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Yes, I can get hold of both Veratrum 12c and LM1 in 23% alcohol. Should I order both these potencies or just one? Am I likely to need each potency at some point during my treatment?
CyberLavender last decade
♡ Evocationer last decade
Ok, I have the Veratrum LM1 and LM2. Which of these do I need to take first? How do I dilute it this time? How many doses, or is it just the one dose?
Should I now antidote the Veratrum 200c which I took a few weeks ago,and which might have caused an aggravation? I have essential oils of peppermint & camphor.
[message edited by CyberLavender on Mon, 13 Oct 2014 14:44:30 BST]
Should I now antidote the Veratrum 200c which I took a few weeks ago,and which might have caused an aggravation? I have essential oils of peppermint & camphor.
[message edited by CyberLavender on Mon, 13 Oct 2014 14:44:30 BST]
CyberLavender last decade
You do not need to antidote anything. That is not necessary except in the most dire of circumstances.
You start with LM1. Prepare and take it the same way as you did with 200c, but you will take a daily dose. Continue dosing until there is some kind of marked reaction and then stop. Let me know when this happens, or report at the end of 7 days.
You start with LM1. Prepare and take it the same way as you did with 200c, but you will take a daily dose. Continue dosing until there is some kind of marked reaction and then stop. Let me know when this happens, or report at the end of 7 days.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Just to let you know that I have now been taking the Veratrum LM1 for approx. 10 days now with no marked reaction yet, so I will continue to take it daily. My prolonged period did stop 2 days after I started taking this remedy, which was a great relief! The next period is due in about a week from now.
CyberLavender last decade
I feel much stronger overall. I am able to do more at the moment without feeling so exhausted all the time and my head is clearer, I'm able to think more clearly. I don't know how things are going to be later on when the next period starts however - this is something I dread.
CyberLavender last decade
Good, good ... I think the remedy is the right one then.
It does take time to cure the whole complex of chronic symptoms, so even if your menses continues to cause some problems, as long as there is an overall improvement and it continues to move in the right direction, I am sure we will get you to a much better level of health.
It does take time to cure the whole complex of chronic symptoms, so even if your menses continues to cause some problems, as long as there is an overall improvement and it continues to move in the right direction, I am sure we will get you to a much better level of health.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Thanks Evocationer - Just to let you know that the last period finished on day 10, but the haemorrhaging was very severe on day 5 (lasting a complete 24 hours). I have also had the flu with high fever etc. 3 times in the past 2 months. My immunity seems to be very low even with high iron supplements and good diet. I know that the fibroids are chronic but I keep on getting either a cold or flu symptoms after each period. Two questions: 1) I'm nearly finished my bottle of Veratrum LM 1 - should I move on to the LM2 potency yet ? 2) Would it be worth taking another remedy alongside the veratrum? I know that the veratrum matches my physical symptoms but not my psychological profile. Does this mean that the veratrum alone can still lead to a cure without it being my actual constitutional remedy?
CyberLavender last decade
That sounds like an aggravation to me. Remember that if your symptoms worsen, or you develop new symptoms (including an apparent acute) you MUST stop the remedy. Continuing will only increase the aggravation.
It is NOT necessary to 'finish' the remedy. In fact most people will never need to do this. I believe you have taken too much. If you haven't already stopped it do so now, and wait for a full week to see how things settle.
It is NOT necessary to 'finish' the remedy. In fact most people will never need to do this. I believe you have taken too much. If you haven't already stopped it do so now, and wait for a full week to see how things settle.
♡ Evocationer last decade
You should never take two remedies at once. This always creates problems of one kind or another.
It is important to understand that a person will need a number of remedies during their lifetime, during 'constitutional' treatment. This is because the core pattern within you has many thing encoded within it, and different 'states' will emanate from it at different times (which we match to remedies). Veratrum may just be the remedy you need now to solve the seriousness of the physical manifestation, and at some point a new remedy will become clear as this internal pattern shifts.
However, it did have some resonance with your mental state as you can see from the rubrics I used to choose the remedy:
Weeping, no desire to be comforted
Fear, full of fears
Ailments from mental shock
Injustice, cannot support
Is it enough? That of course is the question - is it similar enough to get you closer to cure?
