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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! Tried Nat Phos 6x for Infant

After much research we bought Nat Phos 6x for our 9.5 week old little girl with potential diagnosed reflux. She has tried two medications and I began to limit by dairy, soy, and beef intake. We saw a little improvement over the few weeks, but not much.

So I started administering the NatPhos to her this morning. I started with 1/2 tablet after each feed placed under her tongue. She has had 4 doses now and seems even worse than normal! More fussiness while feeding, not able to finish a feed, pulling on and off. Also a few new symptoms- more gassiness than normal and very much altet restless when going down for a nap and having trouble sleeping.

Please help! Do I continue? Do I need to lower dosage? Or stop the NatPhos? Thank you!!
  HMA87 on 2017-12-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
STOP Nat.phos for some time .. try Nat.sulph 30c .. Two drops only twice a day only for two days. in a disposable spoon with some water in it.

And let's see how it affects ..

You can click my name and email me as a reminder.

Any advice etc can't be considered as a clinical advice or etc
healer21 7 years ago

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