The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Having horrible bleeding internal piles, Please help me. Page 2 of 2
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Ok but i took 1 pup of asthalin approx everyday at the time to sleep. Is it need to stop? And after how long i have to report again
Sandipan 9 years ago
If you take any other medicine my prescription will not work.
If you want to continue you will have to stop asthalin or any other medicine you may be using. You are free to change and seek advice from other people if you want.
If you want to continue you will have to stop asthalin or any other medicine you may be using. You are free to change and seek advice from other people if you want.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Its fine but you didnot replied my other question. How to take the dosage of calc carb in water or in granules? And after how many days i will inform?
Sandipan 9 years ago
You can take it directly on the tongue. You may have breathing difficulty for 2 or 3 days even after calcarea carb. That is normal.
Do not take calcarea carb when asthma attack is on. If you do so there will be severe aggravation.
You can use arsenicum album 30 to get over the acute attack of asthma instead of asthalin.
Try not to use any medicine after Calcarea Carb.
Do not take calcarea carb when asthma attack is on. If you do so there will be severe aggravation.
You can use arsenicum album 30 to get over the acute attack of asthma instead of asthalin.
Try not to use any medicine after Calcarea Carb.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
Ars alb working well in asthma and snizzing. Please tell me is there any chance to reduce the swelling of anus.
Sandipan 9 years ago
Yes. For that you will have to take Calcarea Carb.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
If you are suffering from internal hemorrhoids then, it is strongly recommended that you must consult with your doctor without making any delay.
But there are some self help tips that you can follow yourself to stop hemorrhoids bleeding and pain. Just Google the self help tips and you will find several tips.
But do consult with your doctor, before you follow any of the mentioned solutions.
Good Luck!
But there are some self help tips that you can follow yourself to stop hemorrhoids bleeding and pain. Just Google the self help tips and you will find several tips.
But do consult with your doctor, before you follow any of the mentioned solutions.
Good Luck!
henri 8 years ago
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