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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nawaz sir please help me about pilonidal sinus

sir i have suffering from pilonidal sinus last 6 month.then i have a small hole in my buttocks.but when i am take some homeo medicine and these medicine sealed my hole by skin.it look like a absese.i have a no pain there.it leaks dispus only.but in my under skin the hole have.now i am taking this remedy advice of joe de livera sir.arnica30c,Ferr phos6x,nat phos6x,sileca6x.this medicine dried up the wounds.but cannot cure it.please help me.now my wounds really dried up.
[message edited by sergel20 on Sat, 11 Jul 2015 06:53:29 UTC]
  sergel20 on 2015-07-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1)age-19 2)male 3)single 4)weight-81kg 5) height-5foot 5inch 6)country-bangladesh 7)climate-hot 8)complain-pilonidal sinus 9)suffering last 6 month 10) non diabetic 11)desire sometime sweet 12)thirsty 13) tongue and taste well 14)current blood presure normal 120/80 15)pilonidal sinus effect me 16)arnica 30c nat phos 6x Ferr phos6x sileca6x 17)inter 2nd year 18)bussiness 19)hurry 20)urine some time yellow all other normal colour
sergel20 9 years ago
The following additional information is required to help you.

1. Age
2. Male or Female or other
3. Single/Married
4. weight
5. Height
6. country
7. climate
8. List of your complaints

9. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

10. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
12. Thirst
13. Tongue and Taste
14. Current Blood Pressure (without medicine and with medicine)

15. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

16. Important Question.
Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

17. Educational Qualifications of the patient
18. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

19. Important Question.
Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry,
impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not, you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

20. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g
Pus, urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
.1)age-19 2)male 3)single 4)weight-81kg 5) height-5foot 5inch 6)country-bangladesh 7)climate-hot 8)complain-pilonidal sinus 9)suffering last 6 month 10) non diabetic 11)desire sometime sweet 12)thirsty 13) tongue and taste well 14)current blood presure normal 120/80 15)pilonidal sinus effect me 16)arnica 30c nat phos 6x Ferr phos6x sileca6x 17)inter 2nd year 18)bussiness 19)hurry 20)urine some time yellow all other normal colour
sergel20 9 years ago
What is the color of pus right now?

How is the pain?

Any bleeding?

What are the Mind symptoms in detail?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
colur like water,no pain,bleding somotimes in 4 weaks
sergel20 9 years ago
"What are the Mind symptoms in detail?"
Very important to give details.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
please forgive me sir.i cannot understand what is this?please give me some example.
sergel20 9 years ago
What is the condition of your mind? Happy, Sad, Worried, satisfied or angry?

What are your fears?

What is bothering you in your head?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
worried,fears for pilonidal sinus,bothering this pilonidal sinus.
sergel20 9 years ago

Please take Merc. Sol. 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, Only for 3 days. Then, stop the remedy.

Many prayers for your good health.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 07 Jul 2015 06:05:14 UTC]
nawazkhan 9 years ago
i am started the merc sol runing 1 day.in the night the pus is coming out and also bleding 5 drops of blood.
sergel20 9 years ago
"pus is coming out "
What is the color of Pus minus blood?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
pus is colur white when pus take in finger,and when pus take in gauze it show some yellow colur
sergel20 9 years ago
Continue with the suggested remedy.

More prayers for your good health.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
sir many many tnx for reply.i will also pray for you.
sergel20 9 years ago
A bundle of Thanks. Stay Blessed!
nawazkhan 9 years ago
sir assalamwalaikum.i finshed merc sol 3rd dose last 12 hours.when i take 2nd dose some time watery pus+ some time yellow pus+1time 4drops of blood coming out.on the 3rd day in bed time watery pus+ some time yellow pus+3drops of blood coming out.some time it show dried up. it is show some time sitcky[pus].some time pus is not come.i think Merc sol drain the sinus and the puss coming.i upload a picture.Many prayers for you to allah
[message edited by sergel20 on Sat, 11 Jul 2015 06:55:42 UTC]
sergel20 9 years ago
No need to send anymore pics. Please delete all pics.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
ok sir i dont send pic.i cannot delete the picture.please sir suggest me the next medicine.
sergel20 9 years ago
i deleted the pic.sorry sir please forgive me.
sergel20 9 years ago
I'll ask you if the picture is required?

How is your pain now?

Is the blood still coming?

How do you mentally feel at this time?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
sir tnx for reply.there is no pain.blood coming 4-5 drops a day.now i fell better mentalaty.yellow pus+watery pus coming out.
sergel20 9 years ago
"yellow pus+watery pus"
Can you describe the pus in detail? How much is yellow in it?
Also, what do you exactly see in the watery pus? This is very important.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
"blood coming 4-5 drops a day"
Is the blood mixed in the pus?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
not very much yellow.i see it like watery pus,but when i it takes on guaze it shows some yellow.
sergel20 9 years ago

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