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Attn. Dr Nawaz Khan please help mood disorder Page 3 of 3
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♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hello Nawaz,
I took 2nd dose of Apis. Mell. 200ch and I feel awful. I'm so tired, have a headache and feel really low. I can only rest, nothing else.
Shall I take last dose tomorrow? Or will I feel better?
I took 2nd dose of Apis. Mell. 200ch and I feel awful. I'm so tired, have a headache and feel really low. I can only rest, nothing else.
Shall I take last dose tomorrow? Or will I feel better?
ipslon 9 years ago
Now my mood is stable again. It seemed to be somewhat beneficial. This morning I wasn't constipated and my facial expression wasn't anguished as usual.
But, if you tell me to stop, I will. I await further instructions then.
Thank you Nawaz
But, if you tell me to stop, I will. I await further instructions then.
Thank you Nawaz
ipslon 9 years ago
Hello, I noticed there is a second message from you sent this evening but it doesn't appear.
In your first message you told me to stop remedy but now i don't know what to do.
In your first message you told me to stop remedy but now i don't know what to do.
ipslon 9 years ago
Stop the remedy and wait. Please give the remedy a chance to do its work.
How are the jealous feelings now?
Many prayers for you.
Stop the remedy and wait. Please give the remedy a chance to do its work.
How are the jealous feelings now?
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi there. The jealousy is still there. But there are mainly hurt feelings because I feel that if my family had really cared about me, they'd have done more to assist me when I couldn't help myself. We're talking about 15 of the best years of my life. I'm 44, unmarried/single, no friends, truggling to find work, renting a room in someone else's home. Am I acting like a victim? :)
I have espresso coffee in the morning to wake me up. Can I have it? Or does it affect remedies negatively?
I have espresso coffee in the morning to wake me up. Can I have it? Or does it affect remedies negatively?
ipslon 9 years ago
"Can I have it?"
Yes, decaffeinated coffee after 5 hours of taking the remedy.
Please take Natrum Muriaticum 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, Only One Dose.
" hurt feelings because I feel that if my family had really cared about me, "
Why the family did not help? What may be the reasons?
More prayers.....
"Can I have it?"
Yes, decaffeinated coffee after 5 hours of taking the remedy.
Please take Natrum Muriaticum 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, Only One Dose.
" hurt feelings because I feel that if my family had really cared about me, "
Why the family did not help? What may be the reasons?
More prayers.....
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi Nawaz,thank you ror advice. I had nat. mur. 200ch at home and took it this early morning, fell asleep again and woke up 5 hrs later wishing to die.
You've been really kind helping me for nothing in return and i really appreciate it but taking these remedies is upsetting me. I feel i can hardly manage without all additional emotional turbulence.
If it's ok with you, could you kindly suggest a remedy to deal with PMS so i can handle it better? Thank you.
You've been really kind helping me for nothing in return and i really appreciate it but taking these remedies is upsetting me. I feel i can hardly manage without all additional emotional turbulence.
If it's ok with you, could you kindly suggest a remedy to deal with PMS so i can handle it better? Thank you.
ipslon 9 years ago
I've had two strong coffees in the attempt to antidote nat. Mur. I only had Arsenicum 200ch at hand but I thought that the dose would be too high and just make things worse. I hope the coffees will suffice. I'm feeling really bad. I've had enough!!!
ipslon 9 years ago
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