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Need help for knee injury
Problem: My 20 year old son tripped in the home 2.5 years back. It bothered him for a month or so and then he was fine. Since then, he was able to perform normal functions and used knee brace for playing basketball etc. So, it was not a big problem. But then last year, he didn't have a brace with him and tried to play basketball and he couldn't and it hurt when he tried to run or move side to side, so we visited a orthopedic in Sept 2016.Symptoms: pain in the right knee cap. He is able to walk normally but the right knee bothers when he runs or squats or moves side to side. He wears a knee brace or support to play basketball and has no problem playing with the brace.
Orthopedic diagnosis in Sept 2016: He has a PCL ligament tear and Posterolateral corner injury on his right knee.
The orthopedic doctor suggested to do activity modification and continue with the brace or get surgery done, which he really didn't recommend as my son is able to function normally otherwise except running.
MRI report:
As per the MRI report in Nov 2016,
Findings: "Normal amount of joint fluid. Patellar and quadriceps tendons are intact. Patellofemoral hyaline cartilage is intact.
Proximal PCL is mildly increased in signal on coronal images 34 and 35 series 4.2 sagittal image 13 series 5 and 6, suspicious for mild strain, but there is no surrounding edema in the notch fatty tissue and no marrow edema.
ACL, MCL and LCL complex are intact.
Medial and lateral menisci are intact as is the hyaline cartilage in the medial and lateral compartments. Subcentimeter bone island in the lateral femoral condyle.
Impression: Question mild sprain of the proximal PCL."
We spoke to the Radiologist and he confirmed that there is no PCL damage or tear. Maybe there is a slight strain or sprain.
The orthopedic Dr. still wants us to go PCL reconstructive surgery doctor as he says that the instability is a ligament problem.
But, there is something wrong as he still continues to have the same symptoms.
Please let me know your advise if this is curable by homeopathy. Can someone please take this case and suggest a remedy.
I will really appreciate a prompt response.
suna711 on 2017-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Suna,
Thanks for giving the detailed description.
Let me know if your son is on any medication.
As of now place a ice bag on the pain area for 5-10 minute's or as long as he is at comfort level. Do this three times a day.
Now immediately apply and rub "arnica ointment" (you have to buy arnica ointment) on the affected area gently in circular motion with fingers so that ointment moves inside the skin. Once done cover it with warm cotton loose bandage. Go slow on exercise regime for few days to relax injured area. Continue for five days and update.
If your son is not on medication then get hold of following medicine in liquid dilution.
1) Arnica 30c
Take three doses of Arnica in a day. Early morning empty stomach, second dose in afternoon and third dose before going to bed. Continue for three days.
Keep me updated .
Be Blessed,
One dose means.
The medicine is in liquid dilution form. Add 3 drops of medicine in some half cup (Approx. 3 sip) mineral water and stir with spoon. Sip up the content.
Make sure you keep all medicines away from direct sunlight, strong smell, strong heat zone (keep it in a dark cool place away from allopathic medicines). Also make sure the dropper is fitted with the bottle, else use separate dropper for different medicine for making doses, this will avoid unnecessary contamination.
Please follow homeopathy restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, and no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 45 minutes before or after taking medicine and brushing of teeth one hour before or one hour after taking the medicine. These restrictions need to be followed each time you take homeopathy medicines during the treatment.
[Edited by Nikkie on 2017-08-16 17:22:43]
Thanks for giving the detailed description.
Let me know if your son is on any medication.
As of now place a ice bag on the pain area for 5-10 minute's or as long as he is at comfort level. Do this three times a day.
Now immediately apply and rub "arnica ointment" (you have to buy arnica ointment) on the affected area gently in circular motion with fingers so that ointment moves inside the skin. Once done cover it with warm cotton loose bandage. Go slow on exercise regime for few days to relax injured area. Continue for five days and update.
If your son is not on medication then get hold of following medicine in liquid dilution.
1) Arnica 30c
Take three doses of Arnica in a day. Early morning empty stomach, second dose in afternoon and third dose before going to bed. Continue for three days.
Keep me updated .
Be Blessed,
One dose means.
The medicine is in liquid dilution form. Add 3 drops of medicine in some half cup (Approx. 3 sip) mineral water and stir with spoon. Sip up the content.
Make sure you keep all medicines away from direct sunlight, strong smell, strong heat zone (keep it in a dark cool place away from allopathic medicines). Also make sure the dropper is fitted with the bottle, else use separate dropper for different medicine for making doses, this will avoid unnecessary contamination.
Please follow homeopathy restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, and no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 45 minutes before or after taking medicine and brushing of teeth one hour before or one hour after taking the medicine. These restrictions need to be followed each time you take homeopathy medicines during the treatment.
[Edited by Nikkie on 2017-08-16 17:22:43]
♡ Nikkie 7 years ago
Thanks Dr. Nikkie. Much appreciated.
He is currently not on medication.
So, I will order arnica ointment.
Can Arnica 30C be pellets or does it have to be liquid.
Do I wait for arnica ointment before giving Arnica 30.
Also, can you please help me understand what is the problem.
He is currently not on medication.
So, I will order arnica ointment.
Can Arnica 30C be pellets or does it have to be liquid.
Do I wait for arnica ointment before giving Arnica 30.
Also, can you please help me understand what is the problem.
suna711 7 years ago
Dear Suna,
You can start with Arnica 30c in liquid dilution. Intake process is explained in my previous reply. You can still start with cold compress. I need to know the response.
As of now we are trying to strengthen ligament and ligament area of knee by providing the necessary level one treatment.As we move on the symptoms will make show the progress level.
Be Blessed,
You can start with Arnica 30c in liquid dilution. Intake process is explained in my previous reply. You can still start with cold compress. I need to know the response.
As of now we are trying to strengthen ligament and ligament area of knee by providing the necessary level one treatment.As we move on the symptoms will make show the progress level.
Be Blessed,
♡ Nikkie 7 years ago
My son is home for a week and we got all the medicines also. So, he followed the directions as you suggested for last 3 days. Actually he hasn't played basketball or danced or jogged for last few weeks, so it hasn't bothered him. And, after taking the medicine as you suggested, we didn't see any difference, as he was not in pain. He did try to do some knee exercises today and then it did hurt.
Please advise on what to take next.
Also, wanted to check with you if Arnica gel or cream is same as ointment and will either work or we need to use only Arnica ointment.
Thanks for the help.
Please advise on what to take next.
Also, wanted to check with you if Arnica gel or cream is same as ointment and will either work or we need to use only Arnica ointment.
Thanks for the help.
suna711 7 years ago
Move upto Arnica 200c.
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.