The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair Loss rapidly Please Help me.....
Hello Sir/Madam,I am Sanjit Das 1.Age 28 2.Profession Software Engineer 3.Weight 38 4.Height 5 Feet 3 hair is falling frontal head side from two month.My hair is thinning and brittle. I am felling stomach fullness always basically morning and fell always tired my blood pressure is also feet and hand always cold and skin id dry scratch.fell Dizziness and short breathing during hard work like(Exercise, running,water bucket lifting....etc.) I have also Acidity Problem stoll passes like acid.Previously I had chronic diarrhea during (2004-2013)at that time i had taken various type of aloepathic Medicine,Injection.
Always Fell like fever inside my Body during 2 P.M to 6 P.M (Eye swelling, Hot air passes from Nose ).My hair fall increase when I was taking Amway hair Growth supplement and Endura mass Weight gainer.Please Kindly Help me.
[message edited by sanjitrules on Mon, 22 Feb 2016 10:06:58 UTC]
sanjitrules on 2016-02-18
I am Sanjit Das 1.Age 28 2.Profession Software Engineer 3.Weight 38 4.Height 5 Feet 3 hair is falling frontal head side from two month.My hair is thinning and brittle. I am felling stomach fullness always basically morning and fell always tired my blood pressure is also feet and hand always cold and skin id dry scratch.fell Dizziness and short breathing during hard work like(Exercise, running,water bucket lifting....etc.) I have also Acidity Problem stoll passes like acid.Previously I had chronic diarrhea during (2004-2013)at that time i had taken various type of aloepathic Medicine,Injection.
Always Fell like fever inside my Body during 2 P.M to 6 P.M (Eye swelling, Hot air passes from Nose ).My hair fall increase when I was taking Amway hair Growth supplement and Endura mass Weight gainer.Please Kindly Help me.
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sanjitrules 9 years ago
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