I don't want to defend a remedy that is incorrect, but I also don't want to miss working with a remedy that could get you further along the path to cure.
I think if we wait a bit to let the negative impact of the remedy die down, we can get a better idea of how much positive response will come out of it. Daily dosing is always problematic in the beginning with patients - they may not be alert enough to the signs to stop, and overdosing can be done too easily. However, generally speaking once this saturation point has been reached, you will get a 'push-back' effect that can be very beneficial.
It is important to understand that a person will need a number of remedies during their lifetime, during 'constitutional' treatment. This is because the core pattern within you has many thing encoded within it, and different 'states' will emanate from it at different times (which we match to remedies). Veratrum may just be the remedy you need now to solve the seriousness of the physical manifestation, and at some point a new remedy will become clear as this internal pattern shifts.
However, it did have some resonance with your mental state as you can see from the rubrics I used to choose the remedy:
Weeping, no desire to be comforted
Fear, full of fears
Ailments from mental shock
Injustice, cannot support
Is it enough? That of course is the question - is it similar enough to get you closer to cure?
I don't want to defend a remedy that is incorrect, but I also don't want to miss working with a remedy that could get you further along the path to cure.
I think if we wait a bit to let the negative impact of the remedy die down, we can get a better idea of how much positive response will come out of it. Daily dosing is always problematic in the beginning with patients - they may not be alert enough to the signs to stop, and overdosing can be done too easily. However, generally speaking once this saturation point has been reached, you will get a 'push-back' effect that can be very beneficial.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Hi Evocationer. Sorry for not keeping you posted sooner. I took your advice and stopped taking the Veratrum (7 weeks ago). The last period came on the 28th day of cycle and finished on day 12. Severe haemorrhaging, as usual for 2 days but without the long 48 hour gap(no bleeding whatsoever)before the flooding. This time, the flooding occurred after a gap of about 36 hours. Flow was like ink with hardly any clots. Gastric viral infection afterwards.
This last period also came on day 28 of cycle, but with no gap at the onset. Light on days 1 & 2, then severe continuous, flooding, like ink on days 3 & 4(with nausea & migraine). It was lighter on day 5, then flow stopped completely on days 6 & 7. However, the flooding was severe and sudden on day 8. The flow was bright red(it had been much darker before). Clots were quite large and some were black. I was hardly able to move with the weakness. I took Yarrow herbal extract to stem the flow. There was nothing on day 9, then white and clear on day 10, indicating the completion of cycle.
My GP has reluctantly agreed that the only way to shrink my fibroids is through naturopathic medicine. I have started using castor oil packs and taking herbs: Cramp Bark for the pain.Yarrow, Lady's Mantle, Red Raspberry etc. in fact I am learning more about herbalism now. I understand that homeopathy can help to fix the imbalance that has occurred. I also know that tumours will not shrink overnight.
Thank you for your explanation about the need to take just one homeopathic remedy at a time. I understand that veratrum might be what I needed for this illness, but that the need for another remedy might become apparent later on. It seems as though the 'saturation' from my taking veratrum for too long is still occurring. There does seem to be a slight improvement : 28 day cycle, with no gap between days 1-3.
[message edited by CyberLavender on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 18:52:44 GMT]
This last period also came on day 28 of cycle, but with no gap at the onset. Light on days 1 & 2, then severe continuous, flooding, like ink on days 3 & 4(with nausea & migraine). It was lighter on day 5, then flow stopped completely on days 6 & 7. However, the flooding was severe and sudden on day 8. The flow was bright red(it had been much darker before). Clots were quite large and some were black. I was hardly able to move with the weakness. I took Yarrow herbal extract to stem the flow. There was nothing on day 9, then white and clear on day 10, indicating the completion of cycle.
My GP has reluctantly agreed that the only way to shrink my fibroids is through naturopathic medicine. I have started using castor oil packs and taking herbs: Cramp Bark for the pain.Yarrow, Lady's Mantle, Red Raspberry etc. in fact I am learning more about herbalism now. I understand that homeopathy can help to fix the imbalance that has occurred. I also know that tumours will not shrink overnight.
