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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nawaz sir please help me about pilonidal sinus Page 5 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Please take Silicea 6c, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Keep watching the pus color and report any change?

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Sir I found silecia 6x.Sir how to take it?
Many many prayer for your good
sergel20 9 years ago
Is it in the liquid form?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
no sir.it is tablet.
Many many prayer for your good
sergel20 9 years ago

Then, take 4 tablets, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Good luck.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Sir tnx for reply.sir today I noticed that some blood has inside of sinus and they make clot.can silecia 6x will drain the bad blood?
Many many prayer for your good and happy life.
sergel20 9 years ago
May Allah SWT bless you with good health soon, inshallah.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Sir 2days gone since I take silicea6x.sir it drain a lot of pus.the pus is something thin yellow colur.but coming out a lot.it levels the surface
you cure many pilonidal disease by low potecy calc sulph.Any medicine for get hold?
Many many prayer for your good
and enjoyeble life.
sergel20 9 years ago
Thanks for your prayers.

"you cure many pilonidal disease by low potecy calc sulph."
The above is only to get the pus out and change the color of pus to watery/white. With the help, mercy and blessings Of Allah Taa'ala Only cure comes after taking the higher potency.

Please be patient and continue Silicea 6x as suggested with a full trust in Allah SWT.

Is there any pain, bleeding, itching, burning, constipation or other issues at this time.

What are the current Mind symptoms?

More prayers....
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Sir tnx for reply.there is no pain,no burning,no bleeding,no itching and not have other issue.I have no constipation.I not feel any tension.can we need first time treatment merc sol 200 to nux vomica?.it was helped me very much.it was cure me about 60 percent.it was fully sealed.
Many many prayer for your good health to Allah.
[message edited by sergel20 on Thu, 06 Aug 2015 02:33:15 UTC]
sergel20 9 years ago
"can we need first time treatment merc sol 200 to nux vomica?"
What do you mean? From where are you getting this wrong info.

Please stop worrying and reading too much on the internet. This way you will never get well. Please follow directions with patience. One must respect his disease.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Sir sorry.please forgive me.I will follow your advice.Sir you are first give this medicine which help me very much.
Many many prayer for your good
health to Allah.
sergel20 9 years ago
What are the current Mind symptoms? Your correct answers will help in the selection of correct remedy(s).

"I not feel any tension."
Sorry, I don't agree with the above.

What is the color of pus?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
sir felling something tension not very.pus is colur yellow.Today I finished 3rd day of silicea 6x.it drain a lot of pus.Sir one amazing thing Alumen 30c helped me a lot which you give.it was healed totaly the wounds then.
Many many prayer for your good
health to Allah.
sergel20 9 years ago
".it was healed totaly the wounds then. "
Not true

Continue 6x as suggested with patience and prayers to Allah Taa'ala. Your cure is in the hands of Allah SWT only, not in any doctor or remedy.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Sir asaalamwalikum, I just update you that I finished 4th day of silecia6x.Today in night drain some bloody pus but on morning drain thin sticky yellow pus.I am felling very easy on sinus.
Today in jummah prayer I will pray for you.Insallah I believe that I will cure soon.
sergel20 9 years ago

A bundle of Thanks.

Please take Hydrofluoricum Acidum 12X, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days.

Many prayers for your speedy recovery.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Sir tnx for praying.sir I found this medicine 30c and 200c in liquid.
More prayers...
sergel20 9 years ago
Please try to get the lowest possible potency in x.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
sir I not found all the shops.
sergel20 9 years ago
sir I found this
medicine 30c and 200c in liquid.I found only c potency.sir last 5day I suffering from canker sore/mouth ulcer.I have all these remedy.
1)Nat phos6x 2)Ferr phos6x 3)silecia6x 4)arnica30c 5)merc sol200c 6)berberis vulgeris 1x 7)lycopodium 200c 8)alumen30c 9)alumen200c 10)calendula200c 11)calc phos 200c 12)nux vom200
sergel20 9 years ago
"last 5day I suffering from canker sore/mouth ulcer."
Today reported.

"there is no pain,no burning,no bleeding,no itching and not have other issue.I have no constipation."

Yesterday, you reported as above that there is no other issue.

?? Please make me understand.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
sir it is something mouth ulcer.it is not painful.sorry then I forgot this.
sergel20 9 years ago
Sir I cannot found the medicine in x potency.please help me.
sergel20 9 years ago
30C or 200C will not help at this stage of your disease. You may order online.
nawazkhan 9 years ago

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