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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dosage question

The instructions I am trying to follow says - "Lycopodium clavatum as a 12c potency to be taken twice daily"

I ordered the remedy in liquid form. The 12C bottle says take 4 drops in a teaspoon of water.

Am I correct thinking that I should take the bottle's instructions of 4 drops of the liquid in a teaspoon of water 2 times a day then to get the proper dosage?

Thank you in advance for helping me understand.
  sheryljo on 2016-12-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is your age?
Who advised you Lycopodium clavatum?
What were the symptoms?
HealthyWorld 8 years ago
I am 64 years old.

A regular md diagnosed me with CFC several years ago. I have improved greatly over the years and he felt that perhaps the illness had "burned itself out of my body". I no longer have the constant sore throat etc - I was able to return to work full time - chemicals do not bother me as much as before and I have a fairly normal lifestyle.

However I still have what I call 'brain fog' where its difficult for me to concentrate..I am always tired no matter how much sleep I get and have little motivation. I exercise regularly and careful about my diet but still feel 'drained' all the time.

I recently read an article from the British Homeopathy Association which described similar symptoms and the remedy. I also used your remedy software and found that Lycopodium Clav could possibly help. So the dosage advised by the BHA was Lycopodium clavatum as a 12c potency to be taken twice daily for five days out of every fortnight.

I ordered and received the liquid form from your website but confused as to how to take it. Is one drop of the liquid 12C or would it be the 4 drops that is listed on the bottle?

Thank for responding and for helping me.
sheryljo 8 years ago
4 drops of liquid in half cup of water.
[message edited by HealthyWorld on Tue, 27 Dec 2016 04:53:13 UTC]
HealthyWorld 8 years ago
daer HealthyWorld

i also want to know about the dosase...

i want take staphygaria- 30 on every alternate days for 20 days , it means 10 dosase for premature ejaculation problem...

is this okk or any problem or side effect of this???


plz sir help me reply fast i need it very much..

thanks sir...
as1 8 years ago
Dear as1,
please initiate a new post to avoid confusion.
HealthyWorld 8 years ago
dear HealthyWorld

i have a running post as same name "as1" u can write there..

plz sir reply me i need it very much..

plz sir

thank you
as1 8 years ago
Dear as1,

Leave that post and initiate a new post plz.
HealthyWorld 8 years ago

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