The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Thanks Maheeru... PCOS...Irregular Periods...Unwanted Hairs..
Hi Respected DoctorsKindly prescribe me.I have mentioned information regarding my symptoms in detail and also answered Questionnaire that i got in this website.
Sex: Female (Married from last 2 months)
Age :22 Years
Weight: 68kg(Overweight)
Height: 5'4'
I am suffering from following Physical Ailments from last some years.
i have consistently irregular periods from last 8 years (from start of my periods). Normally periods comes after 40-50 days and last long for 15 days.
Currently my periods are Overdue from more than 30 days but periods has not started yet:(
Other information related to Irregular Periods;
No Breast Pain in Periods.
Heavy Blood Flow discharge in periods.
Blood thick bright red.
Sometimes there are blood clots in discharge.
Severe impatient mood in periods.
High levels of Prolactin Hormone history in Past.(Hormone Imbalance history from Past).
In Past i have taken Birth pills and Glucophage (Metformin) for regulating my periods but i have not seen any positive permanent effects.
I have thick unwanted hairs on my face (on Jaw line, Upper lips and Chin),on Breast around Areolas, Abdomen, Thighs,Legs and on Hips.I want to remove these hairs.
SLEEP Problem(Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
Mostly Sleep is not sound.
i usually fall asleep very slowly in night from last 2 years and sometime it takes about 2-3 hours to fall asleep in night and during that time i keep thinking and feel something is going on in my mind.
i sometime feel that Slow Fall asleep habit is developed due to habit of not getting sleep in nights.
But I usually get sleep in morning and sleep for 6-8 hours.
Now i feel every time something is going on in my mind and i keep thinking while on bed in NIGHT and it takes 1-2 hours to get sleep.
BUT I fall asleep just after Sex as i am married from last 2 months.
Just after Marriage i am feeling Back Pain on lower right side.This pain sometime go away and then reoccurs after some time.May be its muscle pain.
Hair Fall:
Head Hairs are falling and has become thin.
Breast Lumps:
i have breast lumps in both sides from early age,these are not painful but i feel pain just while pressing/squeezing breast.
1- Severe Weakness and Tiredness all the day.
2- Over Weight from last some years and its increasing.
3- Bowl Movement is good but some time i get constipated.
4- Pale Complexion due to general weakness and Low Blood HB as per Allopathic Dr.
5-Low Blood HB
6- Dark Circles around Eyes after marriage,even i am sleeping a lot in day time.
I have also cover my above information in a Questionnaire that i got in this forum/website:
1. Describe your main suffering?
Irregular Periods:
Unwanted hairs on my face (on Jaw line, Upper lips and Chin),on Breast around Areolas, abdomen thighs, legs.
Sleep is not good in Nights from last 3 years but i got sleep in morning and got sleep after sex in my married life.
Habit of Overthinking.
Back Pain after Marriage.
Hair Fall.
Low Blood HB.
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
All mentioned above.
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
All mentioned above.
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
i start weeping and get emotional frequently.
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
All main physical suffering are from last 8-10 years.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Not any specific.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
i am emotional and may be it has relation.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
i generally like spring weather.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Arguing.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? Feel Good.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? Yes
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc? Yes to smell.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc? yes sometime talking to one self
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife? Love all of them and fear losing them.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
To lose my loved ones i.e. Husband,Mother and father.This is very much in my mind most of the time.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Sometime Crave for spicy things.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
It is normal now but some time i got constipated.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
i Fall asleep very slowly in night from last 2 years and sometime it takes about 2-3 hours to fall asleep in night and during that time i keep thinking and feel something is going on in my mind.
BUT I fall asleep just after Sex as i am married from last 2 months.
Sleep on belly position.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
Not different.
But i feel i am very emotional than others.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
In past i have taken Birth pills and Glucophage (Metformin) for regulating my periods but i have not seen any positive effects.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Blood Pressure and Diabetes.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
Fair Colur and Chubby(weight is more than standard weight).
