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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature Grey Hair

Dear Sir,
I am having this problem of premature greying of hair. My hair started turning grey when I was 16-17. Now 60% of my hair has turned grey. Mostly on the sides and behind the ears. Almost half of beard also has turned grey. Chest hair has also turned grey. Symptoms are indigestion, gas,weakness, loss of appetite, no clear bowel movement.

Please help.
  tapand55 on 2014-06-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You should drink plenty of water, eat every vegetable cooked in your home, and regular exercise.

You should use these medicine mixed in coconut oil Acid Phos Q+Arnica Q China Q and Jaborandi Q and apply them on hair as deep massage daily once and cut your hair short as much as possible.

And for constitutional remedy tell more details about yourself or contact any local homeopathic doctor
Usehomeopathy last decade

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