The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Multiple Lipomas treatment
Hi,I have multiple lipoma’s in my body, two years back I had 4-5 lipoma’s in my arms. I had it removed surgically, now over the years several small ones have appeared in various parts of body. Now the situation is getting worse as the sizes of these lipoma’s is increasing in size. Lipoma’s are usually hard are present in both the arms, in both hands, thighs, belly and leg. I urgently need your assistance as to what medicines should I take for this.
Thanks for your kind help and waiting for your reply in anticipation. I have also filled some sample answers for generic questions to help you understand my case.
1 Age - 33 Years
2 Give your food habits, from morning to evening
Ans – Breakfast : Chai and white bread with eggs
Lunch: Roti/ Rice along with Veg dish – usually spicy Indian curry
Snack: Tea and biscuits along with fried namkeen
Dinner: Rice, Dal and veg dish, sometimes chicken ( once in 2 weeks)
Usually drink less water as habit
3. Is there any acidity or other digestive trouble? Do you have a few bowel movement once or twice a day?
ans ; Usually go to Toilet multiple times a day. However excretion is normal. Frequency – Immediately after hot tea, if I eat too much need to rush and seems I have fast digestion. Basically its 3-4 times a day.
4.What work do you do and is there any potential chemical or other exposures known
Ans. no
5. If you sit on computer, how long do you do in a day
ans : I work 8-9 hours using computer at office
6. How often do you use your cell phone and cordless phone
ans :- daily around 3-4 calls
7. Which country you live in and what is the climatic condition (rain, hot, cold) in your city
ans ; Adelaide, Australia.Weather in Adelaide changes quite often, its usually cold and very windy.
8. Do you have any habit that weakens your system (frequent sex, masturbation etc)? or did you had any major illness where you were hospitalixed
ans :- I had high tri-gliceride that’s cholestorel and have controlled it by reducing oil and spicy foods.I also had surgical removal of lipoma in both my arms, now the count of Lipoma has increased in both the arms, in both hands, thigs, belly and leg.
Mann1984 on 2016-01-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Calc Fluorica-200 (200c) 6 pills twice a day for 15 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
1. Calc Fluorica-200 (200c) 6 pills twice a day for 15 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 9 years ago
hanks Homeo Helper!
Much appreciated!
I have searched for Calc Fluorica in the pharmacy stores here and got "schuessler tissue salts -calc fluor - 6X 125 tablets"
Please suggest if its OK to take 6 tabs a day.
Much appreciated!
I have searched for Calc Fluorica in the pharmacy stores here and got "schuessler tissue salts -calc fluor - 6X 125 tablets"
Please suggest if its OK to take 6 tabs a day.
Mann1984 9 years ago
You can also get this in homoeopathic form. (preparation)
The full name is Calceria Fluorica-200 (200c)
Pl take homoeopathy preparation
homeo helper
The full name is Calceria Fluorica-200 (200c)
Pl take homoeopathy preparation
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 9 years ago
Its been two weeks now since I have been taking CALC FLUOR, I have observed that some of the lipoma's in hand have softened a little bit- though not much difference. At the same time I do see small ones forming as well.
Please suggest next steps please.
Its been two weeks now since I have been taking CALC FLUOR, I have observed that some of the lipoma's in hand have softened a little bit- though not much difference. At the same time I do see small ones forming as well.
Please suggest next steps please.
Mann1984 9 years ago
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