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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

premature ejaculation

sir was start masturbation from the age of 13 now suffering from premature ejaculation.
i ejaculate before the sex.
help me.
prescribe some homeopath medicine to cure it.
  as1 on 2016-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pls state:
your age,nature of erections,thoughts,any other problem,degree of desire,what urges you to masturbate,etc
shyam11 8 years ago
age 23, erection is done before sex, and it is like liquid in crystal colour , penis is strong and 6 inch long, and also i have week memory problem, i want to that prescribe some homeopath medicine to cure premature ejaculation and week memory, i was started masturbation in age of 13 or 14 till 22, 2-3 times in a week.

help me.....
as1 8 years ago
Staphisgaria 30 once a week for three weeks
homeolearner 8 years ago
first of all thanx for reply,,,

and sir tell me some thing about it,s dosage like how many drops or ml and when in evening morning afetr meal or before meal........
as1 8 years ago
dear sir "shyam11"' i am waiting for your answer also..
plz reply me..
[message edited by as1 on Wed, 23 Nov 2016 09:02:40 UTC]
as1 8 years ago
Dosage : If you have liquid then one drop of liquid in half cup of water, stir and take one tablespoon. This is one dose.

If you have globules, then drop four to five globules into the cap of the bottle and put below tongue. Do not touch the globules by hand at any time.

30 mins before and after medicine, please do not drink or eat anything.

Please take it at night before going to sleep.
homeolearner 8 years ago
thank u doctor for this.
and i have one more question that can i take "Kali Bromatum", with this?????
if yes then suggest me dosage or no..
reply me...plz ..
as1 8 years ago
To get a cure from homeopathic remedies we will have to follow homeopathic principles. Single remedy...minimum dose ...

Please do not take any other remedy if you want to get benefit of the suggested remedy.

Also please do not repeat doses unnecessarily.
homeolearner 8 years ago
okk i will..
thank u sir for being with me..
and i want to know that u prescribe that once a week for three week it means only three dose for holl treatment, am i right or wrong please tell me sir...

as1 8 years ago
sir reply me plz..
as1 8 years ago
AS1: Pls choose one helper and follow him.Make up your mind. I can assure you the best remedy.Cure may take time. Address your message by name here.
shyam11 8 years ago
In the meantime,
If I may add: as1 should give more details like
1. is it ejaculation or stream
2. Lasts long and still incomplete
3.Semen comes out or not
4.Smell of semen
5.Increased/ diminished desire
6. Semen discharges after orgasm.
7.Speedy ejaculation without plesure.
8.Ejaculation slow
9. Any problem in urethra, testicles etc
shyam11 8 years ago
Yes you are right.

once a week for three week it means only three dose for holl treatment, am i right or wrong please tell me sir...
homeolearner 8 years ago
dear shyam sir i choosing u to cure my problme.
reply me..

first of all i can,t get your first point..and
2- i ejaculate before the sex, when i trying to start, when start my penis into vagina it ejacuate.

3.yes semen comes out.

4.it is not smelling. smelling very less when it is 2-5 inch near the nose.

5. not getting this point.

6. its come before orgasm.

7. yes.

8. no it's not slow but i thing less in quintity.

9. no not any problme in urethra or testicles.

but in childhood i had an operation of harniya..

reply me solution sir plz..
i am waiting for your reply ..

as1 8 years ago
yeah sir thanx for replying and i am choosing u..
as1 8 years ago
Pls start with taking Calc Phos 3x , Kali Phos 3x, Nat Mur 3x, Nat Phos 3x each medicine once per day . One dose = 4 tabs. Take them for 7 days to begin with and give feedback.
shyam11 8 years ago
and when it has to take ?? i mean morning, evening,before or after lunch or deaner..??
as1 8 years ago
sir can i take dilution of these?/
as1 8 years ago
Keep a gap of 3-4 hrs between two medicines. All four medicines every day.
shyam11 8 years ago

heloo sir;

today i had suffer from night fall and filling weakness and slowness in mind.

i completed my second dose off medicine last night. now i can,t say anything about my recovery, i know it is not possible to recover in 10 days..so i will continue my medicine..


my exams are coming and i need a fast and strong memory immediately and don't want to feel laziness..

will u help me sir plz....

first off all i need a fast recovery for my mind then anything else...

help me sir plz.
[message edited by as1 on Mon, 05 Dec 2016 05:14:29 UTC]
as1 8 years ago
AS1: pls select one helper and follow him. If you want my help address using my ID.
shyam11 8 years ago
Dear As1

Your stated problem was premature ejaculation and weak memory.

Please advise clearly what is the change in both cases.

I am unable to advise something fast and quick for memory power.

Wish you the best for your exams.
homeolearner 8 years ago

dear sir i am following homeolearner, just because i don't want to take lots of medicine..

but now i want a quick solution for sharp and strong memory immediately..

waht can i do???

can i follow " homeolearner", or any other solution??
as1 8 years ago

dear sir i can't tell u anything about changes because i enable to see any change..

but tonight i was suffer from night fall.. and feeling very laziness and slow mind..

first of all i want a solution for sharp and strong memory.

have u any other solution???????
as1 8 years ago
Dear As1

Kali Bromatum 30 one dose every three days.

Please confirm progress after 10 days.

Again this covers your premature ejaculation and memory.
homeolearner 8 years ago

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