The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Night fall with hair loss
Good morning sirI am having nightfall frm around 1 month and due to that my hairs are also falling plzz prescribe me the best medicine.
[message edited by K.keshujain on Thu, 17 Sep 2015 05:13:09 UTC]
K.keshujain on 2015-09-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take caladium 200, as per the details given below:
1st dose - Evening 1
2nd dose - Morning 2
3rd dose - Evening 2
Then stop the remedy.
If remedy in liquid form, 2 drops of remedy in 2 teasepone of water makes a dose.
If in pellets form, 3 pellets under the tongue makes a dose. Do not touch the pellet with hand, instead use of cap of bottle to take the dose.
Avoid coffee. Avoid eating/drinking anything except water before/after 30 mins of dosage.
Report back progress in 1 week.
1st dose - Evening 1
2nd dose - Morning 2
3rd dose - Evening 2
Then stop the remedy.
If remedy in liquid form, 2 drops of remedy in 2 teasepone of water makes a dose.
If in pellets form, 3 pellets under the tongue makes a dose. Do not touch the pellet with hand, instead use of cap of bottle to take the dose.
Avoid coffee. Avoid eating/drinking anything except water before/after 30 mins of dosage.
Report back progress in 1 week.
mani_jee 9 years ago
Okk sir tnku soo much I wish the medicine affects me as soon as possible. I will be surely thankful to you for this.
Are you a doctor if yes where is your clinic.
Are you a doctor if yes where is your clinic.
K.keshujain 9 years ago
I m taking caladium 200 since many day but still the problem is going plzz give me ur best remedy
K.keshujain 9 years ago
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