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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

one enlarged tonsil

I read the remedy suggested for enlarged tonsils. My 9 yr. old daughter suffered from a bad case of strep throat when she was 4yr. She was on 3 weeks of antibiotics at that time, and with no response, we took her off, and began looking into other options. She got better at that time using garlic, ecinacea, vit.c. and other herbs given to us by a licensed homeopath. We overcame the strep and she got better fast. My concern now is that the tonsil on the right, never went completely down. If she ever gets sick, it always seems to start there. I asked the homeopath that we were seeing and he said that tonsils collect junk and bacteria, and didn't seem too worried about it. This child is normally pretty healthy. We don't seem to get a lot of what goes around at school, like viruses, diarreah, etc... She doesn't get ill very often, but this bothers me that it is always enlarged. It doesn't hurt though, and isn't red. For the first time in about 2 years though, for the last 3 days she has had both tonsils and the adenoids enlarged. She hasn't had a fever or stomach ache or headache, that goes along with strep. She started out with a really terrible sore throat, and the uvula was long and raw also. The tonsils were so swollen that she had a hard time breathing. This happened at 3AM. I gave her belladonna, 30x, one tablet every 15 min. for one hour, as this was all I had at the time. She got better, enough to go to sleep, but when she woke up the next day, it seemed that the new symptoms she had developed,..sinus, sneezing, sometimes runny, sometimes stuffy, light cough, mucous in throat, seemed more like Hepar Sulph C. I didn't change remedies, but did Belladonna 3 times that day. Today, her throat doesn't hurt, but tonsils are still big and she has sinus. Feels rested and good though. This is a repeat of the usual sick that she gets when she gets something, about 2 times a year. Is there any way to get the tonsils healed so they don't remain enlarged, or at least the right one that never goes down? I know that tonsils have a purpose. I just wonder if they are overworked in her body. If you have any suggestions I am very open. You may need to know more info. about her personally.
  tbarbie on 2006-03-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You presented your detail in not enough for homoeopathic treatment I request you present your sign & symptoms with your expression / sensation / Feeling / Event / Gesture in turn of . I will present you a healthy prescription to you
(please cut which is not applicable)
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Married/Unmarried
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complain first 1. 2.. 3 ……
10. Diabetic or non Diabetic
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt
12. Thirst
13. Tongue
14. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
15. What exactly is happening ?
16. How do you feel ?
17. How does this affect you ?
18. How does it feel like ?
19. What comes to your mind ?
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
21. How did that feel like ?
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
24. current medicine you are taking
25. family back ground
26. qualification of patient
27. Nature of working
28. desire and aversion of food
29. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to be discuss by email.
30. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade
what immunization/vaccinations daughter have?when (dates)?

