfunction.

Nerves and muscles of the bladder may also be tested, including x-rays of the bladder and ureters. Tests often involve filling the bladder to see how much it can hold and checking to see if the bladder empties completely.

How is neurogenic bladder often treated?
Treatment for neurogenic bladder depends on the cause of the nerve damage, the type of voiding dysfunction that results, the patient's medical profile, severity of symptoms, and a physician's recommendation. Treatment options may include the following:

a catheter to empty the bladder at regular times
an artificial sphincter

I first used Arnica myself from 1996 to 2000 in place of Hytrin to which I was allergic and I discovered that it was very effective in relaxing the Prostate which was blocking the urine flow. I had surgery for it in 2002 and have used Arnica 30c daily since that time and discovered that it is a wonderful tonic which also keeps the Blood Pressure at normal levels and also helps me to sleep very deeply.

I have recommended it to many patients who are either pre or post BPH especially those who have had TURP (Trans Urethral Resection of the Prostate) surgery which in many cases renders the patient to be incontinent. It simply amazed me how this remedy can both ease the flow of urine and also help incontinence in the case of post TURP patients.

It is very likely that you too can be helped by Arnica in the manner that I have indicated above and I would like to know your response on the day after you first start on this remedy.

It is my hope that your urinary problem can be resolved by this remedy and that your self catheterization will not be necessary in a few days.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you. I will try Arnica and let you know the results.
alcatraz last decade
Hello Joe,

Ever since I can remember, my son had the habit of passing urine in trouser and according to him this is happening without his knowledge most of the time (at times he goes to the toilet and passes urine by himself). This happens mostly during day and only once in a blue-moon in night during sleep, when he is not well or so. Though we have been telling about this to his pediatricians, there advice was to wait and watch for sometime and to investigate further if not cured by itself later. Since he is now 8 years old and problem continues and as advised by our family physician, we had started consultations/investigations by way of sonography, x-ray, physical examinations etc.

The current diagnosis is NEUROGENIC BLADDER and have been advised to do “self Catheterization”. However on two previous occassions when Catheter was put for diagnostic purposes (Once for taking x-ray MICTURATING CYSTOURETHROGRAM & once for PVR, measuring capacity, blockages etc) he got severe UTI's- he did not had any UTIs before this for the last almost 8 years. As such this option looks to be very difficult and for the time being doctor has prescribed 'Urivoid 25 mg' tablets, which I have not found very useful.

Do you think Arnica therepy will be useful in this case ? If so I would like to know what is 'spring water' and where do you get from (i.e. medical shops etc) and if there is any alternative liquid i can use.

tvrwarrier last decade
Thanks indeed for your post, though I am a little surprised to see a post after about 4 long years (My original post was on 7th Sep, 2006).

I would like to try CRINUM LATIFOLIUM, which I will have to buy locally in India and I would like to have the following clarifications:

- What should be the POWER of the medicine I buy
- How to use it and in what Qty, how may times a day etc.
- Any further instructions on its usage


tvrwarrier last decade
Sir, I am an unfortunate father of my daughter. She is now seven years old. Since 21 days she cannot urinate like others. We follow the CIC method as per direction of doctor. She also takes two tablets at bed time, i)Tropan 2.5 and ii)Hytrin- half tablets we give her.

We take her Paed. Surgeon, Paed. Neurologist, Paed. Nephrologist, but no body cannot tell us the exact solution.

We are now getting frustrated. A lot of tensions we are facing.

Please sir/madam, give us a way out, how can we overcome this problem.

Awaiting for your valuable suggestions, guidelines and appropriate medicines.
pradipkar 9 years ago
hi i also have urine retention is this thread still active i want to find some advice for arnica 30c.
urineretention 7 years ago

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