Thank you for your explanation about the need to take just one homeopathic remedy at a time. I understand that veratrum might be what I needed for this illness, but that the need for another remedy might become apparent later on. It seems as though the 'saturation' from my taking veratrum for too long is still occurring. There does seem to be a slight improvement : 28 day cycle, with no gap between days 1-3.
[message edited by CyberLavender on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 18:52:44 GMT]
CyberLavender last decade
Ok, the first thing to do now is to start the Veratrum 0/2. This will tell us whether we need to move on to a new remedy or not.
♡ Evocationer last decade
I can't get Veratrum in an 0/2 potency, doesn't 0/2 = 0?
My supplier has literally thousands of homeopathic remedies available but not this. They do the Veratrum in M ranging from 1M to 50M; C ranging from 3C to 200C; just CM by itself; LM ranging from 1LM to 23LM or X potencies 6X,8X & 10X.
My supplier has literally thousands of homeopathic remedies available but not this. They do the Veratrum in M ranging from 1M to 50M; C ranging from 3C to 200C; just CM by itself; LM ranging from 1LM to 23LM or X potencies 6X,8X & 10X.
CyberLavender last decade
0/2 is another way to say Lm 2 or 2 Lm-
so you already have it from earlier ordering.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 04 Feb 2015 01:26:57 GMT]
so you already have it from earlier ordering.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 04 Feb 2015 01:26:57 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Evocationer, I have just started to take the Veratrum LM 2. As you know, I am very new to the concept of Homeopathy and I understand now that it is not a good idea to take more than one remedy at the same time. However last year I did take Nat Mur 30C for fluid in my middle ear and it seemed to give me some relef. I tend to have this symptom premenstrually which causes nausea and dizziness; I also get very bad fluid retention at this time. If I took a remedy in the 30C potency would it still clash with the Veratrum LM2? Also, if I wanted to use a 30C remedy for some sort of acute condition, would I have to use some other alternative treatment such as herbalism while I'm taking the Veratrum for something chronic? At the moment I am using herbal remedies for first aid etc. Please advise me.
CyberLavender last decade
I think it really depends on the situation. First aid situations usually require a different remedy because the entire picture changes to something different.
Using a remedy for a symptom that normally appears, in addition to a remedy used for the chronic state, is definitely not the way to handle it though. This may act suppressively and make the situation worse in the long run.
It is better not to suppress any symptom unless it is an emergency situation, not with herbs or drugs. See how the 0/2 goes first, and we will adjust treatment depending on what happens.
Using a remedy for a symptom that normally appears, in addition to a remedy used for the chronic state, is definitely not the way to handle it though. This may act suppressively and make the situation worse in the long run.
It is better not to suppress any symptom unless it is an emergency situation, not with herbs or drugs. See how the 0/2 goes first, and we will adjust treatment depending on what happens.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Hi Evocationer,
I did not take the Nat Mur 30c, but when I experience very severe haemorrhaging I do normally have to take herbal remedies such as Yarrow tincture and Lady's Mantle in order to avoid having to go to A&E. I did take the Veratrum 0/2 just over a month ago for a few days but then I had flu symptoms with fever again, so then I stopped taking it. My last period came too early, day 20. It had started to regulate to a 28 day cycle for the previous 3 months. This time it finished on day 8 with severe haemorrhaging like ink, plus medium sized clots, red, purple & black plus a migraine headache on days 3-4, with a gap (no bleeding at all) from days 5-7 finished on day 8, like the previous two cycles. I think the reason for the setback of having a too early period, was that I received some very threatening financial news just before this early period started. If I get a shock this can happen to me, it is psychosomatic. I did notice that I didn't have any flu or cold symptoms after the last cycle however. The financial threat has not gone away yet and although I trust in God to see me through this, I still tend to get anxious over the threat of insecurity especially with the nature of my illness and how helpless I feel sometimes. The illness itself can be frightening when the symptoms are extreme. I am hoping that this next period will not come too early, especially as they had started to somewhat regulate to 28 day cycles for 3 months in a row, until the last time.
Do you think I should now go back on the Veratrum 0/2 especially as I did not have the usual flu/cold symptoms, like an aggravation after the last period?
