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Ignatia Amara: Nux Vomica:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

why has my homeopath advised me to take Ignatia 200, carc 30 and nux at the same time? please help!

why has my homeopath given all 3 remedies to take?

ignatia 200 1 per week, has given me about 20 pills

carc 30 1 every morning
nux 1 every night

can anyone please davise if i should take these remedies together, i thought it was best to try one at a time.

please advise im very confused.

kindest regards
sonia x
  sonia- taylor on 2005-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What are these remedies prescribed for? And not to be rude at all, but you should call him up and ask! And then tell us, because its very important to hear many points of view on situations like these.
samnbudsmom last decade
i was taking staphysaria 1 a week 200 potency for 3 weeks,

Now she has changed my remedy to Ignatia and carc and nux.

I suffer from anxiety in chest region, always taking in deep breaths.

She prescribed Ignation for anxiety and breathing.

Carc 30 and nux she said was a detox for my body.

Im scared i shouldnt be taking all 3 remedies at same time.

kind regards
sonia x
sonia- taylor last decade
Forgot to say its Nux Vomica she gave me.

Please reply samnbudsmom.

Thanks sonia x
sonia- taylor last decade
Now I am concerned because Nux vom is inconpatible with ignatia. I'm posting the Materia Medica. What do you think?

(St. Ignatius Bean)
Produces a marked hyperesthenia of all the senses, and a tendency to clonic spasms. Mentally, the emotional element is uppermost, and coordination of function is interfered with. Hence, it is one of the chief remedies for hysteria. It is especially adapted to the nervous temperament: women of sensitive, easily excited nature, dark, mild disposition, quick to perceive, rapid in execution. Rapid change of mental and physical condition, opposite to each other. Great contradictions. Alert, nervous, apprehensive, rigid, trembling patients who suffer acutely in mind or body, at the same time made worse by drinking coffee. The superficial and erratic character of its symptoms is most characteristic. Effects of grief and worry. Cannot bear tobacco. Pain is small, circumscribed spots. The plague. Hiccough and hysterical vomiting.

Mind. Changeable mood; introspective; silently brooding. Melancholic, sad, tearful. Not communicative. Sighing and sobbing. After shocks, grief, disappointment.

Head. Feels hollow, heavy; worse, stooping. Headache as if a nail were driven out through the side. Cramp-like pain over root of nose. Congestive headaches following anger or grief; worse, smoking or smelling tobacco, inclines head forward.

Eyes. Asthenopia, with spasms of lids and neuralgic pain about eyes. [Nat-m.] Flickering zigzags.

Face. Twitching of muscles of face and lips. Changes color when at rest.

Mouth. Sour taste. Easily bites inside of cheeks. Constantly full of saliva. Toothache; worse after drinking coffee and smoking.

Throat. Feeling of a lump in throat that cannot be swallowed. Tendency to choke, globus hystericus. Sore throat; stitches when not swallowing; better, eating something solid. Stitches between acts of swallowing. Stitches extend to ear. [Hep.] Tonsils inflamed, swollen, with small ulcers. Follicular tonsillitis.

Stomach. Sour eructation. All-gone feeling in stomach; much flatulence; hiccough. Cramps in stomach; worse slightest contact. Averse to ordinary diet; longs for great variety of indigestible articles. Craving for acid things. Sinking in stomach, relieved by taking a deep breath.

Abdomen. Rumbling in bowels. Weak feeling in upper abdomen. Throbbing in abdomen. Colicky, griping pains in one or both sides of abdomen.

Rectum. Itching and stitching up the rectum. Prolapse. Stools pass with difficulty; painful constriction of anus after stool. Stitches in hemorrhoids during cough. Diarrhea from fright. Stitches from anus deep into rectum. Hemorrhage and pain; worse when stool is loose. Pressure as of a sharp instrument from within outward.

Urine. Profuse, watery. [Ph-ac.]

