The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Urgent help for stomach pain
Need urgent help.Five days ago, I experienced weakness in body, tiredness, and diarrhea. The weakness and tiredness was gone after one day. The diarrhea has gotten better but loose motions still happen. Recently, every time I eat or even some times at random intervals where I feel food or gas pushing, I receive sharp, clinging pain in the stomach area that lasts for about 5-10 seconds. The pain is relieved by passing gas or bowel movements but will reappear sometimes advise at the earliest what should I take. I have taken Nux and couple of doses of Bryonia since this morning.
Appreciate a prompt response.
suna711 on 2017-06-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Its been 2 days now. The main problem now is diarrhea. The pain is much better, its only activated when little bit of gas comes. I have frequent urge to go bathroom, sometimes nothing comes, and other times, it is watery with normal color. worse upon wakeup and after meals. Better when do not eat.
Someone please suggest what to take.
Someone please suggest what to take.
suna711 7 years ago
Can someone please urgently recommend a medicine to take. The diarrhea is not going.
suna711 7 years ago
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