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Remedy Finder:

Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

need help suffering from severe hair loss

I am 26 years old. I have been suffering from hair loss for last 2 years. past six months the situation became worse. I lost hair from frontal portion of head and it became bald and on other areas hair became very thin. my hairs became like grass and there is no softness and scalp is dry. I have consulted a homeopathy doctor. he gave many medicines but none of them seems to work. after taking these becoming scalp becomes very dry and full of dandruff.it is also becoming itchy and hair is coming out in fingernails. the following are the medicines prescribed by the doctor -
king 200 4 days (morning ,evening)
calc phos 200 5 days (morning ,evening)
selenium 30(powder) 8 days (morning ,evening)
calc phos 1M 2 drops 6 days
silicea 200 8days morning
silicea 1m 4 days morning
acid fluor 30 5 days ( morning , evening)
calc phos 200 5 days (morning evening)
acid fluor 200 4 days(morning evening)
acid fluor 1m 4 days(morning evening)
acid fluor 1000(powder) 6 days morning evening)
calc phos 200 5 days( morning evening)
lycopodium 200 4 days (morning evening)
lycopodium 1m 4 days morning

for the lat 3-4 months i have taken these medicines but no result. instead i think the condition became worse.also as per doctors advice for last 10 days i am using a mixed hair oil of arnical montana and jaborandi.

still to take these medicines as per pescription

-lycopodium 50 m 5 days( morning evening)
sulphur iod 5 days30 morning evening
sulphur iod 200 4 days morning evening
please let me know if the treatment seems correct and whether i should continue with this. i really need your help.
[message edited by arnab1028 on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 19:54:47 BST]
  arnab1028 on 2014-06-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
STOP all these remedies, you are messing up your case instead of heading towards a cure.
fitness last decade
I can try to find a suitable remedy for you if you can answer the below questions. Before doing that, IÂ’d suggest to check my profile by clicking my username to know something about me first.

• Homeopathy works only if you give truthful answers, no matter how awkward or intimate. If you don’t want to do that, it’s better you stop here and don’t proceed.
• Please reply to all that is being asked and give details.
• Short answers such as Yes/No/Normal are not helpful.
• I want answers which explain the What, When, Where, Why, Better by & Worse by.
• Example: I have a sore throat (it explains the “what”), since 3 days (it explains “when”), on the left side of my throat (explains “where”), due to eating sour food (explains “why”), the pain is better when I drink warm tea (explains “Better by”), the pain is worse when I swallow food (explains “worse by”)
• Please leave the questions in place and give your answers under each of them.
• I can’t prescribe if these directions are not fully adhered to.

1. Your age & sex

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)

• Weight

• Height

• Body type (Very thin, Thin, Medium, Chubby, Fat, Obese)

• Any significant feature (e.g. sunken cheeks, stooped shoulders, thin chest etc.)

3. Your profession

4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (e.g. stubborn, lazy, suicidal, donÂ’t want to work, always in a hurry etc.)

5. If money was not an issue and you had a month of vacation, what would you do

6. How is your relationship with your parents, spouse, siblings, children etc.

7. If relationship is not ok, whatÂ’s wrong and how is it affecting you

8. Do you smoke/drink/drugs, if yes, details of why & since when

9. What is your main health problem & its symptoms

10. When did this main problem begin

11. What is the cause of this problem in your view

12. What non-medicinal actions make the main problem better (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

13. What makes it worse (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

14. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (e.g. weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)

15. What other health problems do you have

16. List down all health problems and when did they start (approximate month & year)

17. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems better (explain each problem)

18. What makes these other health problems worse (explain each problem)

19. What animals or insects are you afraid of

20. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)

21. What occupies your mind mostly

22. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy

23. Do you want to stay alone or with people

24. How is your sleep, if not good, why

25. Do you have any recurring dreams

26. Is your complaint affected by weather, if so, which weather affect & how

27. Do you normally feel hot or cold

28. What foods you crave & love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you love)

29. Is there any food that you hate and canÂ’t tolerate

30. What taste you crave & love (e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter)

31. Is there any taste which you hate and canÂ’t tolerate

32. Do you like warm or cold food

33. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, lead pencil, mudÂ….)

34. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

35. Do you have excessively dry lips or mouth or both

36. Do you have any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes, details

• Is coating thick

• Color of coating

• Where exactly (back, middle, sides etc)

37. Any taste in your mouth first thing in the morning (e.g. bitter, sour)

38. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc), upload here or email me a picture of the skin problem

39. Please upload here or email me a close up picture of your hand nails (without nail polish or any treatment done). Picture should be of nails, not hands. Click my username for my email address.

40. Details about your sweat, answer all these points: where mostly, how much, smell, does it stain, if yes what color

41. Any problems with eyes/vision, if yes, since when

42. Any problems with ears, nose, throat (e.g. nose always blocked, runny, discharge color)

43. How is your stool, answer all these points: how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.

44. How is your urine, answer all these points: color, smell, any blood etc.

45. How is your sex desire (e.g. no desire, low, moderate, high, very high)

46. Are you satisfied with your sex life, if no, why not

47. Do you masturbate, if yes, how frequently

48. Are you satisfied after that or want more

49. Males genitals (any problems with erection, any pain, any itching etc.)

50. Females menses details (reply to all these points)

• Regularity (early, late, irregular, duration of cycle)

• Flow (low, moderate, high)

• Clots (none, some, a lot, huge clots, bright color, dark color)

• Any discharge (color, consistency, smell)

51. What illnesses are running in your family

• Mother’s side

• Father’s side

• Siblings (brother/sister)

52. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)

53. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details

54. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological), if yes, give details (what, when, where, why, the list of medicines used)

55. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)
fitness last decade
Thanks for reply. below are the details to your question to the best of my knowledge. please let me know if you need more information.

1. age 26 sex male

2.weight 68
height 5 feet 8 inch
body type chubby( was medium two years back. got fatty in abdomen in these two years)

3.working in a it company for 4 years. had to work late nights for 2-3 years. work pressure has decreased in lat 6-8 months.
IS a good performer and manager and colleges appreciate my hard work.

4. not punctual in office, kind of lazy guy but do my work with full concentration and dedication. want to work on my own terms and do not like others poking nose in my work.

5. will go to a sea beach alone and enjoy the tides and its sound all day long.

6 & 7. relation with parents is OK. not married. had a girlfriend 8 years back( for three months only). She lived in front of my house. my parents came to know about this and dis not accept this.
she was married 4 years back. I still remember her and sometimes see her in dreams and in the morning when i wake up i feel very sad. I find them responsible for losing her.
I do not let my parents know this thoughts. i always want them to be happy.

8. i don't smoke/drink/drugs. during final years i have taken marijuana 2-3 time only and used to drink( only for 4 months). then i had a digestive problem and quit taking all these. I was never addicted to these.

9. digestion problem. i had problem in digestive system from childhood. sometimes there was mental problems also as i always had to rush to bathroom at the last moment before going to anywhere.
during final year the problem became worse and i felt like going to bathroom any time anywhere and there was frequent diarrhea like situation. had taken many medicines(mostly aloepathy and Ayurveda once for 15 days and homepathic for 30 days)
for one and half years. for past two years the condition is better. don't know what actually cured it. but little bit digestion problem still exists and also have gastric problem.

10.it began 4 years back.

11. may be alcohol and bad food in hostel. may be psychological problem also associated with this.

12. not taking spicy foods and proper sleep at night.

13. spicy foods and improper sleep.

14. restless and lack of patience. tried a lot of things(consulted 6-7 doctors) to cure this problem.

