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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Multiple Lipomas

Hi Doctor,

I'm suffering from multiple lipomas mostly around belly and back. A few of them are painful when pressed hard.

Below are a few details:

1 Age: 29
2 Give your food habits, from morning to evening
Working in night shift (7 PM to 4 AM) from last 5 years
Vegetarian diet with milk products such as cheese,paneer,milk,sweets occasioanlly

3. Is there any acidity or other digestive trouble? Do you have a few bowel movement once or twice a day?
No such issue, but sometimes

4.What work do you do and is there any potential chemical or other exposures known

5. If you sit on computer, how long do you do in a day
5 hours

6. How often do you use your cell phone and cordless phone
10-20 times

7. Which country you live in and what is the climatic condition (rain, hot, cold) in your city
India (Delhi)

8. Do you have any habit that weakens your system (frequent sex, masturbation etc)? or did you had any major illness where you were hospitalixed
No major illness, but masturbation 2 times a week.

  rishi2163 on 2016-12-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls try lapis alb 30 daily one dose in diluted form ... mixed a 5 drops in 30 ml water and go 10 drops daily early in the morning empty stomach.....

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok 8 years ago

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