The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Teen Acne
My daughter is 15 years old, she has pimples around her face, neck and back. Her pimples are red, small and quite many.She has irregular period, according to chinese practitioner inside her body is hot and she gets hungry easily ( she has big appetite) and the body absorb the food well so she slightly overweight but not a fat girl.
She wants to achieve good result at school sometimes she studied till late, she likes to sociialize with her friends.
Kindly help for the homeopathy remedy. Thank u
[message edited by Eve on Wed, 01 Mar 2017 22:28:24 UTC]
Eve on 2017-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
My son is 16 years and from an year he got small pimples all over the face and forehead. there is no pus in pimples , but are small pimples all over the face. During winter and cold pimples are not much but during summer it became too much. He is lean and tall.
We tried various medicines for him but not much use.
please advice homeopathy remedy.
Thank you very much
My son is 16 years and from an year he got small pimples all over the face and forehead. there is no pus in pimples , but are small pimples all over the face. During winter and cold pimples are not much but during summer it became too much. He is lean and tall.
We tried various medicines for him but not much use.
please advice homeopathy remedy.
Thank you very much
bneelblr 7 years ago
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