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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Can any doctor assist me ?

From msaad [Log on for profile] on 2015-12-27, 0 replies
I am having a mental problem but dont know what it is i am giving a brief history about my self please figure it and help me out as iam very hopeless and wanted to live my life as a normal person.

I was born in a well off family as i grew up little i was very shy and and everyone just ignore that maybe i was a child. I was a first male child in my whole family so they pampered me alot and maybe i thought i was someone special. then i started going school i was allright had friends was a active child. Now making it short now im 27 years of age and recently came back from australia after living there for 5 years and my father payed for that.
I HAVE VERY limited friends and iam even ignoring the people who love who stands for me like my parents my sisters their childrens. Like i dont understand my self i think iam someone speial from everyone and what iam saying is right and everyone has to listen to me and on the other hand iam very generous aswell like helping people. Didnt came out of my past always thinking about the past and the future and neglecting the present. Always thinking of people what they will think of me etc. Cant make relationships and the one which i make they are for lifetime like they adore me. i JUST WANT TO please everyone. I just say yes to everything even if its not beneficial for me. like cant say no. now as i came back from overseas its time to get married and settle down in life but i dont want to i want to be the same as im right now. i dont learn from the mistakes i made i keep on repeating them. I think iam the only right person. My father loves me and i dont talk to him i cant express my love for him. i dont feel any pleasure in my daily life. i take everything for granted. i dont know whether its low self esteem or what i can even talk to people when i feel like maybe in a big gatherings but other time i cant. i have a erratic nature. Like right now iam saying something and after few minutes my mind will be changed. very impatient if want to do the thing i just want it to be done at once. Thinking of my past very much. There are few people infront of them i can open up fully and almost all other iam really very reserved. Dont care about the expenses just waste money without any cause and even i do know that iam doing wrong but still iam doing it. Dont like company of good people and enjoys in a bad company. dont get pleasure in doing the things which i used to get before. Ignoring my friends family cousins. They call me to attend gatherings and i make up stories. Think everyone is false and have double face and i donot meet them. people who love me i take them for granted. I dont have any issue of a job everything is allright by grace of God but iam not satisfied fromm my self. Sometimes i get afraid of getting alone and on other hand i do not want to be in gatherings. Cant really understand my self. Gets really possessive about people thinking what they are doing without me when iam with them and then on the other hand when iam far away have no concern for them. as if i dont know them. meeting a person and then next time when i meet i will not even recognise him. Sir there are alot other things but i guess you will figure out by this and if you need any further information iam happy to give please help me out its ruining my current relationships and a barrier to new one. I REAlly want to live a normal happy life.
  msaad on 2015-12-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Unfortunately, no one has the time to read long posts.

What is your main issue, write that in 2-3 lines.
fitness 9 years ago
thanks alot for the reply i do understand that and now will describe in short. Iam not happy from life even i have everything and got anxiety and depression. Hope now you can assist me thanks
msaad 9 years ago
There is a book "Beyond Willpower". Read it.

A forum is not the right setting for dealing with serious health issues of depression. Either visit a homeopath or consult on online.
fitness 9 years ago

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