15 & 16.hair loss -- two years back, started noticing huge hair fall in last 6 months.
bad breath -- was always problematic but people stared telling me this in 6 months. brush twice a day still no improvement
tooth decay- 4 years, had to pluck teeth 3 years back
tongue problem -- `12 years back, now OK. had a gangrene type situation at the mid of tongue. used aloepathy the problem was suppressed twice and came back in two months again.then used homeopathy the problem cured completely

17. FOR hair loss, mouth odor
and tooth decay I did not find any solution which cam help

18. hair loss- may be sleepless night(not sure)
mouth odor- empty stomach

19. may be wild animal and snake bite i fear most(not so much). i love animals very much specially dog and cow. we have a cow at our house and had a dog which died ten years back.

20. heights and darkness

21. i had involved myself in work very much and from 2010-2013 most of the time i used to think about work only, even after coming to home i always thought of work.
currently as work pressure is low and work model changed don't take to much pressure about work and involve myself in political discussion.
i must confess that i have become some type of porn addict also( during weekends only) when my friends do not stay at flat i usually download a lot of porn and watch those. sometimes
i spend whole night to download those and in the morning i regret that. sometimes a continuously download and watch them at a stretch. but during weekdays i am normal. enjoy talking with roommates, make fun of them.

22. i am from a poor family background but never let my friends know that not in school college and now office friends. maybe i do not like sympathy. i also hesitate to take my friends to my home.

23. i want to stay alone or stay with people i know very well. not comfortable with unknown people or people i do not like. cannot make friends easily.do not go to office parties and always give some excuse to not attend those.

24. not very good. sleep breaks even with a small sound. go to bed very late. even if i do not have any work still keep on browsing Facebook and news, you tube comedy video, drama etc. and regret this in morning.

25. see my girlfriend sometimes in dream and see everything has become all right between us.

26. no effect of weather on health for me. But i really like really weather it makes me happy.

27.feel hot. do not like summer at all. winter is better.

28. sweets, chow min -roll, pakara

29. none

30. sweet

31. none

32. warm


34.moderate. while working even if i get thirsty i usually do not go to have water until i cant bear the thirst anymore. it happens many times.
I take 2 liter of water everyday on average.


36. coating is somewhat thick.

37. did not notice any odd taste in morning.

38. scalp is dry an itchy. when apply oil soft, moist dust like things comes in fingernails when scratch the itchy scalp( i think it is the dandruff). also hairs come in the fingernails. fallen hair stand does not seem to have a root.

40. sweat a lot. very little smell

41. had spectacles 3 years back, used it for 1 months . has problem in distant vision
may be it was .5 negative power. vision is 6/6. not using spectacles for two years after the last spectacle broken.

42. nose blocked during winter. snoring problem

43. regular, consistent but sometimes the not clear, no blood, small food particles sometimes. loose motion if taken roadside foods or too much spicy foods. sometimes pain in pilesand it spreads to whole body(it happened a quite a few times but very rarely)

44. no color sometime yellowish if consumed less water.

45. virgin. moderate.

46. Not applicable.

47. as mentioned above in weekends 2-3 ( sat and Sunday ) time a day sometimes while watching porn at a stretch. never in weekdays.

48. satisfied but you know porn addiction it makes you desire masturbate after a a few hours.

49. no problem

50. not applicable

51. mothers side
grandmother -- arthritis, psychological - bathes for 3-4 hours and washes things several times
mother-- too much devotional to god, stopped eating non-veg

fathers side
grandmother- piles problem

none of my family members(father and mother side) have any hair loss issues.

52. mentioned in my previous post. Is undergoing treatment under a homeopathy doctor for past 3-4 months. he is a well known doctor and he is DMS(cal)


54. mentioned above

55. mentioned in first post.
arnab1028 last decade
Please leave the questions in place and give your answers under each of them.
fitness last decade
1. Your age & sex

ans : age 26 sex male

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc)
• Weight

• Height

• Body type (Very thin, Thin, Medium, Chubby, Fat, Obese)

• Any significant feature (e.g. sunken cheeks, stooped shoulders, thin chest etc.)

ans: weight 68
height 5 feet 8 inch
body type chubby( was medium two years back. got fatty in abdomen in these two years)

3. Your profession

ans: working in a it company for 4 years. had to work late nights for 2-3 years. work pressure has decreased in lat 6-8 months.
IS a good performer and manager and colleges appreciate my hard work.

