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To Joe De Livera: regarding rapid hair loss
Dear Joe,I discovered that you are the Arnica specialist on this forum so that's why I address my question to you.
I have used finasteride for about a year, which is a drug that should stop hair loss. Instead of stopping it, it accelerated my loss. I stopped using it about a year ago, but the accelerated hair loss is still continuing.
Do you think that trying arnica 30 would be good in my situation? Since you advice this to almost everybody around here, that deal with various hair problems.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
jameswashere on 2005-11-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I was interested to note that the Finesteride that you have used for a year has served to increase your hair loss.
Arnica 30 has helped many and you can follow the instructions that I have given in many cases on how to use this remedy in the Water Dose which you can take twice daily.
You can do a search for Hair Loss for details.
If you do not observe an arrest of your hair loss in a month please post again for further instructions using a different remedy.
Arnica 30 has helped many and you can follow the instructions that I have given in many cases on how to use this remedy in the Water Dose which you can take twice daily.
You can do a search for Hair Loss for details.
If you do not observe an arrest of your hair loss in a month please post again for further instructions using a different remedy.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you very much for your fast reply.
I was wondering which type of arnica 30 I have to purchase, since I am planning to follow your instructions and dissolve 3 pills in a bottle of water.
Do I have to order the pills or the granules?
I will keep you updated about my use of arnica when I'm starting with it.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards
I was wondering which type of arnica 30 I have to purchase, since I am planning to follow your instructions and dissolve 3 pills in a bottle of water.
Do I have to order the pills or the granules?
I will keep you updated about my use of arnica when I'm starting with it.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards
jameswashere last decade
You can get the globules as they are the most convenient and are generally available in Health food stores.
You prepare the remedy by dropping 3 globules into the water and after they dissolve succussing the water by banging the bottle to achieve the bubbles.
Sip 1 teaspoonful of the water which is now the remedy twice daily and report progress in a month.
Use only Johnsons Baby shampoo on your hair.
You prepare the remedy by dropping 3 globules into the water and after they dissolve succussing the water by banging the bottle to achieve the bubbles.
Sip 1 teaspoonful of the water which is now the remedy twice daily and report progress in a month.
Use only Johnsons Baby shampoo on your hair.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Hello Joe,
I have searched for Arnica in several stores, and could only find the 6c globules.
Can I use these too to arrest my hair loss (maybe by dissolving more than 3 globules in the water)? Or does it have to be the 30 c form?
Thanks in advance
I have searched for Arnica in several stores, and could only find the 6c globules.
Can I use these too to arrest my hair loss (maybe by dissolving more than 3 globules in the water)? Or does it have to be the 30 c form?
Thanks in advance
jameswashere last decade
Have you looked for Arnica 30c at any Boot's pharmacy ?
I have discovered that the 6c is not as effective as the 30c from reports from those who have used it.
I have discovered that the 6c is not as effective as the 30c from reports from those who have used it.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I live in The Netherlands, and apparently is not so easy to obtain the 30c form.
I think I'll order it from this website.
I'll report my results when I have used the 30 c pills for a month.
I think I'll order it from this website.
I'll report my results when I have used the 30 c pills for a month.
jameswashere last decade
I received the Arnica 30c globules from this website today.
But the globules do not dissolve in water... so I can't use your adviced wet dose.
But I can also just take 2 pills each morning and evening, right?
Thanks in advance
I received the Arnica 30c globules from this website today.
But the globules do not dissolve in water... so I can't use your adviced wet dose.
But I can also just take 2 pills each morning and evening, right?
Thanks in advance
jameswashere last decade
it does not matter if the globules do not dissolve straight away - they will eventually. The remedy will still be activated prior to them dissolving.
If they are circular lactose tablets it may help to crush them between 2 clean metal teaspoons before adding to the liquid.
If they are circular lactose tablets it may help to crush them between 2 clean metal teaspoons before adding to the liquid.
erika last decade
I would like to caution you that Arnica 30c is not a magic formula which will arrest your hair loss immediately and replace the hair you lost in the past.
It is very slow in action as the hair will have to regrow and you should observe the new hair growth in about 2 months. You should also observe that your hair loss is slowed down in about 3 weeks from which point onwards your hair will continue to regrow.
Do not use any shampoos except for Johnsons Baby shampoo and you may not drink coffee and cola drinks. Preserved meats which contain saltpeter are also taboo like sausages, ham and bacon. They all antidote the action of the Arnica.
It is very slow in action as the hair will have to regrow and you should observe the new hair growth in about 2 months. You should also observe that your hair loss is slowed down in about 3 weeks from which point onwards your hair will continue to regrow.