Please answer the following questions:
(Please give details of your past menstruation if you have attained menopause.)
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last? Irregular and last long between 10-15 days
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive? excessive
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery? thick bright red
- Do you notice any clots in the flow? Yes
Kindly Prescribe me about my physical ailments mentioned.
I shall be thankful.If any other info required i will be please to provide.
Regards[Edited by jiya2 on 20
[Edited by jiya2 on 2019-12-31 17:50:16]
jiya2 on 2018-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
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Homeopathic medicines are the safest medicines known.
Patient name, age, weight, from ? profession, how long patient got married, if married how many children, patient daily routine ? Any sleep disorders or foul breath now ? Any thick yellow discharges , boils , open infections .. now ? how long patient suffering from this problem ? Any fever or coughing now ? what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ? Any cold or congestion feeling in head, watery discharges, Sun sensitivity or cold sores now ?? When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ?? Thick yellow discharges, changing symptoms now ?
What you like in food and what not ? Do you feel thirsty mostly ?? or do you like water ? Choose one condition either thirsty or towards more thirst less ?? Any cramping, shooting pains, hiccough, spasms now ? Acne blackheads, greasy or brittle hairs ? Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ? Choose one condition .. Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .. no normal words etc .. what you like in food The most = sweets or salts ? Do you have any other problem beside these ? Describe in details. Do patient have any habit of tobacco or viskey etc or meat etc ?
Please select only one option from below "WHICH SUITS THE PATIENT MAXIMUM" how you, your family, friends see the patient :
1- indecisiveness .. 2- apathy .. 3- laziness ..
4- isolation .. 5- nervous tension .. 6- scary dreams .. 7- impulsiveness .. 8- shyness, hypersensitivity .. 10- depression ..
11- low self-esteem ... 12- depression from wet weather.
Furthermore please tell which condition is dominate mostly , from below: select only one option.
Anger - greed - sex - pride - fear ?
E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..
What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ? Are you dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ? Or any other chronic disease .. ?? Click my name below and check out my profile details etc.
Folks can only give views on your case if you reply in time as directed after two days or so etc
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Click my name below and check out my profile details, email etc.
Homeopathic medicines are the safest medicines known.
Patient name, age, weight, from ? profession, how long patient got married, if married how many children, patient daily routine ? Any sleep disorders or foul breath now ? Any thick yellow discharges , boils , open infections .. now ? how long patient suffering from this problem ? Any fever or coughing now ? what kind of pain (symptoms, sensations) patient have ? Any cold or congestion feeling in head, watery discharges, Sun sensitivity or cold sores now ?? When symptoms / suffering / pains etc aggravates and when ameliorates ? do you have swollen hands or feet , foul smelling gasses ? Any light sensitivity ? Sweaty hands or feet ? Do you feel pronounced weakness in body ?? Thick yellow discharges, changing symptoms now ?
What you like in food and what not ? Do you feel thirsty mostly ?? or do you like water ? Choose one condition either thirsty or towards more thirst less ?? Any cramping, shooting pains, hiccough, spasms now ? Acne blackheads, greasy or brittle hairs ? Do you feel cold in body ? or hot ? Choose one condition .. Do you like to be warped in a blanket even in summer ? Or feel hot in body mostly and dislike hot weather etc .. no normal words etc .. what you like in food The most = sweets or salts ? Do you have any other problem beside these ? Describe in details. Do patient have any habit of tobacco or viskey etc or meat etc ?
Please select only one option from below "WHICH SUITS THE PATIENT MAXIMUM" how you, your family, friends see the patient :
1- indecisiveness .. 2- apathy .. 3- laziness ..
4- isolation .. 5- nervous tension .. 6- scary dreams .. 7- impulsiveness .. 8- shyness, hypersensitivity .. 10- depression ..
11- low self-esteem ... 12- depression from wet weather.
Furthermore please tell which condition is dominate mostly , from below: select only one option.
Anger - greed - sex - pride - fear ?
E-mail me any reports .. Click my name for email. Tell doctors opinion regarding your problem as well ..