4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (e.g. stubborn, lazy, suicidal, donÂ’t want to work, always in a hurry etc.)

ans: not punctual in office, kind of lazy guy but do my work with full concentration and dedication. want to work on my own terms and do not like others poking nose in my work.

In my childhood days i was very stubborn and used get angry on petty things. though i have controlled it a lot now but it somewhat exist still

5. If money was not an issue and you had a month of vacation, what would you do

ans: will go to a sea beach alone and enjoy the tides and its sound all day long. or go to sea in a cruise.

6. How is your relationship with your parents, spouse, siblings, children etc.

ans: relation with parents is OK. not married.

7. If relationship is not ok, whatÂ’s wrong and how is it affecting you

ans: had a girlfriend 8 years back( for three months only). She lived in front of my house. my parents came to know about this and did not accept this. she was married 4 years back. I still remember her and sometimes see her in dreams and in the morning when i wake up i feel very sad. I find my parents responsible for losing her. I do not let my parents know these thoughts. i always want them to be happy.

8. Do you smoke/drink/drugs, if yes, details of why & since when

ans: I don't smoke/drink/drugs. during final years i have taken marijuana 2-3 time only and used to drink( only for 4 months). then i had a digestive problem and quit taking all these. I was never addicted to these.

9. What is your main health problem & its symptoms

ans: digestion problem. i had problem in digestive system from childhood. sometimes there was mental problems also as i always had to rush to bathroom at the last moment before going to anywhere.
during final year the problem became worse and i felt like going to bathroom any time anywhere and there was frequent diarrhea like situation. had taken many medicines(mostly aloepathy and Ayurveda once for 15 days and homepathic for 30 days)
for one and half years. for past two years the condition is better. don't know what actually cured it. but little bit digestion problem still exists and also have gastric problem.

10. When did this main problem begin

ans it began 4 years back.

11. What is the cause of this problem in your view

ans: may be alcohol and bad food in hostel. may be psychological problem also associated with this.

12. What non-medicinal actions make the main problem better (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

ans : not taking spicy foods and proper sleep at night.

13. What makes it worse (e.g. massage, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.)

ans: spicy foods and improper sleep.

14. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (e.g. weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.)

ans: restless, lack of patience. tried a lot of things(consulted 6-7 doctors) to cure this problem.

15. What other health problems do you have

ans: hair loss
bad breath
tooth decay
tongue problem

16. List down all health problems and when did they start (approximate month & year)

ans: hair loss -- two years back, started noticing huge hair fall in last 6 months.
bad breath -- was always problematic but people stared telling me this in 6 months. brush twice a day still no improvement
tooth decay- 4 years, had to pluck teeth 3 years back
tongue problem -- `12 years back, now OK. had a gangrene type situation at the mid of tongue. used aloepathy the problem was suppressed twice and came back in two months again.then used homeopathy the problem cured completely

17. What non-medicinal actions make these other health problems better (explain each problem)

ans: FOR hair loss, mouth odor
and tooth decay I did not find any solution which cam help

18. What makes these other health problems worse (explain each problem)

ans: hair loss- may be sleepless night(not sure)
mouth odor- empty stomach

19. What animals or insects are you afraid of

ans: may be wild animal and snake bite i fear most(not very much). i love animals very much specially dog and cow. we have a cow at our house and had a dog which died ten years back.

20. What situations are you afraid of (e.g. heights, closed spaces, ocean, darkness etc)

ans: heights and darkness

21. What occupies your mind mostly

ans: i had involved myself in work very much and from 2010-2013 most of the time i used to think about work only, even after coming to home i always thought of work.
currently as work pressure is low and work model changed don't take to much pressure about work and involve myself in political discussion.
i must confess that i have become some type of porn addict also( during weekends only) when my friends do not stay at flat i usually download a lot of porn and watch those. sometimes
i spend whole night to download those and in the morning i regret that. sometimes a continuously download and watch them at a stretch. for past 3-4 years this is happening. tried stopping watch porn but a few days i again start watching. but during weekdays i am normal. enjoy talking with roommates, make fun of them.

