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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach pain

Hi, I am a 32 year old male, I have stomach pain 24/7. It is not like pain but hunger feeling. After taking food it reduces to low pain & then increases.
now i need medicine for the following conditions.
1.Huge hunger.
2.that hunger causing pain 24/7 in either stomach or reflecting in total body.
3.can't able to add even a pinch of spicy foods.

Please anybody know anyway to reduce stomach acid homeopathically help.
Waiting for your valuable response,
  gauravlal1 on 2016-09-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pls give some background. How and when did it start. Describe your one full day. Have you consulted any doctor? What happens in full body? What about stools? Etc
radhey1504 8 years ago
Hi, it started 2 weeks back. my day generally starts at 7:00 am, before leaving for office i use to have corn flakes with milk or oats, then lunch of chapatis and two sabjis without much spices. Since i have a sitting job so i always go for walk after my lunch & dinner as well.

i did consulted the doctor she said it happens during this season and asked me to take an ayurvedic Himalaya medicines (tab), when pains start i do take those medicines and feel ok after that but it gain starts the next day.

Usually in the night between 3 to 4 am pain starts.

apart from this everything is normal, in terms of body and stool ( as after dinner i use to take safi with water).

gauravlal1 8 years ago
Awaiting for reply
gauravlal1 8 years ago
Did any doctor give any NAME to this disease?
radhey1504 8 years ago
Let's start with:pls take NatMur 6x BEFORE meals. Let me know after 7 days.
radhey1504 8 years ago

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