What medicines you used in the past ? Name and potency ? Are you dibetic or suffering from high blood pressure ? Or any other chronic disease .. ?? Click my name below and check out my profile details etc.
♡ healer21 7 years ago
Dr.Kadwa thanks for advising me.
i have taken Sepia 200 for 3 days and but my Periods has not started yet.
My Last periods starts was on 05 Jan 2018 and last long for 6 days and my current period should be due on almost on 12 February 2018,but i only have little spotting for 2 day on around 12 February 2018 and do not have anything else still now.
Accordingly i feel my periods are due from last 30-40 days but has not started yet.
I have done Pregnancy test before taking Sepia 200 and it is negative then i start remedy suggested by You.
I want to conceive that why i am very much curious about my irregular periods.
I want to tell you following changes while and after taking Sepia 200:
SLEEP Problem(Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
I felt Improvement in Sleep but i sleep too much and all the day i feel sleepy and lazy.
Bowl Movement:
Constipated and Stool Colour is Green.
Low Blood HB:
I have done latest CBC Test and my Blood Hb i still low.
Back Pain:
In start i felt Improvement but today i am again feeling back pain,might be it is due to sex but i am not clear.
Hair Fall:
I felt Improvement in Hair Fall after taking last bath there are less hair fall.
Please Prescribe in view of the above symptoms.
Thanks for your kind suggestion and time.
i have taken Sepia 200 for 3 days and but my Periods has not started yet.
My Last periods starts was on 05 Jan 2018 and last long for 6 days and my current period should be due on almost on 12 February 2018,but i only have little spotting for 2 day on around 12 February 2018 and do not have anything else still now.
Accordingly i feel my periods are due from last 30-40 days but has not started yet.
I have done Pregnancy test before taking Sepia 200 and it is negative then i start remedy suggested by You.
I want to conceive that why i am very much curious about my irregular periods.
I want to tell you following changes while and after taking Sepia 200:
SLEEP Problem(Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
I felt Improvement in Sleep but i sleep too much and all the day i feel sleepy and lazy.
Bowl Movement:
Constipated and Stool Colour is Green.
Low Blood HB:
I have done latest CBC Test and my Blood Hb i still low.
Back Pain:
In start i felt Improvement but today i am again feeling back pain,might be it is due to sex but i am not clear.
Hair Fall:
I felt Improvement in Hair Fall after taking last bath there are less hair fall.
Please Prescribe in view of the above symptoms.
Thanks for your kind suggestion and time.
jiya2 6 years ago
Hi Dr.Kadwa
i have taken Sepia 200 for 7 days more in evening as prescribed by you on my Husband's forum.
My Periods has not started yet.
I have done urine Pregnancy test at home but it is negative and there are also no other major Symptoms of periods.
I have read somewhere on internet that there may be pregnancy even negative test because in some women there are LOW HCG but i am not sure about my condition.
I want to conceive and me and husband are trying to conceive thats why i am very much curious and worried about my irregular periods.
I want to tell you following after taking Sepia 200:
Sleep Problem (Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
Improvement in Sleep and falling asleep but i sleep too much and all the day i feel sleepy and lazy.
Bowl Movement:
Constipated and Stool Colour is Green most of the time.
Low Blood HB:
I have not done latest CBC Test for Blood Hb but my complexion is pale yet.
Back pain:
No further Improvement and i am feeling back pain.
Hair Fall:
Hairs are again falling heavily and becoming thin.
Urine Incontinence:
From last some days sometime my urine comes in very little quantity and sometime comes suddenly but i feel Improvement when i drink Lassi or Milk 2-3 glasses.
Unwanted Hairs:
No Improvement in thick unwanted hairs on my face (on Jaw line, Upper lips and Chin),on Breast around Areolas, Abdomen, Thighs,Legs and on Hips.
Breast Lumps:
No Improvement in breast lumps.
Please note that i have history of high levels of Prolactin Hormone in Past(Hormone Imbalance) bu i have not yet test it again recently.
Please Prescribe me in view of the above symptoms.