22. How do you respond to consolation & sympathy

ans: i am from a poor family background but never let my friends know that not in school college and now office friends. maybe i do not like sympathy. i also hesitate to take my friends to my home.

23. Do you want to stay alone or with people

ans: i want to stay alone or stay with people i know very well. not comfortable with unknown people or people i do not like. cannot make friends easily.do not go to office parties and always give some excuse to not attend those.

24. How is your sleep, if not good, why

ans: not very good. sleep breaks even with a small sound. go to bed very late. even if i do not have any work still keep on browsing Facebook and news, you tube comedy video, drama etc. and regret this in morning.

25. Do you have any recurring dreams

ans: see my ex-girlfriend sometimes in dream and see everything has become all right between us.

26. Is your complaint affected by weather, if so, which weather affect & how

ans: no effect of weather on health for me. But i really like really weather it makes me happy.

27. Do you normally feel hot or cold

ans: feel hot. do not like summer at all. winter is better.

28. What foods you crave & love (not what you eat due to health or other reasons, rather what you love)

ans: sweets, chow min -roll, pakora

29. Is there any food that you hate and canÂ’t tolerate

ans: nothing

30. What taste you crave & love (e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter)

ans: sweet

31. Is there any taste which you hate and canÂ’t tolerate

ans: nothing

32. Do you like warm or cold food

ans: warm

33. Do you want to eat indigestible foods (chalk, lead pencil, mudÂ….)

ans : no

34. How is your thirst (less, moderate, excessive)

ans: moderate. while working even if i get thirsty i usually do not go to have water until i cant bear the thirst anymore. it happens many times.
I take 2 liter of water everyday on average

35. Do you have excessively dry lips or mouth or both

ans : no

36. Do you have any coating on tongue first thing in the morning, if yes, details

• Is coating thick

• Color of coating

• Where exactly (back, middle, sides etc)

ans: coating is somewhat thick.

37. Any taste in your mouth first thing in the morning (e.g. bitter, sour)

ans: did not notice any odd taste in morning.

38. How is your skin (dry, oily, rough, acne, pustules, boils, psoriasis etc), upload here or email me a picture of the skin problem

ans: scalp is dry an itchy. when apply oil soft, moist dust like things comes in fingernails when scratch the itchy scalp( i think it is the dandruff). also hairs come in the fingernails. fallen hair stand does not seem to have a root.

39. Please upload here or email me a close up picture of your hand nails (without nail polish or any treatment done). Picture should be of nails, not hands. Click my username for my email address.

ans: please let me know if it is required for my case.

40. Details about your sweat, answer all these points: where mostly, how much, smell, does it stain, if yes what color

ans: sweat a lot. very little smell

41. Any problems with eyes/vision, if yes, since when

ans:had spectacles 3 years back, used it for 1 year. has problem in distant vision
may be it was .5 negative power. vision is 6/6. not using spectacles for two years after the last spectacle broken.

42. Any problems with ears, nose, throat (e.g. nose always blocked, runny, discharge color)

ans : nose blocked during winter. snoring problem

43. How is your stool, answer all these points: how often, consistency, any blood, any particular smell etc.

ans: regular, consistent but sometimes the not clear, no blood, small food particles sometimes. loose motion if taken roadside foods or too much spicy foods. sometimes pain in piles and it spreads to whole body(it happened a quite a few times but very rarely)

44. How is your urine, answer all these points: color, smell, any blood etc.

ans: no color sometime yellowish if consumed less water, bad smell

45. How is your sex desire (e.g. no desire, low, moderate, high, very high)

ans: virgin. moderate.

46. Are you satisfied with your sex life, if no, why not

ans: Not applicable.

