The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I Have benn suffering from SKIN Fungal Infection(Jock itch/ tinea cruris) for 8YEARS since 2008 and severe Migraine (Right side)headach and severe insomnia for last 3Years
1)I have been suffering from Skin Fungal(jock itch ,/tenia cruris) infection for 8YEARS,skin became dry scaly white powder like thing is falling from skin at groin area ,border of skin infection is appearing clearly for so many months if i use alopathy ointment it get rid completely but later it re appears again and got strips where i dont find any skin sense on those strips( like extension marks at armpits ) and skin totally became black and soo dry and lot of itching starts if once i started rubbing with nailsI totally stopped using ointments as once came to know because of steroids in onintment my skin became like said above (alopathy )
2)And Sir i have been suffering with severe insomnia and severe right side headach(migraine) and right side teeth pain and feeling like right side last two teethes become loose and about to fall for 3years used lot of alopaty medications but gave only temporary relief ,at night times i can't get atleast 3-4 hours of peace sleep even if i get i feel like am aware of surroundings even in sleep and dreams.
Kindly advise BEST medications to both above said 2 problems
Chiru1 on 2016-08-07
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