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piles and burning

m suffering from non bleeding pileswith hard stool.i face burning while passing stools.currently taking nux vomica 200 and sulphur 200 from 20 days.but do not find ease in burning.pls suggest me
  Riya3 on 2017-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please stop Nux and Sulph

Take Ratania 30 in the morning and Thuja 30 in the evening for two weeks and write back.
Reva V 7 years ago
Thanks for reply.can i take ratanhia with nux and sulphur
Riya3 7 years ago
The suggestion was to stop Nux and Sulp. If you want to continue with Nux and Sulph, you can do, but dont take Ratanhia and Thuja.

Sulph causes chronic sleeplessness if taken more than required. Taking 200, once in 2 to 4 days is enough of a dosage. You have taken more. It is up to you.
Reva V 7 years ago
I have eadlier taken ratanhia.but it didnot help.then i took sulp.burning during stool passage is still a prob.can u suggest me any other medicine
Riya3 7 years ago
Can i take aesculus hip 200 with nux and sulph. Actually my burning little bit stop.bit it occur if i take allopathy medcine or eat any kind of hot potency meal.i mean every thing is causing me burnig whether it is citrus fruits or paratha or tea.even butter also.pls help
Riya3 7 years ago
Pls reply
Riya3 7 years ago
the recommendation is still to alternate Ratanhia and Thuja after stopping nux and sulphur. Thuja is needed for rataniah to work

You can post a new request for other doctors to respond
Reva V 7 years ago

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