47. Do you masturbate, if yes, how frequently

ans: as mentioned above in weekends 2-3 ( sat and Sunday ) time a day sometimes while watching porn at a stretch. never in weekdays.

48. Are you satisfied after that or want more

ans: satisfied but you know porn addiction it makes you desire masturbate after a a few hours.

49. Males genitals (any problems with erection, any pain, any itching etc.)

ans: no problem

50. Females menses details (reply to all these points)

• Regularity (early, late, irregular, duration of cycle)

• Flow (low, moderate, high)

• Clots (none, some, a lot, huge clots, bright color, dark color)

• Any discharge (color, consistency, smell)

ans: not applicable

51. What illnesses are running in your family

• Mother’s side

• Father’s side

• Siblings (brother/sister)

ans: mothers side
grandmother -- arthritis, psychological - bathes for 3-4 hours and washes things several times
mother-- too much devotional to god, stopped eating non-veg

fathers side
grandmother- piles problem

none of my family members(father and mother side) have any hair loss issues.

52. Are you taking any medicines (allopathic, homeopathic, supplements, acupuncture etc.)

ans: mentioned in my previous post. Is undergoing treatment under a homeopathy doctor for past 3-4 months. he is a well known doctor and he is DMS(cal)

53. Have you had any surgeries or implants, if yes, give details

ans : no

54. Have you had any long term treatment (physical or psychological), if yes, give details (what, when, where, why, the list of medicines used)

ans: mentioned above about the digestion problem

55. What homeopathic remedies have you taken in the past (potency, dosage, approx. time frame)

ans: for digestion problem: nux vomica 4 years back

from another doctor some medicines but he does not disclose the name of medicines. this was also 3-4 year back

and now for past 4 months:

king 200 4 days (morning ,evening)
calc phos 200 5 days (morning ,evening)
selenium 30(powder) 8 days (morning ,evening)
calc phos 1M 2 drops 6 days
silicea 200 8days morning
silicea 1m 4 days morning
acid fluor 30 5 days ( morning , evening)
calc phos 200 5 days (morning evening)
acid fluor 200 4 days(morning evening)
acid fluor 1m 4 days(morning evening)
acid fluor 1000(powder) 6 days morning evening)
calc phos 200 5 days( morning evening)
lycopodium 200 4 days (morning evening)
lycopodium 1m 4 days morning
arnab1028 last decade
Send at least one picture each of hair loss area, teeth and tongue.
fitness last decade
i have sent you the pictures from my gmail id. one more thing i want to mention is my roommate is also suffering from hair loss but it is not severe. it makes me think that water might be an issue.
arnab1028 last decade
Stop using all homeopathic remedies, you will definitely mess up your case this way.

With so many remedies I really don't know what symptoms are your true symptoms and what caused by the remedies.

Stop all remedies and follow these guidelines for a month and then report back. We will retake your case then if anything requires attention:

1. Start eating half cup of low fat, plain, non-flavored yogurt with live cultures daily in the morning or with lunch. If you have homemade yogurt thatÂ’s the best.
2. Stop all processed foods e.g. white bread, white rice, white burgers etc.
3. Eat whole foods only i.e. whole grain bread, brown rice, brown burgers etc.
4. The bread should be high in bran content & the flour should be coarse ground.
5. Start eating a small bowl of salad at least once a day e.g. it should contain cucumber, carrots, salad leaves, tomato and any vegetable you like. Put a dressing of olive oil & raw apple cider vinegar and put some salt & black pepper to your liking.
6. Eat at least 1-2 fruits per day e.g. apple, orange etc.
7. Drink enough water so that your urine is clear. Yellow colored urine is a good indication that you are dehydrated.
8. Eat only when hungry and when eating, donÂ’t overstuff yourself.
9. Focus on food only when you eat i.e. donÂ’t divert your attention by watching tv etc.
10. Exercise:
• Aerobic activity e.g. Start walking at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week with your spouse/friend and achieve your target heart rate.
• Strength training e.g. Start weight training at least 20 minutes 3 days a week.

