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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

need help suffering from severe hair loss Page 2 of 3

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Update: the size of the globule is G20
arnab1028 last decade
Which brand name is the remedy?
fitness last decade
King & Company Homoeo Chemist Private Limited
arnab1028 last decade
Take 20 of those as one dose.
fitness last decade
arnab1028 last decade
I am confused whether the phosporus 200 is working. i did see a little reduction of hairfall for first 3 days, i would say its 10% reduction .on 4 th day my head became full of dandruff and it became very itchy and little bit greasy. when i touched my hair, i had seen 10-15 hair on my palm. i used shampoo. for next two days the hairfall was less, it was almost 30% less, but today again lot of hair fallen.
arnab1028 last decade
How do you think the 30% improvement happened, magic?
fitness last decade
I unsure because it could be the effect of the shampoo as well. As per your suggestion i have started using the old brand shampoo 10-12 day ago.or it could also be due to the diet chart you have given and regular exercise.

Today again hairfall is less. almost 30%. Please advise should I take more doses of phosphorus 200.
arnab1028 last decade
Observe for one week and report back, no more doses for now.
fitness last decade
Hi Fitness,
The situation again detoriated. Lot of hair falling. While combing in the morning I see 70-80 hairs. It is happening for last 3 days Also lot of hair falling throughout the day.

It seems hairfall has increased 5-10% than the initial condition.

Please let me know what should be done.
arnab1028 last decade
Are you following the diet & exercise guidelines.
fitness last decade
yes..i am doing everything that you have advised. i exercise twp times a day morning and evening. and also following the diet. half hour after lunch i eat curd. eat two fruits a day. eat salad after having food. add two teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of olive oil in salad. i have quit all the junk foods. stopped watching porn.

I am doing all this for almost a month.
my hair has grown big maybe hairloss is more due to this. I will get a haircut tommorow.
arnab1028 last decade
Have a dose of Phos 200c, just one dose and report back in 5 days.
fitness last decade
First three days in morning while combing 60-65 hairs.no reduction in these three days.
4 day: used shampoo. only 20 hairs in the morning while combing.
5 and 6th day: around 40 hairs while combing.
arnab1028 last decade
Keep observing ALL changes you observe in your body and report back in 5 days.
fitness last decade
On 27 th and 28th i had to work in night shift in office. on 28 th i could not take a bath. on 29 th i found my head full of dandraff. used shampoo to clear it. A huge number of hairs fallen. i cant tell the exact numbers but a have seen atleast 90 in my hand. Dont know how many gone with the water. next day which was 29 th saw only 10 hairs( ithink after using the shampoo hairfall is reducing because most of weak hairs are gone due to the wash). on 30 hairfall was 40. on 31 is it almost 50. please help i am going bald. is there no way to stop it. plz plz plz.

Ps: could not follow the exercises this week though i followed the diet.
arnab1028 last decade
So should I gather from your posts that there has been no change since you have started the treatment.
fitness last decade
I have seen improvement of dandruff and hair feels softer than before.

But hairfall,i am really not sure. Some times I really felt the hairfall reduced, but in a few days its seems hairfall is same as before. I cant definitely say if it reduced or not reduced.

Can i take one more dose of phos 200 and track the changes for next 10 days. I hope i will be able to confirm it then.
arnab1028 last decade
Have another dose.
fitness last decade
Hi fitness,
I think the fairfall reduced around 5% since I have started treatment. It is almost two months but I do not see any new hair coming. So i think phos 200 is not the remedy.

Please suggest what should be next step.
arnab1028 last decade
My apologies, I have no further recommendation.
fitness last decade
what should I do then. Please do not leave the case. PLZ help me.
arnab1028 last decade
Ask someone else for help on the forum. If my prescription caused just 5% improvement it means it failed so I don't want to waste your time anymore.
fitness last decade
I do not feel anybody will try to solve the case with so much patience. I understand that hairfall does not cure in so short span of time. So I would request you continue the treatment

In case you don't want to continue, Could you please refer the case to somebody you know. From your previous posts, I have seen you have good contact with other doctors.
arnab1028 last decade
Maybe Simone can help you in locating another prescriber.
fitness last decade
Hi Amab,

You can do a new post for Evocationer-put the link for
this thread in there so he can review and he will have his
own questions.

Evocationer has said that he has stopped hair loss even if
it is genetic.
simone717 last decade

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