The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Knee Injury
My son has right knee full thickness ACL tear, partial MCL and partial MCL and edema. My only question is, can these medicines treat a fully ruptured (torn) ligaments too. If so, how? I am unable to understand how two ends of a torn ligaments can be joined together again with medicine until surgery takes place. Plz help advice a medicine or reply. ThanksNayeemkhattak on 2016-02-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Very unlikely that fully torn meniscus will be healed.
Similarly ACL tear.
If knee movement can be restricted for 6 weeks, you can try Ruta 6c, once a day for 6 weeks. It may cure.
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Similarly ACL tear.
If knee movement can be restricted for 6 weeks, you can try Ruta 6c, once a day for 6 weeks. It may cure.
I maybe able to help. Please check my profile by clicking my username.
fitness 9 years ago
Finally, I have had my son underwent ACL reconstruction with advice from ortho physician that patient can compromise with partial tears if not playing sports. Now that knee movement will surely be locked, can these partial torsion be repaired by any medicine? If yes, how much? Thank you in advance for your extended help.
Nayeemkhattak 9 years ago
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