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Attn. Dr Nawaz Khan please help mood disorder Page 2 of 3

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Hello Nawaz,
I am interested in homeopathy and read about the different remedies.
I noticed I have a lot of symptoms related to pulsatilla and some to nux vomica.
However as for Apis Mel. I don't see symptoms in common.
Could you kindly explain them briefly? I'm interested in knowing why you chose that remedy.

Thank you and best regards
ipslon 9 years ago
"However as for Apis Mel. I don't see symptoms in common. "
nawazkhan 9 years ago
hello Nawaz,

i took nux vom last hight and was able to fall asleep without meds. Soon after taking it i felt aggravation in pain of neck and shoulders and a headache.
This morning I released my bowels (lots of mucous). And generally felt better upon waking up.
With pulsatilla i only felt worse.I didn't want to be bothered and felt very tired.
The fact is that my depression is unbearable around menses which are early (every 18 days).In addition pmdd symptoms arrive long before and again after menses.
I become very irritable, oversensitive to slights, i feel dejected, unloved, overly pessimistic, and i need attention.
My self-esteem reaches rock bottom. There's even a day in which i am so fatigued i have to sleep no matter what.
You understand that this is a great problem for me when i have to work and be with people. I have argued with others due to my pmdd. It's already difficult for me to socialize as it is!!
Can you please help me with pmmd because i will be getting it in about a week.

Thanks for everything you've done for me so far.

Best regards
ipslon 9 years ago
"around menses which are early"
Pulsatilla 30C will cover the above. Please be patient. It is always easy to blame remedy for problems. Assumptions, nothing to do with real things. This remedy in no way causing you any problems. The current issues are due to other many factors.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hello Nawaz,
Ok you know better than me :)
Yesterday and today I have had good energy levels :)
So I have to take pulsatilla 3 times 3 p/day, nux vomica once at bed time and Apis melifica 200ch, is that correct?
So I'll go and get Apis m. 200ch

Thank you again
ipslon 9 years ago
"and Apis melifica 200ch"
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hello Nawaz,
Thank you for your email. I was feeling well yesterday but today I don't.
I took last dose of pulsatilla today. I didn't sleep well with nux vom. last night; I woke up twice.
Having depression is a damnation. You suffer twice because you don't feel like being with other people and the others don't enjoy being with you. I am ignored because I feel depressed.
Could you please tell me why I feel worse? Thank you
ipslon 9 years ago
PS I also wanted to say that life is unfair. I come from the same family but I'm the only one that suffers badly, the black sheep.

PS again. I've ordered Apis m.
ipslon 9 years ago
The only way is to thank your creator at all times. Celebrate his praises, hopeful at all times and put your full trust in him.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hello Nawaz,
Excuse me, but is that all the advice you have to give me?

ipslon 9 years ago

Please take Nux Vomica 30C, 4 pellets dissolved in 2 sips of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 2 more days.

Let me know when you get Apis Mel 200C.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hello Nawaz,
I thought you had given up my case. I'm glad you're carrying on to help me. Ok, I will take nux vom. like you said. I've got the Apis Mel with me.
ipslon 9 years ago
Assumptions, please stay away from them. Your COI loves you.
I am doing the best according to my capabilities and prayers for you. Remedy only will not help you at all as the cure of your disease(s) is in the hands of your creator.

So, how do you feel now?

More prayers.....
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hello Nawaz,
This morning I had good energy levels. But this afternoon I have had to sleep for an hour. I'm still yawning. My mood is better than yesterday, thank you.
An injured knee is painful when I walk. My one wrist makes crack sounds when I move it. And then my knee joints do that too when I kneel down. These symptoms aren't new but they are aggravated.
The weather is hot but my head and face sweat excessively.
I had some itchiness after taking pulsatilla the first days but that's gone.
As for thoughts, I carry on thinking that my life could be enjoyable if I were sociable, self confident and had energy. I've wasted so many years suffering, trying out lots of therapies, meds, I also tried accupuncture, reiki, homeopathy etc. but the outcome has been pretty poor.
I want to live a full active life, be happy and be able to love others. There are hobbies I'd like to take up but I feel uncomfortable being around people so I don't do them.
It seems like whatever I do, i never succeed to find some happiness and serenity.
That's all for now. I'm sorry for all that 'bla bla'.

Thank you again for your help.
ipslon 9 years ago
Hi, Thanks for sharing addl. info.

So, are you done with Nux Vomica 30C?

Be brave, focused, wise and thankful for all the blessings & mercies.

Many prayers for your happy life.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
ipslon 9 years ago
Hello Nawaz,
Sorry message went off ...

No, I have to take nux vom. 30ch twice tomorrow too. When do I start taking apis mel.?

Thank you again
ipslon 9 years ago
"When do I start taking apis mel.?"
Day after tomorrow.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Thank you Nawaz.
In your experience how long would I have to wait until I could stop taking meds?
ipslon 9 years ago
Hi, You are welcome. But, only Our Creator knows. It will also depend what you do to respect your disease.

More prayers for your speedy recovery.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hello Nawaz,
I've taken 1 dose of Apis m. 200ch. I read about the remedy and it mentions swelling, itchiness and burning. As a matter of fact I do get tend to get swelling of eyelids, stomache (after eating little), ankles and inside ears, and face sometimes.
As for burning, I get cystitis when under stress.
I also get minor itching in various parts of body.
A scan of the liver revealed that it is enlarged and there is hyper trophy of left lobe, perhaps due to accumulation pathology and hypo density, of cystic nature.
Also pancreas is enlarged ( I had to translate medical exam in English so it's not precise).
Will apis m. help these conditions?

Thank you
ipslon 9 years ago

Yes, indeed.

So, how do you feel now? Please avoid reading too much about remedies. It will confuse you more as this is very complex.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Help Nawaz, I just got your email!
Yes, you're right regarding reading about remedies.
I am not feeling much difference. Luckily I have some energy today too.
I'm just longing to become totally independent from my family and everyone else because depending on someone is very disappointing perhaps because I expect too much from others (myself too).
I will keep my plans on how to heal emotionally to myself.
I feel like my family could have done and could do more to assist me or at least show me some empathy.
If I find a way to recover, I won't reveal what benefited me. If they ask my advice for a health condition I feel I wouldn't want to help them ( I know I would though). I will just live my life as I wish and won't ask anything of them! I've always wanted to live abroad permanently and I will do so.

I hope that helps.
Thank you like always
ipslon 9 years ago
Hi, May our creator bless you with excellent health soon.

Please keep taking the remedy as suggested.

One must always help the sick, poor, needy and orphans to get good health and happiness.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Do I take one dose per day for 5 days? Sorry, but you didn't suggest therapy. Thank you.
ipslon 9 years ago
"I've taken 1 dose of Apis m. 200ch. "
Two more doses. One per day.
nawazkhan 9 years ago

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