Do not use any shampoos except for Johnsons Baby shampoo and you may not drink coffee and cola drinks. Preserved meats which contain saltpeter are also taboo like sausages, ham and bacon. They all antidote the action of the Arnica.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Erika - you were right, they dissolved eventually.
But when I hit the bottle on the palm of my hand six times, nothing happens. It's not starting to 'frizzle' like a bottle of soda.
I use the Arnica montana 30c pillules from this website, so it must be the right ones. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
And Joe, I am aware of the fact that it's not a miracle cure. I'm just going to try it for 2-3 months and see what results I get.
But when I hit the bottle on the palm of my hand six times, nothing happens. It's not starting to 'frizzle' like a bottle of soda.
I use the Arnica montana 30c pillules from this website, so it must be the right ones. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
And Joe, I am aware of the fact that it's not a miracle cure. I'm just going to try it for 2-3 months and see what results I get.
jameswashere last decade
I believe that the reason for the water not fizzling is because you have not left any air space under the cap which is essential for the water to get sufficiently agitated to fizzle which is the secret of succussion.
If you would like to use the Arnica Q mix with Coconut oil this too will promote the growth.
If you would like to use the Arnica Q mix with Coconut oil this too will promote the growth.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for the fast reply.
I threw about a quarter of the water out of the bottle, like you advice in your posts, so this can't be the problem.
I threw about a quarter of the water out of the bottle, like you advice in your posts, so this can't be the problem.
jameswashere last decade
If this is the case you have not banged it hard enough.
A variation is to hold the bottle horizontally in your hand and twirl the bottle clock and anti clockwise. This will surely get the bubbles into circulation which is what succussion is all about.
Where are you located ?
A variation is to hold the bottle horizontally in your hand and twirl the bottle clock and anti clockwise. This will surely get the bubbles into circulation which is what succussion is all about.
Where are you located ?
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
On the subject of the Arnica 30c wet solution fizzling or not. I'm also using it and when I bang it into my palm it does create many bubbles, but the bubbles disappear almost instantly. I wouldn't call it a fizzle, just a lot of rapid and short-lived bubbles. - I'm also using the Washington Homeopathics pills.
Will88 last decade
The bubbles that you observe are proof that they solution is succussed and each time you do it, the potency of the solution is raised an iota and this is the reason why it is far more potent than taking the dry globules.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I have read your arnice discussion with interest. What about taking arnica 200 , instead of dissolving and surcussing arnica 30, if it needs to be a more potent version?
hannah-rj last decade
Will88: I notice the same kind of bubbles that you mention.
But when you bang a regular bottle of water on your palm (with no arnica in it), you get the same result...
But when you bang a regular bottle of water on your palm (with no arnica in it), you get the same result...
jameswashere last decade
To: Hannah
Homeopathy is a very precise science and one cannot possibly use a 200c potency when a 30c is indicated. The lower potency can be used on a daily basis while the higher cannot as it will invariably aggravate in some way with unpleasant results.
Hair loss is controlled only by Arnica 30c which is better than the 6c which I have also use but with results that were below the 30c.
Homeopathy is a very precise science and one cannot possibly use a 200c potency when a 30c is indicated. The lower potency can be used on a daily basis while the higher cannot as it will invariably aggravate in some way with unpleasant results.
Hair loss is controlled only by Arnica 30c which is better than the 6c which I have also use but with results that were below the 30c.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I think the banging accomplishes what's intended, mainly agitation or vibration. But to many the word fizzle suggests the more sustained fizzle we see with carbonated beverages,which is a realease of CO2 (if I remember the right chemical symbol).
I think the banging accomplishes what's intended, mainly agitation or vibration. But to many the word fizzle suggests the more sustained fizzle we see with carbonated beverages,which is a realease of CO2 (if I remember the right chemical symbol).
Will88 last decade
I am using the Arnica 30c a few weeks now (2x two pillules daily), but the hair loss has not stopped (yet).
I know that this is a slow proces (although I read that Arnica can stop the loss in about two weeks), so I am planning to continue using Arnica for at least two months before I decide if it's working for me or not.
But, if I come to the conclusion that Arnica won't help me, what other homeopathic product can I try? Weisbaden? Something else, anyone?
Any feedback on this is welcome, thanks.
I know that this is a slow proces (although I read that Arnica can stop the loss in about two weeks), so I am planning to continue using Arnica for at least two months before I decide if it's working for me or not.
But, if I come to the conclusion that Arnica won't help me, what other homeopathic product can I try? Weisbaden? Something else, anyone?
Any feedback on this is welcome, thanks.
jameswashere last decade
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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