I did not take the Nat Mur 30c, but when I experience very severe haemorrhaging I do normally have to take herbal remedies such as Yarrow tincture and Lady's Mantle in order to avoid having to go to A&E. I did take the Veratrum 0/2 just over a month ago for a few days but then I had flu symptoms with fever again, so then I stopped taking it. My last period came too early, day 20. It had started to regulate to a 28 day cycle for the previous 3 months. This time it finished on day 8 with severe haemorrhaging like ink, plus medium sized clots, red, purple & black plus a migraine headache on days 3-4, with a gap (no bleeding at all) from days 5-7 finished on day 8, like the previous two cycles. I think the reason for the setback of having a too early period, was that I received some very threatening financial news just before this early period started. If I get a shock this can happen to me, it is psychosomatic. I did notice that I didn't have any flu or cold symptoms after the last cycle however. The financial threat has not gone away yet and although I trust in God to see me through this, I still tend to get anxious over the threat of insecurity especially with the nature of my illness and how helpless I feel sometimes. The illness itself can be frightening when the symptoms are extreme. I am hoping that this next period will not come too early, especially as they had started to somewhat regulate to 28 day cycles for 3 months in a row, until the last time.
Do you think I should now go back on the Veratrum 0/2 especially as I did not have the usual flu/cold symptoms, like an aggravation after the last period?
CyberLavender 9 years ago
I'm not sure - it doesn't seem like we are getting cure though, unless you are feeling better emotionally and mentally?
Assuming you are not, I am going to turn my perspective of the case around and treat from the point of the pathology. We need to stop this bleeding as a priority.
That brings to my sight the following remedies:
The inky black menses is a rare symptom though - Sepia (the substance is actually ink from a squid), Kali nit, Agath-a, Jug-c.
Sepia is the only one of those that also covers a significant number of the mentals. It is a very important remedy in the treatment of menstrual pathology including fibroids.
I assume you haven't already been prescribed this remedy. I would obtain Sepia 30c in liquid form, and take the remedy in exactly the same way you took the Veratrum, but with this alteration to timing of the doses.
Take one dose every 2 days, and take 4 doses in total. Do not take all doses if you feel there is an aggravation.
Assuming you are not, I am going to turn my perspective of the case around and treat from the point of the pathology. We need to stop this bleeding as a priority.
That brings to my sight the following remedies:
The inky black menses is a rare symptom though - Sepia (the substance is actually ink from a squid), Kali nit, Agath-a, Jug-c.
Sepia is the only one of those that also covers a significant number of the mentals. It is a very important remedy in the treatment of menstrual pathology including fibroids.
I assume you haven't already been prescribed this remedy. I would obtain Sepia 30c in liquid form, and take the remedy in exactly the same way you took the Veratrum, but with this alteration to timing of the doses.
Take one dose every 2 days, and take 4 doses in total. Do not take all doses if you feel there is an aggravation.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
Thanks Evocationer, I have a few questions: I do already have Sepia 30c in tablet form, shall I use this or would I still need to get it in the liquid form?
Would I need to start taking the Sepia now or wait until the period starts (due next week)?
The consistency of the flow is like ink however it is not black in colour but varies between medium to dark red. Only some of the clots are black - does this make a difference to the choice of Sepia if the flow is like ink but not actually black in colour?
Would I need to start taking the Sepia now or wait until the period starts (due next week)?
The consistency of the flow is like ink however it is not black in colour but varies between medium to dark red. Only some of the clots are black - does this make a difference to the choice of Sepia if the flow is like ink but not actually black in colour?
CyberLavender 9 years ago
Do you have tablets or pillules? Tablets are usually not dissolvable, and this is a problem. All medicines need to be taken in liquid doses (split into water). Pillules are usually made of milk-sugar and dissolve easily. You will need to make up a liquid dose if they are pillules.
I used the symptom 'like ink' as opposed to 'black like ink' so I think it is still appropriate to use the rubric.
Why do you have Sepia 30c? Have you used it before?
I used the symptom 'like ink' as opposed to 'black like ink' so I think it is still appropriate to use the rubric.
Why do you have Sepia 30c? Have you used it before?
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
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