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Brain fog, anxiety, depression, shyness, blushing
Here's some background info on my problems. Let me know if you have more questions.1. Name - Laura
2. Age - 30
3. Sex - Female
4. Unmarried
5. weight - 135lbs
6. Height . 5'7'
7. country - Canada
8. climate - mostly cold and a few warm summer months
9. List of your complain first 1. Brain fog 2.Anxiety 3. Blushing 4. depression 5. trouble sleeping 6. Painful menstrual cramps, swollen breasts 7. cold hands and feet
10. Hypoglycemic
11. Desire salty foods, and sour foods
12. Thirst - rarely thirsty
13. Tongue - normal, but teeth marks on side
14. Current BP is fine
15. Appearance - Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, freckles
16.Face - is extremely pale, the rest of the body tans well
17. Habits - play with and pull out my hair, can't sit still, fidget all the time, sit on my foot, slouch or put knee up when at the table
18. Sleep - restless, trouble falling asleep, racing thoughts, unrefreshed, don't get much sleep
19. Sleep position - prefer stomach sleeping with hands over head
20. Love being consoled when upset. I feel like I grew up in a household that never nurtured me. I never get any guidance and am expected to do things on my own. I wish people would have concern for me.
21. Menstruation - Very painful, diarrhea, vomiting, sore breasts a week before, period lasts 6-7 days, regular
22. Blushing - Face flushes, chest gets blotchy, voice gets quiet, trembles and lowers. Happens quite often so I avoid people. I think its the reason I am so shy today. The thought of blushing makes me blush even more. I feel invisible because of it.
23. Nervous - I am terribly nervous around people, afraid to talk to people. I am terrified to speak.
24. Always cold - Hands and feet especially. I dress lighly because the slightess bit of stress will cause me to blush and my body to heat up. I am either too hot or too cold. After exercise or prolonged standing my feet get red and hot. At night my feet are ice cold.
25. Depression -I get depressed sometimes but I think its because I feel rejected, abandoned or ignored.
26. Thinking - Brain is foggy
27.It feels like -
my forehead is cold inside and it is usually accompanied by sore tense shoulders and I also blush much more easily too when I'm in a fog. I can barely formulate words. I have a terrible sense of direction.
28. current medicine you are taking - b vitmins, rhodiola
29. family back ground - irish german
30. desire - french fries, warm foods, salty foods, buttery foods, cheese, potato chips. Aversion to meats, fried food,cold fruit, peas, beets, olives, peppers, onions, garlic.
31. Mind-behavior,- I am irritable, impatient, can get angry if rejected, can't public speak, terrified of confrontation. Get obsessive thoughts which are aggrevated by dairy products. Dwell on the past. Find it hard to watch movies, read books becasue I can't shut my mind off.
32. Is there any fear - I fear public speaking, spiders, men(being used for sex and not really loved), fear of women (had a fear of being sexually harmed by a women at 3 years old).
33. time of day - mornings i can't get out of bed, afternoons my brain is foggy and tired, evening and night are the only time o feel like myself.
34. I care about others wellbeing, always want to help others with their problems, feel empathy. I don't feel I get it back.
35. Sex - need to feel warm, comforted, loved before having sex. Low libido. Lost a lot of sexual feeling after a major depression 3 years ago.
36. History - Happy child, lots of friends, problems with depression and anxiety happened at puberty. My teens and 20's were very emotional. Had no close friends except sister but she never offered good advice when i had problems. I wished I had someone to tell my problems to. I was in relationships with guys I didn't like that much but i was afraid to say no because I didn't want to be alone or look like a freak because i didn't want a relationship.
Thanks so much for your help
WabiSa on 2009-11-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl go to my profile get my email i will send you a questionair pl start white chest nut bach flower thrice daily along with mimmulus bach flower mix one drop of each in one table spoon of water as one dose to be repeated three times daily for one month staphysagaria 200 one dose weekly for one month pl fill the questionair which i will send you when you will mail me
