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Hair loss from psychic issues
Hi there my name is Sean and im writing regarding my hair loss.I have noticed over the last 5 years or so that whenever im in a relationship with a woman my hair will start falling out. It feels like my energy is being drained, I have chest problems, fast heart palpitations and if not treated or if i stay in the relationship i notice i lose a lot of weight, like im losing my power and strength.
Ive ascertained that it cant be the women im getting involved with, as all my ex partners are all very different, some had issues, some didnt. The issue itself lies with my family.
I am very psychic and i always try and develop a strong aura as protection. I always find that i draw people to me who need energy and strength, or even inspiration. Through study with a shamanic healer i developed skills to detect people who are connected energetically, via muscle testing and through meditation. I used to be able to connect through to my higher self, find who was connected and then cut the cords to those people. Over time though my skills are not as strong and when i cut people they come straight back or they never disconnect.
My family has been either very codependent, esp my mother, on my energy because as a child i protected her but she dosnt want to let me go because she is so used to her energy supply, me. So she has been connected most of the year. So has my aunty, who is jealous of my hair as im the only male in the family with a full head of hair. My brothers and sister support my mothers codependency because they believe in sacrifice for the greater good of the family. Im a successful musician, had great health, good relationships with woman, good finances. These are things that my family are envious of, they havnt had as much success manifesting this and choose to cut me down. Tall poppy syndrome. So if someone like me speaks out and starts to see the big picture of all this energy vampirism and blame on me, confront the issues and the people involved...i find that the backlash against me on an energetic level is huge. I will have all sorts of bad luck, financial ruin, health issue, esp my hair.
When Samson lost his hair, he lost his strength. My family are jealous of my strength and they are intent on taking my power.
I have been in a relationship now for over three months and ive lost more hair than normal. I feel my aunty connected. Im losing hair every day, its like it is being ripped out from the roots, my scalp is itchy and im losing more hair on the left side. The feminine side, this represents matriarch energy as the women in my family have always held the power. If a man gets ahead it is frowned apon because the forefathers were abusive and violent and it seems the newer generation of men are suffering for their sins.
I have taken Phosphorus in the past to help deal with this issue, in most potencies. It helped greatly with diffuse aura issues, made me stronger. But that remedy dosnt work any more. Nat Mur didnt help much. Also taken Thuja in decending does from MM to 6c. Also Mancinella because i have felt very negative, evil enegies over the last several years in houses where i have lived.. I am very empthaic due to my psychic abilities so Causticum might be the one. Maybe im picking up on the families negative vibrations through my natural empathy.
Maybe i need China, ive had so many responsibilities in the past, with my mother and brothers and they are now obsolete patterns, i dont want or need them anymore.
As a keen student of ayurvedic astrology, the plants that are transient in my houses are Saturn conjuncting Rahu in the 8th house, and the aspect of that is Ketu in the 2nd house.
My birthday is 24/01/1978 and i was born at 11am.
I just wanted to get this of my chest, if someone could please read this and enlighten me to a remedy that could correlate to my symptoms. Am more than happy to provide more information regarding my case.
I do need help asap please as my health is deteriorating fast, i cant put weight on, its coming of me faster than i could imagine.
Warm regards, thankyou and Namaste.
[message edited by Ibanez777 on Mon, 23 Dec 2013 12:28:58 GMT]
[message edited by Ibanez777 on Mon, 23 Dec 2013 12:32:39 GMT]
Ibanez777 on 2013-12-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Rishimba, thanks for your reply.
I usually make love all the time when in a relationship as i am a passionate person but the worse my condition gets i find love making dosnt happen much at all.
Because im stressed, i feel distracted by my chest pain. Also bleeding gums.
Just received blood test on thyroid, my TSH levels are low, heading towards hyperthyroidism.
Thanks again
I usually make love all the time when in a relationship as i am a passionate person but the worse my condition gets i find love making dosnt happen much at all.
Because im stressed, i feel distracted by my chest pain. Also bleeding gums.
Just received blood test on thyroid, my TSH levels are low, heading towards hyperthyroidism.
Thanks again
Ibanez777 last decade
You can look at MM of Phosphoricum Acidum.
Essence of Phos Acid matches your overall disease picture. You can take it in 6C potency thrice a day for some days and see if you are getting your physical and mentals strengths back.
Essence of Phos Acid matches your overall disease picture. You can take it in 6C potency thrice a day for some days and see if you are getting your physical and mentals strengths back.
♡ rishimba last decade
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