Thanks for your kind suggestion and time.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-04-04 08:25:50]
i have taken Sepia 200 for 7 days more in evening as prescribed by you on my Husband's forum.
My Periods has not started yet.
I have done urine Pregnancy test at home but it is negative and there are also no other major Symptoms of periods.
I have read somewhere on internet that there may be pregnancy even negative test because in some women there are LOW HCG but i am not sure about my condition.
I want to conceive and me and husband are trying to conceive thats why i am very much curious and worried about my irregular periods.
I want to tell you following after taking Sepia 200:
Sleep Problem (Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
Improvement in Sleep and falling asleep but i sleep too much and all the day i feel sleepy and lazy.
Bowl Movement:
Constipated and Stool Colour is Green most of the time.
Low Blood HB:
I have not done latest CBC Test for Blood Hb but my complexion is pale yet.
Back pain:
No further Improvement and i am feeling back pain.
Hair Fall:
Hairs are again falling heavily and becoming thin.
Urine Incontinence:
From last some days sometime my urine comes in very little quantity and sometime comes suddenly but i feel Improvement when i drink Lassi or Milk 2-3 glasses.
Unwanted Hairs:
No Improvement in thick unwanted hairs on my face (on Jaw line, Upper lips and Chin),on Breast around Areolas, Abdomen, Thighs,Legs and on Hips.
Breast Lumps:
No Improvement in breast lumps.
Please note that i have history of high levels of Prolactin Hormone in Past(Hormone Imbalance) bu i have not yet test it again recently.
Please Prescribe me in view of the above symptoms.
Thanks for your kind suggestion and time.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-04-04 08:25:50]
jiya2 6 years ago
Please take Thyroidinum 30 in evening for 10 days and report back.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Dr.Kadwa thanks fro your time.
I want to add that i am feeling Bloated that is unusual for me from last some weeks and Stool is sometime Greenish and Bowl Movement is not good.
Sticky Mucus in the back of Throat:
I also forgot to mention that i have sticky Sticky Mucus accumulation in the back of Throat from last some time and it needs to pull out and clear with coughing.
Thyroid Test:
I also want to tell that some months ago i have done Thyroid test and it was normal.
So should i repeat that test now before taking Thyroidinum?
I have also listened and read on internet that there may be pregnancy even several negative blood/urine test due to LOW HCG level in some women so i might be Pregnant but i am not sure as the pregnancy symptoms are not clear and also i have irregular periods history from last 8 years (from start of my periods).
In view of the above i mentioned kindly confirm me should i take Thyroidinum 30 for 10 days ?
And is it SAFE to take Thyroidinum 30 considering my Overall condition?
Because i want to conceive as early as it can be and want to take medicines very carefully after telling you every possible observation i am noting in my current condition and in History.
Please guide me.
God bless you for your precious time.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-04-08 09:17:04]
I want to add that i am feeling Bloated that is unusual for me from last some weeks and Stool is sometime Greenish and Bowl Movement is not good.
Sticky Mucus in the back of Throat:
I also forgot to mention that i have sticky Sticky Mucus accumulation in the back of Throat from last some time and it needs to pull out and clear with coughing.
Thyroid Test:
I also want to tell that some months ago i have done Thyroid test and it was normal.
So should i repeat that test now before taking Thyroidinum?
I have also listened and read on internet that there may be pregnancy even several negative blood/urine test due to LOW HCG level in some women so i might be Pregnant but i am not sure as the pregnancy symptoms are not clear and also i have irregular periods history from last 8 years (from start of my periods).
In view of the above i mentioned kindly confirm me should i take Thyroidinum 30 for 10 days ?
And is it SAFE to take Thyroidinum 30 considering my Overall condition?
Because i want to conceive as early as it can be and want to take medicines very carefully after telling you every possible observation i am noting in my current condition and in History.
Please guide me.
God bless you for your precious time.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-04-08 09:17:04]
jiya2 6 years ago
Please take Sulphur 200 and Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for a week and report back.
