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Having horrible bleeding internal piles, Please help me.

I have hemoroids from last 8years. From last two years its in worst situation. I have diagnosed to be confirm, and colonoscopy reports says its internal piles. My rectum protrude when i sit into latrine. So i have to take rest by lying down to bed after each bowel movement. And the protrotion get vanished but some time just enlarged skin element seen at rectum area. I have no pain. But the main problem is blood. Its tooooo much and there is no symptom to stop. I have diagnosed at p banerjee kolkata and take medicine like sulfer,ratan,hamam q,gerenium q etc etc for more than 1 year. But noting workd. My mental condition getting worse during daily bleeding.please please help me sir.
  Sandipan on 2016-01-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take one dose Sulphur 200 in the morning.
Avoid sour food and drinks.
It will take time to cure.
telescope 9 years ago
Approx how long it can take to stop bleeding. I can understand the problem is arrising mainly due to some serious vein haemorrhage, because after taking some medicine bleeding stops when i sit. But when rectum squeeze then bleeding starts flowing.i have bought sulfar200 but after how many days i will inform my condition?

And 1 dose means how many drops??
Sandipan 9 years ago
It can take about 3 days to see results.
telescope 9 years ago
I have take sulphur 200 for 3days. Bleeding stopped but could you please tell me the remedy of the swelling of anus.i have tried lots of medicine.
Sandipan 9 years ago
Is it need to continue sulpher 200 or need to change medicine. Please help me.
Sandipan 9 years ago
Sulphur 200 will work for around 20 days. Next dose after 20 days. No change now.
telescope 9 years ago
Sandipan 9 years ago
Today also bleeded. Stool was little hard. Blood was not from begining. Before wash when it squeezes then it bleeded just like a burst of ballon. Squeeze of anus is totaly based on nurves so its not in my hand to control it. But i have checked most time the bleeding starts due to this. its bright red in color.

Please suggest me what to do....

Is it need to upload my colonoscopy report or any thing else? I had done full lower abdomen usg last year that was also clean.
Sandipan 9 years ago
There may be bleeding now and then. Don't worry it will stop on its own. No medicine now.
telescope 9 years ago
From last 10 days bleeding stopped but swelling same while bowel movement. If i stand or walk a lot a thin skinny part comes out from rectum. Its before 15 days i took 1 dose of sulpher. What i have to do now. Please suggest me. Is it curable?
Sandipan 9 years ago
The swelling will take time to become normal. No medicine for one more week.
telescope 9 years ago
7 more days gone. Currently not bleeding but swelling same right side of anus. Like one big and one small ball. Please suggest me some medicine to cure it. Is it can be cure permenently??
Sandipan 9 years ago
Mr telescope please reply.
Sandipan 9 years ago
Please repeat Sulphur 200 one dose.
telescope 9 years ago
Ok but after how long i will inform u?
Sandipan 9 years ago
After 7 days.
telescope 9 years ago
I have noticed that you posted your problem with Haemorrhoids for the last month and you have not been cured so far as your prescriber has only prescribed Sulphur 200 which as far as I can see has not helped you.

You are invited to use my therapy aka “Joepathy” which I have prescribed to many patients one of whom was like you and was having Bleeding Piles for over 2 years. She reported that in just 3 DAYS that she was CURED.

The remedy that has helped many to overcome Hemorrhoids is:

Hamamellis 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.

You will leave half hour between remedies.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.

You will also take Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken after each of 3 meals to keep the stools soft.

Please follow the following restrictions which are essential to ensure that the remedy prescribed is not antidoted:

Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Joe De Livera 9 years ago
Thanks for the prescription. I will definitly follow it but how long i have to take? Spring water means is it mineral water? And what quantity of hamam and arnica i have to mix in a 500 ml bottle? Please reply.
Sandipan 9 years ago
You will NOT MIX 2 remedies into ONE bottle as they will antidote each other.

Tap water after BOILING to release the chlorine will be OK.
Joe De Livera 9 years ago
Dear telescope sir,
Its 7days over after taking one dose of sulpher 200.
Swelling same, no improvement. Last day i have a picnic after that i saw 3-4 drops of blood with bowl movement.
I have checked blood comes due to hard stool and with xtreme motion. Please do something to reduce the swelling of anus by curing those veins.
Sandipan 9 years ago
Telescope sir please reply
Sandipan 9 years ago
Please provide the following information :
1, your height and weight.
2. Preference for type of weather. ( hot/cold/moderate; dry /wet)
3. Other health issues if any.
4. Family medical history of your parents especially your father
telescope 9 years ago
Please provide the following information :
1, your height and weight. 5feet8inch and 60kg
2. Preference for type of weather. ( hot/cold/moderate; dry /wet) hot because during cold asthma and haemorrhoids problem increase.
3. Other health issues if any. Asthmatic bronchitis and nerve problem while saw blood. From my childhood i got sense less its improved but when saw cut it sense different on nerve.
4. Family medical history of your parents especially your father - No special medical history of my father but at the age of 35-40, he had haemorrhoid with swelling but after taking 6 months homeopath medicine it all cured. Gallbladder stone removed during micro surgery. My mother has osteoporosis. Apart that she has digestive problem with little but of spicy food.
On father side my uncle has pilesand my grand father had piles. On my mother side my grand father and few relatives has piles.
Sandipan 9 years ago
Please take one dose Calcarea Carb 200.
Do not take medicine when asthmatic attack is on. Take it after the attack is over.
telescope 9 years ago
Ok but i took 1 pup of asthalin approx everyday at the time to sleep. Is it need to stop? And after how long i have to report again
Sandipan 9 years ago

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