please explain family health histore--illnesses;''death by'''...etc

how many white spots on /under fingernails?what condition of nails and around?
John Stanton last decade
1. Name -Ab
2. Age- 9
3. Sex -female
4. Married/Unmarried NA
5. weight 70lbs
6. Height ….54"
7. country USA
8. climate going into wet season, has been dry and unseasonably warm, however cool and wet at the present. Usually mild winters, harsh, hot summers, fairly dry.
9. List of your complaint first 1. currently red throat, no longer sore, but tonsils and adenoids enflamed. 2.Sinus problems 3. Right eye is irritated, this happens in both eyes every spring. Right tonsil has been enlarged for about 5 years now.
10. Diabetic or non Diabetic-non diab. Have checked before just out or curiousity
11. Desire sweets/sour/salt-Mostly sweets, but does desire healthy foods, doesn't care much for breads Loves sour pickles, even drinks the juice. Likes to eat pepperonies by themselves, which I think are salty.
12. Thirst -not excessive, but loves water mostly, and desires ice by itself
13. Tongue -enlarged taste buds at this time, on the back of tongue, healthy pink in color though
14. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)NA
15. What exactly is happening ? Cold symptoms, tonsilitis, sinus aggravation, eye irritation in one eye, the right one
16. How do you feel ? Fairly good, feels like going to school and participating.
17. How does this affect you ? Sickness never really gets her down much.
18. How does it feel like ? Throat feels somewhat constricted at times like in the morning, but can eat whatever desired without discomfort now. Snores at night causing throat discomfort upon rising.
19. What comes to your mind ?Not sure what that means
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ? Fell from monkey bars at age 5 and jammed some discs, had chiropractic treatment
21. How did that feel like ?Couldn't do what the other kids were doing because it caused pain, kind of scared. Still effected physically by it sometimes, and have to seek adjustments. Usually in the spring.
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?I gave the experience of a physical thing. Not sure that she's been through a really traumatic situation, except maybe a move to another school, extremely hard for a couple of months, cried daily, really bad. Bad enough to leave school mid-morning for a while.
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ? She uses a lot of action in speaking, I don't think it's habit for her, I know what you mean.
24. current medicine you are taking-, no meds, just multi vit, oregano oil, garlic, vit.c, was taking conium for breast tenderness, she seems to be developing.
25. family back ground- mother healthy, born with asthma but kept under control,..Father, healthy but a heavy smoker, not in the house though. Three healthy siblings. Mom and Dad and 2 older siblings slightly overweight, not obese though. She is skinny though. Only big health issues in the home are mom and dad have unhealthy teeth, kids are good. The oldest sibling has migrains headaches sometimes and has since age 3. Grandma on moms side, high bp and slightly diabetic, mom on fathers side, born with defective heart, has a pig valve. All of fathers side has heart disease. Fathers grandmother had breastcancer, mom's grandfather and dad's grandfather both died of prostate/bladder cancer. Mom's grandmother has alzheimers.
26. qualification of patient NA
27. Nature of working -student
28. desire and aversion of food- always hungry, not a picky eater, loves proteins like a hamburger with out bread, ..cheese, salad, pasta pretty much everything including onions, garlic, etc. Loves beans, squash, brussel sprouts, which many kids don't like. Loves sweets, not candy or cookies, but likes cinnamon rolls, and plain chocolate bar, pb and jelly sand, donuts, we don't keep this around though, it would be a treat. I don't think she hates anything, will always try something new.
29. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to be discuss by email. -Very loving and affectionate. Also very compassionate and considerate about other people and their feelings. Very pleasant to be around. Very atheletic. Brave to try something . Confident to speak out in front of others. Always very patient. Likes to please others. When she was little, she would always ask IF SHE WAS BEING THE BEST..Extremely smart, top of her class in school, popular with classmates and teachers. Not to quick to get angry. Has not displayed anger, but has expressed verbally that sometimes she gets these horrible angry feelings for no reason, last time was while taking a bath. She yelled into a pillow really loud. I can think of only 3 emotional, outbursts she has ever had. The last one, she got so mad, she cried herself into a nosebleed that looked like something had been slaughtered in our back seat. This was unusual for her nature. She is a very obedient kid and minds well. For about a year now, will not spend the night away from home. She tries, but can't. Won't even stay with other family. Afraid of storms, if it's cloudy or even just sprinkling, won't leave mom. I recently had a baby, and during the entire pregnancy, always wanted to sleep with me, and still wants to. Was afraid I would die. I let her sleep with me sometimes. Afraid of spirits and shadows, but not really the dark. Had an imaginary friend about 3 years ago that caused fear-like problems, like she said he would tell her she was going to die. She got the idea for the imaginary friend from another friend. Generally happy, but worried about what other people think or feel. She is the youngest of 3 girls, but has a younger bro.
30. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases) -
Every spring about mid to late April she suffers from terrible allergies. Usually goes to bed every night looking like she has pink eye. The whites of the eyeballs actually swell around the iris, looks scarry. The problem usually ends around the 3rd week of May, we just deal with it the best we can. The only thing that helps that we've tried is a good shower, scrubbing the hair and face, cold compress on the eyes, after Visine AC. She is sent home from school around noon everyday during those months because she can't see. She displays no signs of allergies any other time of the year. Sometimes she sneezes in the mornings only. For about 4 years, she got sick on every Christmas Eve. with high fever. Once she was diagnosed with pnemonia that came on literally in about 12 hrs. This last year she did not get sick. It's weird how it always happenes on a holiday. She had chickenpox last June which she got from me, I had the shingles. When she had strep throat at age 4, it was July. She never seems to get anything in the fall, winter, or cold season. I'm sure when her tonsils swell, it could be strep. The right tonsil never goes all the way down, only the left, when well again. When I say well again, I mean that she feels well, no fever, pain, no redness in the throat, etc... her glands just never seem to normalize again. It didn't ask, but she has regular, healthy bowel movements, but usually gassy.

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
tbarbie last decade
She has no white marks of nails. As a matter of fact, I just checked them out yesterday and they look good and healthy in shape, color, and textures. The moons look good too. She has not recieve any vaccinations since the age of 2. At that time she had recieved what was recommended, the MMR, polio, HIB, Hep.B, I can't remember them all. That was back in 1997 or 98. I educated myself about vaccines then, and discontinued them. We now just sign a form with the school that we refuse.
tbarbie last decade
I also want to mention that she has told me before that her heart hurts. I asked her if she means heartburn, or a chest pain. She just says like a pain in the heart area. Don't know if maybe it is something else around that area. She has never been diagnosed with a heart murmur or anything like that, although it's been years since she's been to a MD. We visit a licensed homeopath from time to time, and he does muscle testing, and has always said her heart was testing strong. She did tell me that she has a heart pain about a day before she got sick with the tonsils.
tbarbie last decade
You say right tonsil is worse.
Do you remember:
exactly which side problem started in the throat?
kuldeep last decade
Her first complaint was just a very sore throat, as if trying to swallow lumps or something, made better by something hot. The uvula was very raw and enlarged at first also. After the throat felt better, she began to complain about the gland at the top of the back of the throat, I believe that may be an adnoid??? You can feel a small knot up there, like a small marble. Tonsils are still large, but alot less red. The right tonsil has been enlarged somewhat for several years.
tbarbie last decade

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