NOTE: Yogurt can cause increased mucus generation in some individuals, if you are like that, donÂ’t eat yogurt. Rather start eating roasted black chick peas (also known as Bengal Gram) daily.
fitness last decade
Also, visit a dentist and get your teeth cleaning (scaling) done ASAP!

Unclean teeth are one of the biggest causes of ill health.
fitness last decade
thanks for the reply. i have already stopped the remedies after your first reply on 16 th. I will do the teeth scaling on this weekend. i will also follow the instructions given by you. Will be very grateful if you give me some idea about the possibility of cure.

1. is it possible to get back the lost hair through homeopathy?

2. I am currently losing huge number of hair everyday. even handful of hair is coming when hair is touched. with this rate dont think any hair will be left on my head in a month. Can i use natural remedy like castor oil, fenugreek to at-least check this huge hair fall. please suggest.

3. can i take curd instead of yogurt. In India finding yogurt is a tough job.

4.i used to do exercise for 1 and half hour in the morning. i will resume it. also for weight training do i need to go to gym or free hand exercise like push-up etc will serve the purpose.
arnab1028 last decade
1. Probably yes, depends on tons of factors e.g. genetics, your health status, your eating & exercise habits etc.

2. Vit-B complex supplement will be most helpful

3. Yes, they are same.

4. Good.

Imo, by stopping the remedies, your hairfall will stop or reduce substantially.
fitness last decade
I am following your instructions. teeth scaling done. taking one vit-b clomplex capsule everyday for last 5 days.

no significant changes till now. please suggest if i can use any hair oil beacuse scalp is very dry and 2-3 hair falling each time i touch hair. no stength in hair root.
arnab1028 last decade
Wait for one week, hairfall doesn't respond quickly.

Which shampoo are you using. If there is any brand that you used earlier on, switch back to it.
fitness last decade
Have a dose of Nux Vomica 200c, just one dose and report back in 5 days.
fitness last decade
currently i have nux vom 30( liquid) at my place. can i take this. if 200c is required i will get it tomorrow from homeopathy shop. Please let me know how many drops is one dose

I had bought 10 capsules of vitamin b complex. taken 8 already. going to take the rest two in next two days. please let me know if i should take more supplements.
arnab1028 last decade
You need 200c.

Please take one dose. Just one dose. Not daily.
Report back in 5 days with changes observed.

If Pills/Pellets:
One dose is one pill.
Dissolve the pill in your mouth.

If your remedy is in liquid form:
Put one drop of the remedy in half glass of water, stir and take one tea spoon from it.
ThatÂ’s one dose.

At night before sleeping.
DonÂ’t take any more dose or any other remedy unless I tell you.

DonÂ’t take any other homeopathic remedy during this treatment.
Give a break of at least 10 minutes before eating/drinking anything before or after taking the remedy.
During the course of treatment, donÂ’t eat/drink anything which you have never had all your life.
fitness last decade
1. taken total 10 capsule of vitamin b complex. Should i take more?

2. I forgot to mention one thing which i observed 10-12 days back. i have dandruff and it is of the form of medium flakes of skin on scalp. i think this is causing scalp itching.

3. taken the nux vomica 200 one dose on saturday.there is no reduction of hairfall till now.

4. I am taking black pepper with salad. should i stop taking it as i have heard somewhere it reverses the effect of homeopathy remedy
arnab1028 last decade
Continue B complex for 1 weeks more.

No harm in taking pepper.
fitness last decade
after 5 days of taking the remedy, i did not see any reduction of hair fall.
1st day: could not track the changes

2nd day:15 hairs in pillow cover
40 hairs fallen after combing the hair after waking up from sleep

3rd day:25 hairs in pillow cover
65 hairs fallen after combing the hair after waking up from sleep

4th day:15 hairs in pillow cover
55 hairs fallen after combing the hair after waking up from sleep

5th day:15 hairs in pillow cover
65 hairs fallen after combing the hair after waking up from sleep
arnab1028 last decade
hi fitness, please advise what should be the next remedy.
arnab1028 last decade
Are you following ALL the diet & exercise guidelines
fitness last decade
yes each and every guideline. I have also quit the bad habits completely.
arnab1028 last decade
Your remedy is: Phosphorus 200c.