Respiratory. Dry, spasmodic cough in quick successive shocks. Spasm of glottis. [Calc.] Reflex coughs. Coughing increases the desire to cough. Much sighing. Hollow spasmodic cough, worse in the evening, little expectoration, leaving pain in trachea.

Female. Menses, black, too early, too profuse, or scanty. During menses great languor, with spasmodic pains in stomach and abdomen. Feminine sexual frigidity. Suppression from grief.

Extremities. Jerking of limbs. Pain in Achilles tendon and calf. Ulcerative pain in soles.

Sleep. Very light. Jerking of limbs on going to sleep. Insomnia from grief, cares, with itching of arms and violent yawning. Dreams continuing a long time; troubling him.

Fever. Chill, with thirst; not relieved by external heat. During fever, itching; nettle rash all over body.

Skin. Itching, nettle rash. Very sensitive to draft of air. Excoriation, especially around vagina and mouth.

Modalities. Worse, in the morning, open air, after meals, coffee, smoking, liquids, external warmth. Better, while eating, change of position.

Relationship. Compare: Zinc.; Kali-p.; Sep.; Cimic.
Complementary: Nat-m.
Incompatible: Coff.; Nux-v.; Tab.
Antidote: Puls.; Cham.; Cocc.

Dose. Sixth, to two hundredth potency.
samnbudsmom last decade
I don't know much about homeopathy just started on this forum a few weeks ago to get 2nd oppinion off others.

Please help! what do i do now?

My homeopath is away on holiday from today for 2 weeks.

Please help do i carry on taking or not?

Shall i just take my weekly dose of 200 of ignatia.

Please reply asap.

sonia x
sonia- taylor last decade
i went back to see her because of the breathing problem.

having to take in deep breaths and then feel as though not fully inhaled enough, as if breath got stuck at top of chest. also anxiety in chest region.

when putting these symptoms into grid on this forum it advised on PHOSPHURUS.

I told her this and she said try Ignatia first but i do sound like a Phosphurus person.

What do you think?

Please reply?

sonia x
sonia- taylor last decade
where can i get materia medica information on remedies?

Is it from a book, or a website, please advise i would love to be able to have more knowledge about remedies.


sonia x
sonia- taylor last decade
Can anyone advise me on what should do!


sonia- taylor last decade
if your homeopath is away contact their locum for advice.
nux vom and ignatia are not incompatible.
erika last decade
sorry but I am confused..on your other thread you said you were taking carb 30c and nux 6c? is this correct?
erika last decade
hi erica,

on last post i said it wrong, checked with homeopath today before she went.

it is carc 30 and nux vomica 6.

my homeopath works alone from her home.

i have asked for advise often on this forum and get no response but ask your homeopath. can someone please give me advice! i only want a second oppinion and as my homeopath ain't here were do i turn for help.

sonia- taylor last decade
Erica, you say nux vom and ignatia are NOT incompatible, but in the earlier post in the materia medica, it says they are incompatible. IM CONFUSED! PLEASE ADVISE WHAT IS THE TRUTH.


sonia- taylor last decade
I'm confused too - all my books say they are not incompatible - I am not sure which mat med samnbudsmom is using, so would be interested to know, thanks samnbudsmom...
usually when something is written as incompatible it is no more than one or 2 homeopaths experience with these 2 remedies given together, so is not always right.
what exactly worries you about your remedies - if you tell us then maybe an answer would be poss.
erika last decade
Erika, I am using a software program called AtamA.
samnbudsmom last decade
Erika, The Medica I'm reading lists Ignatia as incompatable with Nux Vom, and lists Nux Vom as an antidote to Ignatia.
samnbudsmom last decade
Your problem is chest anxiety and you are prescribed medicine for mental anxiety.Tell erika every thing about you then only the correct medicine will be suggested.Tell details.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Erica, Please state the information you require from me.

I will start with Staphysagria.

I was given staph 200 potency 1 per week about 3 weeks ago for past abuse and depression.

