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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema on hands (breastfeeding mom) Page 2 of 2

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Before going for 200C potency ( as you had an aggravation with it) take a dose of SEPIA 30C one dose a day for some days. As soon as you see a change in your eczema, stop taking further doses.
rishimba last decade
Hello. Is one dose the equivalent of one pellet? I've been taking one pellet once a day for 4 days and the eczema is still present. It doesn't seem any worse but not much better.
tatesmomma last decade
The number of pellets don't matter. Take one pellet each time, but take twice a day for some days and see the result.

30C potency doesn't have any material of the remedy in the physical form. So, one or two pellets would not matter.

If you feel taking twice a day brings about a response, then continue for some days till you are about 80% cured. Then stop.

Else, go for 1 dose of 200C.
rishimba last decade
I'll try that. Thank you so much.
tatesmomma last decade
Hello. The eczema is back on my left hand however it's now on my palm this time. Can you please recommend a course of action? The skin is very thin and peeling. It's also cracked and bleeding. I'm still breastfeeding my daughter however I did start menstruating again a couple of weeks ago. Thank you.
tatesmomma last decade
Please take SEPIA 30C one dose a day for some days. As soon as you see a change in your affected part, stop further dosing.

If you do not get any response even dosing for a week, stop it anyways. Try a single dose of 200C instead in that case.

We need to be cautious in dosing while treating skin eruptions.
rishimba last decade
Thank you, I'll try it and let you know how it goes.
tatesmomma last decade
Hello. I recently had a flare up of eczema on my hands again. I started taking 30C of Sepia once a day for a week. I waited a week with no results. I then took 200c of Sepia as prescribed by you before, 2x in one day. That was only a couple of days ago so I'm still waiting to see results. However, along with the eczema I have also developed a severe rash on both my hands and arms. I'm also very itchy on other parts of my body. Will the sepia work for the rash as well as the eczema? I'm also still breastfeeding so hormones may be a big factor.Please advise. Thanks!
tatesmomma 9 years ago
Hi Rishimba, hoping you're still available to help with this issue. Please advise. Thanks so much!
tatesmomma 9 years ago
Is the nature of this eczema flare up exactly same as the previous one? Are its modalities same as before?

Does it get worse with washing?

If everything above is same as the previous one, SEPIA 200C many be taken as and when required.

Please wait for a few days and let me know if the two doses of SEPIA produced any response in you.
rishimba 9 years ago
Hello. The eczema is the same however the rash is new. Please advise how I should take the sepia 200c. Thank you!
tatesmomma 9 years ago
What do you think caused the rash? What are its modalities and what is the sensation like?
rishimba 9 years ago
I'm really not sure. It could be an allergic reaction but I haven't changed anything. I'll attach a photo if I can. It's mostly itchy,especially at night.
tatesmomma 9 years ago
OK, since you have taken two doses of SEPIA 200C, please wait and let me know after a few days.

If SEPIA doesn't produce any change, we will try some other remedy.

What makes these rashes worse and what makes them better?

Any change felt after washing, scratching, rubbing, sweating, heat or cold etc.?
rishimba 9 years ago
The rash got so bad that I actually decided to use some ointment. It already looks better but now unfortunately I won't know if the sepia helped or not. I don't think it did because I took the two doses over a week ago. The rash gets itchy at night but I couldn't feel it much during the day. Nothing seemed to help when it became itchy except scratching it.
tatesmomma 9 years ago
If the same modalities persist, you may try MERC SOL 30C once every 4 hours for one full day only. This is for any possible outbreak in the future.
rishimba 9 years ago
Thank you. I'll try that.
tatesmomma 9 years ago
Hello. Is the Merc Sol just for the event of a rash of for the eczema as well? Thanks!
tatesmomma 9 years ago
It was suggested for skin symptoms that aggravated only at night.
rishimba 9 years ago
Okay, thank you!
tatesmomma 9 years ago

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