Please take two doses 12 hrs apart. Just two doses. Not daily.
Report back in 7 days with changes observed.

If remedy is Pills/Pellets:
One dose is one pill.
Dissolve the pill in your mouth.

If remedy is liquid:
Put one drop of the remedy in half glass of water, stir and take one tea spoon from it.
ThatÂ’s one dose.

First dose: At night before sleeping.
Second dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.
DonÂ’t take any more dose or any other remedy unless I tell you.

If there is significant worsening of symptoms (called homeopathic aggravation) after the first dose, then donÂ’t take the second dose.
DonÂ’t take any other homeopathic remedy during this treatment.
Give a break of at least 10 minutes before eating/drinking anything before or after taking the remedy.
During the treatment, donÂ’t eat anything which you have never had all your life.

Sometimes the symptoms for which treatment is being done can worsen after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is homeopathic aggravation and a good sign. It usually dies down within 24-48 hrs. During this time you can use any non-medicinal means to keep yourself comfortable. If the aggravation seems excessive, you can use any & all means necessary (including taking allopathic medicines) to keep yourself comfortable. Keep your homeopath fully updated if this happens.

A good example of how to report your progress is by giving %age improvement for all your health problems e.g.
Headache: 30% better
Low energy level: 50% better
Anxiety: 40% better
Sadness: No change
Depression: Worse
And so on list all your complaints.

If someone is giving several remedies, without waiting to see the effect of one remedy, then it is totally against the core principles of homeopathy. Such an approach is unlikely to give permanent cure, rather it may distort actual symptoms making subsequent cure even more difficult.

Use common sense in following these guidelines and ask me if unsure. Homeopathy is not magic and it can only work when all other supportive strategies are also used. To make sure you are cured as fast as possible and stay that way please change your lifestyle to include the following:

1. Start eating half cup of low fat, plain, non-flavored yogurt with live cultures daily in the morning or with lunch. If you have homemade yogurt thatÂ’s the best.
2. Stop all processed foods e.g. white bread, white rice, white burgers etc.
3. Eat whole foods only i.e. whole grain bread, brown rice, brown burgers etc.
4. The bread should be high in bran content & the flour should be coarse ground.
5. Start eating a small bowl of salad at least once a day e.g. it should contain cucumber, carrots, salad leaves, tomato and any vegetable you like. Put a dressing of olive oil & raw apple cider vinegar and put some salt & black pepper to your liking.
6. Eat at least 1-2 fruits per day e.g. apple, orange etc.
7. Drink enough water so that your urine is clear. Yellow colored urine is a good indication that you are dehydrated.
8. Eat only when hungry and when eating, donÂ’t overstuff yourself.
9. Focus on food only when you eat i.e. donÂ’t divert your attention by watching tv etc.
10. Exercise:
• Aerobic activity e.g. Start walking at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week with your spouse/friend and achieve your target heart rate.
• Strength training e.g. Start weight training at least 20 minutes 3 days a week.

NOTE: Yogurt can cause increased mucus generation in some individuals, if you are like that, donÂ’t eat yogurt. Rather start eating roasted black chick peas (also known as Bengal Gram) daily.

If you donÂ’t hear back from me within 24 hrs, it is likely that the forumÂ’s email didnÂ’t work. You can send me an email by clicking my username.
fitness last decade
Hi fitness,
I have one confusion. I have bought phosphorus 200 today. but the globules/pills are very small. It seems this is the smallest pill size available in homeopathy. should i consider one pill as one dose.
arnab1028 last decade
Update: the size of the globule is G20
arnab1028 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.