♡ akshaymohl last decade
1 Mental agony ,I only disclose my suffering to those close to me, visibly appear content.
4 Lack of will power, follow other advise..
5 Foolishness, lack of confidence ,on his decision .
6 Complete saddness.
7 Repeat mistakes again and again.
10 Tendency to throw away unwanted things/disease.
11 Lack of confidence in a able person.
12 Total sadness ,find baseless reason to be sad.
15 Jealousy, more envious its not that i dislike others happiness i just wish I had it as well
16 Busy in old thoughts repents on past mistakes.
17 Mental/physical weakness tiredness before work.
18 Impatient nature.
19 Lack of self confidence ,sure of failure ,sad attitude .
20 Fear of any known things/shy/hesitation/fear of stammering while talking,addressing,meeting.
21 Sadness without reason ,any time for sometime on .
22 Strong belief optimistic attitude.
23 Weakness,tiredness,physical weakness /mental weakness.
24 Self cursing sad,curse self for any mistake.
25 Fear excessive, terror .
28 Unstable indecisive,delay work,keep work pending ,postpone work.
29 Problem after shock and accident (severe depression 3 years ago)
30 Extereme mental/agony total sadness
4 Lack of will power, follow other advise..
5 Foolishness, lack of confidence ,on his decision .
6 Complete saddness.
7 Repeat mistakes again and again.
10 Tendency to throw away unwanted things/disease.
11 Lack of confidence in a able person.
12 Total sadness ,find baseless reason to be sad.
15 Jealousy, more envious its not that i dislike others happiness i just wish I had it as well
16 Busy in old thoughts repents on past mistakes.
17 Mental/physical weakness tiredness before work.
18 Impatient nature.
19 Lack of self confidence ,sure of failure ,sad attitude .
20 Fear of any known things/shy/hesitation/fear of stammering while talking,addressing,meeting.
21 Sadness without reason ,any time for sometime on .
22 Strong belief optimistic attitude.
23 Weakness,tiredness,physical weakness /mental weakness.
24 Self cursing sad,curse self for any mistake.
25 Fear excessive, terror .
28 Unstable indecisive,delay work,keep work pending ,postpone work.
29 Problem after shock and accident (severe depression 3 years ago)
30 Extereme mental/agony total sadness
WabiSa last decade
I'd like to add this to my last post
31 I suffered from a severe depression 3 years ago caused by rejection from someone I was deeply in love with
32 I have felt depression in the past due to feeling like sex was a duty with a previous boyfriend.
33 depression even manifested as physical pain in my pelvic area for 4 months afterward
34 I have very dark circles under my eyes
35 my legs and arms appear veiny at times
36 I look much younger than my age
37 I cry a lot when I'm depressed
38 I have little spots of skin growing on the edges of my eyelids
39 I have excess hair growth on upper lip and chin
31 I suffered from a severe depression 3 years ago caused by rejection from someone I was deeply in love with
32 I have felt depression in the past due to feeling like sex was a duty with a previous boyfriend.
33 depression even manifested as physical pain in my pelvic area for 4 months afterward
34 I have very dark circles under my eyes
35 my legs and arms appear veiny at times
36 I look much younger than my age
37 I cry a lot when I'm depressed
38 I have little spots of skin growing on the edges of my eyelids
39 I have excess hair growth on upper lip and chin
WabiSa last decade
you seem to be a PULSATILLA girl constitutionally.
you can try PULSATILLA 1M weekly dose for three weeks and see if you note any difference.
you can try PULSATILLA 1M weekly dose for three weeks and see if you note any difference.
♡ rishimba last decade
along with pl take white chest nut ,olive and mimmulus one drop of each bach flower in a table spoon of water thrice daily for one month pl DR RTSHIBA OF COURSE WITH YOUR CONSENT ONLY
♡ akshaymohl last decade
On the 2nd post I was told to take staphysagaria and now I'm told Pulsatilla. Should I take both or just one? Is it possible I could be both constitutions? I know staphysagaria is for anger and I do get angry sometimes because I feel like people walk all over me and I have trouble with confrontation so I usually say nothing and the emotions just brew inside. What do you think?
Thanks :)
Thanks :)
WabiSa last decade
♡ akshaymohl last decade
It's the same forum, scroll up and you will see you're first response to my question. I'm guessing you were telling me to go with Rishimba's advise over yours but I just wanted to make sure that's what you meant.
WabiSa last decade
please try STAPH as suggested by dr. akshay.
if you see that some of your symptoms have not changed, you may try pulsatilla as it seems this is your constitutional remedy.
if you see that some of your symptoms have not changed, you may try pulsatilla as it seems this is your constitutional remedy.
♡ rishimba last decade
I tried Staphysagria for 4 weeks, and I found myself becoming angry and becoming an insomniac. I was happy that I was able to speak up for things that were bothering me, that was the only positive thing I noticed.
Then I started pulsatilla (once per week, I've just taken the 2nd dose)and I have been feeling a hollow feeling in my head, some dizziness and also watery diarrhea. These things are what pulsatilla is supposed to cure. So i'm not sure, are these remedies causing the very symptoms they are supposed to cure? One thing I noticed that as soon as I started taking Pulsatilla my stomach pains I used to get in the center of my ribcage completely disappeared.
Should I continue with pulsatilla?
Thanks for your help
Then I started pulsatilla (once per week, I've just taken the 2nd dose)and I have been feeling a hollow feeling in my head, some dizziness and also watery diarrhea. These things are what pulsatilla is supposed to cure. So i'm not sure, are these remedies causing the very symptoms they are supposed to cure? One thing I noticed that as soon as I started taking Pulsatilla my stomach pains I used to get in the center of my ribcage completely disappeared.
Should I continue with pulsatilla?
Thanks for your help
WabiSa last decade
just stop pulsatilla for now. this has indeed created a response and now your vital forces will trake care of the rest.
come back after 2 weeks and based on the symptoms then, we will decide if you need to take any further doses or not.
come back after 2 weeks and based on the symptoms then, we will decide if you need to take any further doses or not.
♡ rishimba last decade
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