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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema on hands (breastfeeding mom)

Hello. I started getting a patch of eczema under my wedding ring after I had my daughter in May 2013. I removed my ring but it proceeded it get really bad. By about October, it has spread to most of my fingers and it now is all over both hands. It looks like my hands are burnt. I'm in a very cold climate and am prone to dry hands in the winter but never like this. I still exclusively breastfeed my daughter. I just started graphite, Rhus Tox and Apis. No change yet. Please advise. Thanks!
  tatesmomma on 2014-02-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can you answer the following questions?

- Describe the color and texture of the affected part.

- What is the sensation like? Is it itching or burning on the affected part?

- What makes it worse and what makes it better?

- Is it dry or wet?

- What metal is your wedding ring of?

-Describe your general mental make-up, thermal preferences, likes and dislikes in food etc.

-Do you have any other suffering?

- On what basis have you taken these remedies...can you stop these remedies if we start a proper treatment?
rishimba last decade
Hi. Please see below for my answers...
- Describe the color and texture of the affected part.

The color is red, bright red after I wash my hands or apply lotion. They are extremely dry and rough with flaking skin. Sometimes cracked and weeping fluid.

- What is the sensation like? Is it itching or burning on the affected part?

They both burn and itch like crazy.

- What makes it worse and what makes it better?

Washing makes them worse, wearing gloves, night time,scratching, after I apply any lotion. They feel better if I apply witch hazel sometimes or a mayan balm I got from a health food store. They also are temporarily relieved when I run them under scalding hot water. It becomes so painful that it seems to numb the itching.

- Is it dry or wet?
It alternates between weeping fluid (after scratching) and being very dry.

- What metal is your wedding ring of?

My ring was made of white gold. Not entirely sure the mix of metals.

-Describe your general mental make-up, thermal preferences, likes and dislikes in food etc.

I'm easily angered, have little patience, I have a history of anxiety and don't handle stress well. I have many phobias. I prefer warm temps. I like sweet and salty foods. I like spicy food as well. I don't care much for herbs or foods with a lot of texture.

-Do you have any other suffering?
I suffer from insomnia as well but no other medical complaints.

- On what basis have you taken these remedies...can you stop these remedies if we start a proper treatment?

I just started homeopathic remedies on Monday so not even a week. I would be happy with any suggestions.
tatesmomma last decade
Please take SEPIA OFFICINALIS 30C one dose in the morning in empty stomach for some days till you see a change in the condition of your affected skin.

In case the change is not seen even after 8 to 10 days, please stop the remedy and watch for another week. Sepia is the only remedy that covers eczema in lactating mothers. Fortunately, its modalities also match yours...so it should work.

Don't take any food or water one hour before or after taking the doses. Abstain from coffee and mint.

In case you see a worsening of your condition after a couple of doses, you should not take the rest of the doses. You will see an improvement after the initial aggravation.
[message edited by rishimba on Sun, 16 Feb 2014 15:47:57 GMT]
rishimba last decade
Thank you so much!!! I will try that and let you know.
tatesmomma last decade
Just to clarify... I take one pellet in the morning? Thanks
tatesmomma last decade
Yes, one or two pellets to be placed under the tongue and let it dissolve by itself. Don't crush or swallow.

Better to go back to sleep for another hour so that you don't disturb its absorption.

Get the remedy of a reputed brand like Boiron, Reckeweg or Helios etc.
rishimba last decade
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
I've been taking the sepia for three days, there has been a significant improvement. However, while my hands are healing, they are incredibly itchy to the point where I can't help but scratch. The scratching has made it worse in the past. Any suggestions to help with the itching while it heals? Thanks!
tatesmomma last decade
It generally itches when eczema dries out... itching is a part of cure. You should stop taking SEPIA everyday now. Have it once in two days and see if the itching reduces. Gradually, you can have a dose of sepia once in 3 to 4 days.

If your body has been activated to cure itself, no need to take remedies.
rishimba last decade
The frustrating part is that my hands were almost healed but then the intense itching started. I've now scratched them until they're bleeding so I pretty much have to start all over again. It's a vicious cycle. Is there anything I can take in conjunction with the Sepia to address the itching while they heal so this doesn't happen again? You've been so incredibly helpful, thanks again.
tatesmomma last decade
Unfortunately we can't suggest two remedies at a time as its not known what would be the cumulative effect.

We can instead slow down the process of healing. Try one dose on a day and then skip one day before you take another dose. If it still heals, skip two days before you take the third dose.

I feel the itching also will be bearable during the healing period.
rishimba last decade
I just finished the initial 8 days of the Sepia. I am very happy to say that my hands have zero redness for the first time in 8 months! They are just incredibly dry with a few flaky patches but aside from that, they actually look normal. Thank you! Thank you! You initially said to watch for a week, is there anything I should be doing in the meantime? Thanks again! :)
tatesmomma last decade
Thank you for the update. If the symptoms don't relapse, you shouldn't do anything.

In case, any time in the future, during nursing, if you get these skin out-breaks again, you can follow the same dosage.
rishimba last decade
Thank you again. :)
tatesmomma last decade
Hello again. I made a mistake and ate peanut butter. I now have eczema on my hands again (it actually didn't totally clear up on my right middle finger). I took Sepia for 10 days however I consumed coffee for the first 7. My last day was yesterday. The eczema is still there. Should I wait a week and see if it clears up or did the coffee cancel out the remedy for the first week? Thank you.
tatesmomma last decade
What potency did you take?

It seems you have to go for a higher potency now.

Wait for some days and if you don't see any change, go for the next higher potency...just a couple of doses on a single day to see its reaction. If it creates a response, subsequent sustained dosage could be found out based on response.
rishimba last decade
I took two pellets of 30C daily for 10 days.
tatesmomma last decade
Did you feel any change after 10 days. I feel you took more doses than what was required to create a response. This could be the reason why you are not getting a response.

Now, you cannot go down with the potency. If you don't see any response in the next one week, try 200C potency, just two doses on a single day,each dose 6 hours apart. Wait and watch.
rishimba last decade
I just got some liquid 200C. Which is the best way to take it? Do I spray one spray in my mouth or in water? Thanks.
tatesmomma last decade
Put 3 drops of the remedy in about 10 ml of water and sip it in clean mouth and empty stomach. Don't take any food or water or even rinse the mouth for the next one hour.
rishimba last decade
Hello. I took the two doses yesterday as prescribed. I just woke up (it's 2am) and my hands are swollen with new pustules and incredibly itchy. Please advise.
tatesmomma last decade
This is an aggravation. If you can bare this for a day or two, there is a good chance you will get cured when the aggravation subsides.

Else, have some cups of black coffee if you want to reduce your over-reaction.
rishimba last decade
If it is working then I'll just wait it out. Thanks again. I'll let you know in a couple of days how it feels.
tatesmomma last decade
Hello. The eczema was getting better but it has gradually gotten worse over the past few days. Any suggestions? Thank you.
tatesmomma last decade
Before going for 200C potency ( as you had an aggravation with it) take a dose of SEPIA 30C one dose a day for some days. As soon as you see a change in your eczema, stop taking further doses.
rishimba last decade

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