First week i felt worse symptoms, second week felt great. Third week started getting anxiety really bad with the breathing in problem, not been able to fully take a deep breath, a feeling as though it was stopping at the top of my chest.

My homepath then gave me Ignatia 200 1per week and has given me about 20 pills.
carc 30 1 per morning
nux vom 6 every evening
She told me the carc and nux were to detox my body from everything.

I am wanting to know why i have been given 3 remedies to take all at once. I thought from what i have read on here to take 1 remedie at a time.

PLease explain the reason for carc and nux vom. What will they do for my body?

Please reply soon erica.

kind regards
sonia x
sonia- taylor last decade
Erica, below is what my homeopath replied with when i asked whatcarcnd nux vomica did for me.

felt that your remedies would perform better if you had a detox - this will get your liver working better and help you to discharge faster. Carc and Nux is a standard and very effective detox combination


What do you think? is this true? just an oppinion will do from you to maybe also help other people that read this.

kind regards
sonia x
sonia- taylor last decade
nux can be used as a liver/organ remedy. I suppose this could be classed as a detox. However, I thought detox was a 'body cleanse', which homeopathy does not do. Maybe the word 'detox' is being used creatively here?!
Carc. is a nosode, which is used to help the body clear of inherited traits, so can help remedies work more successfully. Each homeopath may have different theories on how this works.

multiple remedies are used in certain situations by homeopaths, but are not recommended for self-treatment.

samnbudsmom - thank you for your info on ignatia/nux. As far as i can 'theorize' I feel that if a remedy can antidote another (if this is possible) then it is more likely to be an antidote and not incompatible. I do not understand how it could be both.
Any 'incompatible' remedies usually cause an ill effect if they are used together - one straight after the other (again theory) so they would not antidote but would cause an ill effect..........??
Usually if remedies are incompatible then it is only if they directly follow each other, so taking another remedy in between would prevent them reacting in any unwanted way.
So if you were at all worried then just don't take ignatia straight after the nux and vice versa.
erika last decade
dear sajjadakram
thank you for your concern here.
chest anxiety/mental anxiety are often very interlinked so ignatia is fine for both, especially if emotional upset has caused the breathing problem to start or to worsen.
erika last decade
Yes Erika go ahead.
sajjadakram635 last decade

thankyou kindly for your reply, please explain what kind of ill effect would a person get???

i take nux vom on an evening and ignatia 1 per week will that be ok?

yesterday i took another ignatia instead of my carc, i later took the carc.

yesterday i felt terribly anxious and breathing worse, do you think this is because the remedies are working or are they making me feel worse. i feel emotional, angry, anxious and breathing terrible.

please advise erica asap.

kind regards

sonia- taylor last decade
I'm sorry but it is out of my scope to take over from your homeopath. You must get advice on how to take the remedies he/she suggested from him/her.
If you cannot do this then I advise you stop taking the remedies until your homeopath returns and then ask them.
I only said that the 'theory' was that incompatible remedies may cause ill effects IF TAKEN DIRECTLY AFTER EACH OTHER - I have never known it happen so cannot help here. It sounds in any case as though you are not taking them directly after each other, as you are taking carc. in between taking these remedies. So - there is no cause for worry. Why not call a homeopathic pharmacy, or email one, if you are that worried?? they are the ones who truly can give you the best answer about remedy compatibility.
erika last decade
ok erica, sorry to trouble you but when you are new to something and dont know much about it, i thought i would get help on this forum, i thought that is why it is here.

sonia- taylor last decade
you are quite right - you can get help here.
I am sorry but it is very difficult to give second opinions. Your advice from your homeopath is unique to your situation - I would trust that your homeopath is qualified to practise and d that the remedies you are taking are suitable for you - giving you other advice may confuse you rather than help you.
If you want someone on the forum to help you choose remedy/remedies for you then please tell us all the symptoms you told to your homeopath and we can help you - if then the remedies advised here are different to those advised by your homeopath this does not mean at all that your homeopath was wrong just that another suggestion has been made.
Hope this helps
erika last decade

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