The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sever Performance Anxiety / Facial Blushing
Hi,I'm an 18 year old student in university. I'm studying fine art and have to present things, and speak publicly (any time there's attention on me) very often. Whenever I have to do this, or am being asked questions by anyone, my entire face and neck become very warm and my heart starts pounding. Then my face and neck begin to go very flushed. I then become conscious of this, and see whats happening to me through them. This perpetuates the anxiety, fear and blushing. I am unable to think clearly and I loose all confidence in these moments.
Described above is a peak of anxiety during a day, but between these times I feel this low grade paranoia and nervousness almost all the time. This is accompanied by chills, slight shivering, and very cold hands throughout the whole day. The strangest thing is that whenever at home (I live alone) these feelings of tension, coolness, and fear are gone. However, this has begun to change recently because I'm recalling these moments, or anticipating them much sooner then I was before.
I sometimes have difficulty falling asleep because I begin recalling all the times during the day when I was embarrassed and exhibited that extreme blushing. I feel this absolute disgust and pity for being so unable to interact normally with people around me who I should be making lasting connections with. It's this vicious circle that I'm completely aware of and I need it to diminish.
I have two friends who I do not experience these feelings with, nor do I feel this way around family (at least not nearly as often). However I have moved away from those people to attend school.
I have tried taking 3 gelsemium sempervirens 30ch tablets 1 hour before the first anticipated situation of the day and it worked slightly the first and second time, but now it has no effect. I have stopped taking that remedy.
I strongly believe in homeopathy and natural remedy. I know and appreciate the importance of a thorough and accurate suggestion. I would be happy to provide any other information one might need in to find the proper remedy.
Thank you!
theturningoftime on 2016-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take gels 200 only one dose .please dont overdose this remedy
Babai21 9 years ago
Does silicea 200 C works for this scenario as well. there is an another thread with performance anxiety- the recommended remedy was Silicea 200 C. the only only difference is the publisher did not state they had sweating & flushing issues. not sure Silicea work for blushing and sweating due to appearing in public or being center of attention. please help.
Jhomeo2018 6 years ago
Jhomeo2018 saidDoes silicea 200 C works for this scenario as well. there is an another thread with performance anxiety- the recommended remedy was Silicea 200 C. the only only difference is the publisher did not state they had sweating & flushing issues. not sure Silicea work for blushing and sweating due to appearing in public or being center of attention. please help.
Jhomeo2018 6 years ago
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