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ibs3Gastritis And IBS2ibs8gastric mucosal prolapse - gerd and ibs3Tuberculinum and IBS7Unable to pass stool completely. Feel lethargic an have headache. IBS28ibs1Chronic IBS1ibs13i have pain under my right ribs5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

IBS Problem With Ear Fluid Problem

I Am Ritesh Singh 34y Old Male From New Delhi India.My problem is Chronic IBS With Ear Fluid Problem From Last July 2016.My Stool is Always Wet With Stomach Pain Some Time Come With Yellow/Clear Mucous.And Some Day Only Diarrhea Loss Motion With Cramps.I Need to go wash room 2 times Daily If My Stomach is not clear i feeling heaviness in my lower abdomen area right side.in the evening time always having stomach pain badly.Due To IBS My Body stamina is always low feeling weaknes.all day suffered from headache/ vertigo can't stand log for long time leg is Starting Shivering.Some time I feel I foll down very badly from vortigo.that cause low eye sight and lower back pain.I Feel My Vortigo Is Develop By My Left Ear Fluid When I Speak Something My Ear Drum is vibrating with pain ear I checked from ENT specialist but he said there is little hole in my ear drum he give me medicine but not effect plase help me on this my daily life is becoming hell cause of this.
  Ritesh _Singh on 2017-11-23
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Patient name, age, from ? profession, how long patient got married, if married how many children, patient daily routine ? Any sleep disorders or foul breath now ? Any thick yellow discharges , boils , open infections .. now ? how long patient suffering from this problem ? Any fever or coughing now ? what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ? Any cold or congestion feeling in head, watery discharges, Sun sensitivity or cold sores now ?? When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ?? Thick yellow discharges, changing symptoms now ?

What you like in food and what not ? Do you feel thirsty mostly ?? or do you like water ? Or mostly thirst less ?? Any cramping, shooting pains, hiccough, spasms now ? Choose one condition. Either thirsty or towards more thirst less ?? Acne blackheads, greasy or brittle hairs ? Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ? Choose one condition .. Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .. no normal words etc .. what you like in food The most = sweets or salts ? Do you have any other problem beside these ? Describe in details.
E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..

What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ? Are you dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ? Or any other chronic disease .. ??
Forum rules .. any advice etc on the forum can't be considered as a clinical advice or treatment or etc .
[Edited by healer21 on 2017-12-11 20:27:25]
healer21 7 years ago
Patient Name Ritesh Singh (India)
Age 33 Year's Old
Patient Profession Online Merchant
Single Not Married
Patient Daily Routine Wake Up In 7:30 Am Then Take Bath And Daily Routine 11 Am Take My Breakfast I Start My Work At 12 pm Till 6 Pm 5 Pm I take Launch All Time Am on Phone Or Computer Evening Time Take Walk For 1Hr
How Long Patient Suffering From this problem...
IBS And Constipation Problem From 2014 Vertigo In 2015 And Ear Fluid Problem From July 2016 and external Pilles from 2005..My Stool is Always Wet With Stomach Pain Some Time Come With Yellow/Clear Mucous.And Some Day Only Diarrhea Loss Motion With Cramps.I Need to go wash room 2 times Daily If My Stomach is not clear i feeling heaviness in my lower abdomen area right side..
Due To IBS My Body stamina is always low feeling weaknes.all day suffered from headache/ vertigo can't stand log for long time leg is Starting Shivering.Some time I feel I foll down very badly from vortigo.that cause low eye sight and lower back pain.I Feel My Vortigo Is Develop By My Left Ear Fluid When I Speak Something My Ear Drum is vibrating with pain ear I checked from ENT specialist but he said there is little hole in my ear drum he give me medicine but not effect
What kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ?....
Pain In My Lower Abdominal Right Side Of Lower Part Like Something Stuck There Pain when I pass stool my stomach is cramping with small amount of gas...
Pain In left ear like f
When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ??....
When I Feel Vortigo I Rub I My Head And Eyes And Drink Water When I turn my feet is freezing like I fall down I can't stand for long also Due To Freezing Legs

What you like in food and what not?..

I like Sweets And Rice And Kidney Beans I Cant Spice Food I Like To Eat warm Meal

Do you feel thirsty mostly....
No Normal Thirst Drinks Water When Feel Vortigo

Do you like water ? Or mostly thirst less ?? Choose one condition. Either thirsty or towards more thirst less ??

Yes I Like Water My Thirsty Is Normal.

Do you feel cold in body ? or hot?
I Feel Cold In Body Even In Summer Also I Sick Very Easily And Cought By Cold Also..
Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ?

Mostly and dislike hot weather
I Like Cold Weather But Not Like Raining.

What you like in food The most = sweets or salts ?

