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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

5 week old reflux

Hi , my baby is 5 weeks old . She was referred to an ENT at 2 week because of heavy and noisy breathing. She also cries and bring food back in the mouth when sleeping. I'm giving her probiotics and gas drops. I gave her half tab Nat phos 6x last night twice. She couldn't sleep well and keeps bring food back up in the mouth while sleeping. I know because I see her swallowing. Also she wakes up and starts crying after putting her down. Should I continue dosage or stop.
  Pow on 2017-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The best remedy for her is Belladonna 30.

Boil half cup of water, wait till the water becomes normal. Put 1 drop of Belladonna and stir well. Giver her 5 ML from it. throughout the rest water.
Please never user metal cup/spoon.
HealthyWorld 8 years ago
Thank you, should I give her the Nat phos 6x today or just do the belladonna. Also where can I get this belladonna. I'm a first time mom and new to this forum. Thanks again.
Pow 8 years ago
Dear Pow,

Only Belladona 30

You can get from your nearest homeopathic store or you can order online.
HealthyWorld 7 years ago

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