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Ignatia Amara: Nux Vomica:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

why has my homeopath advised me to take Ignatia 200, carc 30 and nux at the same time? please help! Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you are quite right - you can get help here.
I am sorry but it is very difficult to give second opinions. Your advice from your homeopath is unique to your situation - I would trust that your homeopath is qualified to practise and d that the remedies you are taking are suitable for you - giving you other advice may confuse you rather than help you.
If you want someone on the forum to help you choose remedy/remedies for you then please tell us all the symptoms you told to your homeopath and we can help you - if then the remedies advised here are different to those advised by your homeopath this does not mean at all that your homeopath was wrong just that another suggestion has been made.
Hope this helps
erika last decade
Thankyou very much, i will post my symptoms very soon.

sonia- taylor last decade
well here goes erica.

I am 31 years old

live in the united kingdom

i have dark hair and dark eyes, tan very easy and have alot of moles on my body.

i have a good appertite

not over weight

child illnesses, brochitis, chicken pox and mumps, also always got cold sores and also get them now and again

suffer from very bad pms, anxiety, night sweats, bloating, headache (pain top left side of head, just at the sideof top of scull, in one small area, burning horrible pain, stabbing sharp, loose bowel movements onlt before period, other time constipated.

past history, grew up with mother very protective, wouldnt let me play out much. Had no father. my grandad acked as my father, lived with gran and grandad very youn age, my granda beat my gran until the day he died, so grew up watching abuse, got bullied at school and out of school, had to move away to different town alone to work to get away from bullies.at 17 met a man alot older than me and thought he would protect me from the bullies when i returned home. he didnt he bullied me aswel, beat me all the time and verbally abused me for 7 years, i was too scared to leave before that. one day packed clothes and took my son and left.

i lived on my own for a few years, all ok. then i met a man he was very jealous at first and it caused alot of arguments. had breast implants but caught infection and had to be removed whilst i was pregnant, did not get them replaced.i had my son and moved town to were he lived, i ended up with postantal deppression, my gran died whom i dearly loved, i ended up in hospital with flu and bronchitis again, ( i dont smoke and never ever have ) when moving town to the new house i had a horrible feeling about the house i just couldnt settle there, then when my gran died i had an out of body experience, i had a dream, were i floated out of my own body into my sons bedrooms looked over them and then back into my body. it was an awful experience that dream, or nightmare in my case.

now living in a diferent town and have a good life aprt from the below symptoms.

(always taking deep breaths, as if not getting enough breath, anxiety feeling in chest, pains in chest, nervousness, sadness comes on all of a sudden and mood dips, get quite angry at children and anything really for silly things then feel sorry for shouting.)

want things to be done properly, always seem to be rushing, want things done now, very jealous, always compare myself to others, always want to look the best.

i always have cold hands and feet,

if you require anymore inormation please ask

thankyou sonia
sonia- taylor last decade
pls describe what makes you jealous and how do you express your jealousy?
could you describe what you mean by nervousness?
pls thoroughly describe your chest pains? when do they occur?
do you get any pains elsewhere at the same time as your chest pains?

what foods do you crave or hate? any foods which upset you?
same question for drinks as for food....
pls tell us what time of year/weather/temp. makes you feel good or bad and why?
erika last decade
other girls better than me, my partner thinking he is looking at other girls.
i will confront him about this if i think he is looking at other girls, but he doesnt half the time. he is very complementry of me, always saying how good and nice i look.
nervousness, my body feels weak and arms shaky as if i have something hanging over me.
chest pain, sharp when anxious, in middle of chest or just to the left a little.
i get pains sometimes under my ribs on left and right side mainly left, not at the same time as chest pains though.
crave spicy also sweet foods at the time of my monthly cycle. spicy food makes me anxious more i think, sometimes get heart palpertations when i eat chilli. wheat bloats my stomach not sure if intolerant.
i drink alot of water and smoothies. i have lost 1/2 stone since taking staph 4 weeks ago. havent had much of an appetite when having breathing problem, seems to be made worse when starting to eat food.
i love the summer, the hot weather and the light nights, makes me feel happy bright days. dislike the winterdue to dark nights, but then again like them as i like the cosy feeling of the fire and warmth.

please advise if you require anymore info

sonia- taylor last decade
did you originally seek treatment for breathing problems or for other problems?
do you get chest pains only when anxious? Do the chest pains radiate in any particular direction or just a short stab in the region described?
erika last decade
yes only when anxious, just a sharp stab in that region. no havent had any test apart from ecg, that was fine.
sonia- taylor last decade
sorry - could you answer whether you only sought help from your homeopath for the chest pains or did you seek help from the homeopath for other symptoms?
thank you
erika last decade
homeopath for breathing and general anxiety feelings. but she dug deep into my past and started me on staph 200 1 per week for 3 weeks.

then on friday started with Ignatia 22, carc 30c and nux vomica 6
sonia- taylor last decade
one other thing I need to ask you (pls forgive all the questions! but this is homeopathy!!) is :
whether your anxiety comes on when you get chest pains/difficult breathing
whether anxiety causes you to get chest pains/difficulty breathing.
Please consider this carefully before answering.
erika last decade
sorry meant ignatia 200 not 22
sonia- taylor last decade
breathing causes me to get anxiety , probably worrying about it. the more i worry the worse it gets.
anxiety causes the chest pains not always get the chest pains with anxiety, just sometimes
sonia- taylor last decade
pls could you tell me if your pmt is relieved when your period starts?
are there any other symptoms that are better or worse during your period?
is there any alcohol that you feel makes any of your symptoms worse or do you enjoy alcohol?
how thirsty are you in fact??
erika last decade
yes it is just feel tired at onset of period. i feel less jealous at periods, which i seem is very strange!

i dont like alcohol very much and dont drink much of it, it makes me feel anxious with palpertations.

not very thirsty just drink water to be healthy really
sonia- taylor last decade
Initially, and from the information discussed, I would suggest you take Lachesis 30c - 2 doses in one day (1 pillule morning, one pillule around noon).
If you choose to try this then report back after one week to tell of your progress after taking this remedy - if it has helped you will probably need another dose or a higher potency.

Please read about lachesis regarding your symptoms - you do not need to have all symptoms of lachesis listed in books etc. to need this remedy but you need to recognise your symptoms in lachesis for it to be valid for you.
Let me know how you feel about this advice.
erika last decade

Thankyou so much for taking time to go through my symptoms and then prescribe a remedy. I will try this very soon, as soon as i can purchase some. Do they sell it all over in health shops.

I have read up on Lachesis and feel it may be the one for me.

Shall i stop taking carc and nux vom now?

Kindest Regards

sonia x
sonia- taylor last decade
if you take lachesis then yes you should stop taking any other remedy.
I am not sure that all health shops sell this you may have to order it from a pharmacy (or the health shop or pharmacy will order it for you). what county in uk do you live?
erika last decade
i live in county cleveland
sonia- taylor last decade
county cleveland
sonia- taylor last decade
ask in your health shop, pharmacy or boots. It can be bought in homeopathic first aid kits so you may well get this potency in these shops. If you cannot get it then order (phone/online) from homeopathic pharmacy - helios pharmacy, ainsworths pharmacy or or nelsons pharmacy. Galen homeopathic pharmacy also (dorset) - this is just by phone not online.
erika last decade
ok erica, thankyou kindly. will post back a wekk after taking remedy.

sonia x
sonia- taylor last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.