Do you have any other problem beside these ?
No Sugar OR Blood Pressure Weak Eyes Side Due to Computer Smart Phone Eyes Is Always Wet And Red.

What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ?
Sulphur 200 For Urine Burning And Ascules Cream For External Pilles

Are You dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ? Or any other chronic disease .. ??
No Sir.IBS Is Cronic
[Edited by Ritesh _Singh on 2017-11-24 11:19:48]
Ritesh _Singh 7 years ago
Answer following questions carefully

Ado you have swollen hands or feet ?
Any light sensitivity ? (Sun light etc)
Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ??
You are more towards thirsty or thirst less ?
Choose one condition. No normal words.

[Edited by healer21 on 2017-12-23 03:18:37]
healer21 7 years ago
Ado you have swollen hands or feet ?
No Swollen Hands And Feet Only Felling Joint Pain Sometime Like Knees And Hands Finger.
foul smelling gasses ?
Yes Very Bad Smelling Like lose motion.

Any light sensitivity?
Yes Now Days Sunlight Make Problem My Eyes Got Blur Not In Artificial Lights.

Sweaty hands or feet ?
Yes My Hand's Sweating When I Too Nervous.

Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ??
Yes Now Can't Stand Too Long Body Steaming is very low Feeling Back Pain And Legs Freezing Like I Fall Down And Cought By Cold And Flu Easily.
You are more towards thirsty or thirst less ?
Yes Am More Towards Thirsty Because Water Give Me Relief In My Vertigo.
[Edited by Ritesh _Singh on 2017-11-25 10:29:05]
Ritesh _Singh 7 years ago
First day Nat. sulph 200c .. 4 drops only once only early morning before breakfast .. in a disposable glass with some water in it.

Second day .. try silicea30c .. 4 drops at a time four times a day for one day only .. in a separate disposable glass with some water in it after two hours of dinner specially ..

Don't use coffee or mint etc don't eat or drink anything before or after 30 minutes of taking medicine. Don't place medicine near strong perfumes.


Update after two-four days ..

healer21 7 years ago
Due To My Grand Father Death And Hindu spirituals.I Could Not give you report on time I started remedy as par your advice but symptoms not changing ( Mucous problem is increased) but it's little help me in my ear problem.
Ritesh _Singh 7 years ago
Meg. phos 200c .. 1 dose only 4 drops only in a separate disposable glass with some water in it.

Note changes and improvements carefully and update after two days.


healer21 7 years ago
Hi Healer,
First I like To Give Thanks.Now I Come On Point
After Talking Meg.phos 200 Here is my Report.
1.The Mucus problem in After Stool is reduced.Like 30%

2.Ear Pain problem is also reduce but Am Facing Ear Drum ringing problem some time (after bath when wake up in morning)

3.Acidity problem is reduced 20%.

4.Vortigo problem is also reduced 20%.

5.Stomach Gargling Is Same With Stomach And Low Abdominal Pain like Gas Stack There.
6.Now My Body Stamina Is Good.But Cold Weather Problems For Me.

Sir I also want to mention
after taking this medicine I am facing urine burning sensation on head.and it cause urinary urgency.

Ritesh _Singh 7 years ago
Healer Please Reply
Ritesh _Singh 7 years ago
Repeat mag.phos only once. Just like before 4 drops. Report after two days.


healer21 7 years ago
Hi Healer,
After Talking Meg.phos 200 Here is my Report.
1.The Mucus problem in After Stool is reduced.but I feel it's only reduced only 20%

2.Ear Pain problem is reduced well like 75% but Am Facing Ear Drum ringing problem some time (after bath when wake up in morning) I have to ask you also should I start cleaning my ear with water???

3.Acidity problem is same it's flow up in my chest when I passed stool.

4.Vortigo problem is also reduced to 10% I feel heaviness in my head after busy day and tried body if i travel to other places.and yes after Hard work and traveling my vartigo is goes worse.that time I only want to seat.

5.Stomach Gargling Is Same With Stomach And Low Abdominal Pain like Gas Stack There I feel vomting is coming.

6.Now My Body Stamina Is Good.But Cold Weather Problems giving me problem like body shivering its feel like I have fever.chest pain vomting symptoms.

Healer In my last reply I mentioned that after taking this medicine I am facing urine burning sensation on panis head and pubic area.and it cause urinary urgency with burning urination am facing this problem in past 1.5 year ago and that time i take sulphur that time it's give me relief but not this time please provide me best advise.
Am now feed up with my illness.its my destroying my life and happiness.

Ritesh _Singh 7 years ago
You case chronic I need to know some more details. Please click my name below and email me.

[Edited by healer21 on 2017-12-23 03:27:20]
healer21 7 years ago

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