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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

panic attack night/constitutional remedy

I am looking advice for my daughter who is 18. i would like to find constitutional remedy to help her with some on going issues
female, 18, university student
wakes up with anxiety at night.
also fear dark in general
fear of death and losing people she loves. cannot talk about her fears as she starts crying. she avoids the thought and conversation

anxiety about contamination and illness
fear of doctors

since childhood anxiety when parents leaving home. would wait until late for them to come back
as baby refuses to nap. even now when tired refuses to take a nap.
also difficulty falling asleep (too much noise etc)
as a child : bedwetting until age 12 many times a night
as a child wanted to know all details does to like surprise or unexpected
as a child had nightmares and terror attack. in evening when tired would have anxiety attack and did not know if she was in real life or in a nightmare!

serious student. 1st at university. not especially intelligent but hard worker, very organized, disciplined, responsible
is insecure emotionally. shy, hard to communicate among people she does know know, introvert because is scared of not being accepted. when knows people she is extravert and loud and ok
fear of rejection. even with parents. wants to cuddle all the time, wants hugs and physical contact. i think big fear of rejection and abandonment and not being loved
can be jealous of sister
some issues with father...feels rejected by him easily and can cry
when gets upset and angry she ends up crying
can be demanding and critical with others by very sensitive

physical complaints :
always very cold hands and feet even in summer but warm body
dark curly hair, dark eyes, tall
backache during periods
bad PMS, feels depressed for 10 days, weepy nut does not like to cry in front of people. hides feeling.
can have aggressive nightmares (attacks someone or is very angry) or she wants to protect family from aggressor
cannot talk about feelings
prone to headaches
likes travelling
when a boy is interested by her she starts hating him and rejecting him even if he was a friend before.
very responsible and reliable and helpful

is there a constitutional remedy for this profile?
thank you
  nanou on 2017-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Two important questions to be answered.
1. How much water she drinks in 24 hours?

2. Does drinking milk creates any problem?

Further guidance on getting your reply.
daktersaab 8 years ago
she likes milk. no complaints about it.
i don't know how much water but she drinks normally. she likes cold water from fridge.
nanou 8 years ago
she does not like things too sweat but she likes to eat sweet like yogurt or pudding or rice pudding after meals.
chocolate she loves but it gives her pimples
she has acne on forehead and sometimes her chin (cystic)
nanou 8 years ago
other PMS complaint is very sore breast with depressed mood
nanou 8 years ago
my daughter just called me.
she ws eating lunch and got a sudden hot flush and sudden nausea and could not swallow anymoe. she is stressing herself with studies and pressure. i think what she got was an anxiety attack. she told me she gets that sensation of sudden nausea and heat wave on top of body quite often.

thank you for your help
nanou 8 years ago
I suggest to give her Pulsatilla 200c 4 pills once daily at bedtime for three days and stop and report how does she feel after 10 days.
daktersaab 8 years ago
allopath doct. says I have panic attack.
Chest oppression, tightness.
Feel oppressed behind sternum.
Too much belching.
Heart beat increase when climb high
Pain back, burning, stabbing, under back rib. First pain started Right. Now both left and right side of behind back ribs.
While talking, increase face-jaw tensed, as if stiffed, can't open mouth fully.. stiff jaw near ear..
while talking with eating something food opressed in throat as if it will enter wrong way/ trachea/larynx.
Sometime when trying to sleep, but sleeplessness, as if breathlessness trouble to sleep.
sometimes, stiching pain in abdomen.. upper abdomen feels oppressed..
please, help me with homeo medication.
[Edited by Ianparvai on 2017-08-19 18:07:25]
Ianparvai 7 years ago
Aspen bach flower three times for one month.If you are using any homoeopathic meds even then you can use for your daughter but use for one moonth.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
allopath doct. says I have panic attack.
Chest oppression, tightness.
Feel oppressed behind sternum.
Too much belching.
Heart beat increase when climb high, night sometimes.
Pain back, burning, stabbing, under back rib. First pain started Right. Now both left and right side of behind back ribs.
While talking, increase face-jaw tensed, as if stiffed, can't open mouth fully.. stiff jaw near ear..
weakness of body, limbs.
while talking with eating something food opressed in throat as if it will enter wrong way/ trachea/larynx.
Sometime when trying to sleep, but sleeplessness, as if breathlessness trouble to sleep.
sometimes, stiching pain in abdomen.. upper abdomen feels oppressed..
Sweat in hand palm.
please, help me with homeo medication
Ianparvai 7 years ago
akshaymohl 7 years ago

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