Please don't take Thyroidinum for the time being.
Please don't take Thyroidinum for the time being.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Hello Dr.Kadwa
thanks for advice.
i have taken Sulphur 200 , Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 7 days and now almost 2 months has passed.
After taking these remedies i started just Blood spoting which remain about 10 days then i visited Gynecologists because there was not proper blood flow.
i visited to Gynecologists and upon her advice i done various test(i.e Urine, culture Sensitivity, HB, Serum B-HCG, S.Ferritin,Thalassaemia) and all tests are Normal/Positive.
Just HB is very low so she advised me 5 iron sucrose(Venofer) injections and after getting those injections i got periods and then periods remain about 15 days with heavy flow.
and she also advised me some multivitamins now.
Now i am trying to conceive and 25 days has passed since last periods comes.
Low Blood HB:
This is serious issue for me and my Blood HB consistently very low around 9 and my complexion is pale yet.
Sleep Problem (Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
Feel difficulty falling asleep but i sleep too much and all the day i feel sleepy and lazy.I keep thinking while trying to sleep and i worry too much.
Unwanted Hairs:
No Improvement in thick unwanted hairs on my face (on Jaw line, Upper lips and Chin),on Breast around Areolas, Abdomen, Thighs,Legs and on Hips.
Pain in Shoulders near neck:
i am feeling severe pain in shoulders from last 3 years and in stress this pain increase.
Breast Lumps:
No Improvement in breast lumps.
Hair Fall and thin Hairs:
No Improvement.
Bowl Movement:
Feeling Improvement.
Back pain:
Felt Improvement but still pain.
Urine Incontinence:
On and off i sometime feel this.
Kindly advice me specially for my Irregular Periods/Menses and to increase my Blood HB and my Sleep Problem.i want to Conceive and i am worried about it.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-06-20 17:35:55]
thanks for advice.
i have taken Sulphur 200 , Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 7 days and now almost 2 months has passed.
After taking these remedies i started just Blood spoting which remain about 10 days then i visited Gynecologists because there was not proper blood flow.
i visited to Gynecologists and upon her advice i done various test(i.e Urine, culture Sensitivity, HB, Serum B-HCG, S.Ferritin,Thalassaemia) and all tests are Normal/Positive.
Just HB is very low so she advised me 5 iron sucrose(Venofer) injections and after getting those injections i got periods and then periods remain about 15 days with heavy flow.
and she also advised me some multivitamins now.
Now i am trying to conceive and 25 days has passed since last periods comes.
Low Blood HB:
This is serious issue for me and my Blood HB consistently very low around 9 and my complexion is pale yet.
Sleep Problem (Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
Feel difficulty falling asleep but i sleep too much and all the day i feel sleepy and lazy.I keep thinking while trying to sleep and i worry too much.
Unwanted Hairs:
No Improvement in thick unwanted hairs on my face (on Jaw line, Upper lips and Chin),on Breast around Areolas, Abdomen, Thighs,Legs and on Hips.
Pain in Shoulders near neck:
i am feeling severe pain in shoulders from last 3 years and in stress this pain increase.
Breast Lumps:
No Improvement in breast lumps.
Hair Fall and thin Hairs:
No Improvement.
Bowl Movement:
Feeling Improvement.
Back pain:
Felt Improvement but still pain.
Urine Incontinence:
On and off i sometime feel this.
Kindly advice me specially for my Irregular Periods/Menses and to increase my Blood HB and my Sleep Problem.i want to Conceive and i am worried about it.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-06-20 17:35:55]
jiya2 6 years ago
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Hello Dr.Kadwa
Thanks for advice.
i just want to give more information that i have noted about my personality and other physical symptoms before starting remedies.
Psychological Symptoms:
1- i am very much possessive about my husband and fear losing him.
2- i want a lot of attention,time and love & care actually i have not been given enough care and attention and time by parents so i need more of this especially from my Husband.
3- i start weeping and get emotional frequently.
4- i want to be very much consoled and wants to be care of all the time.
5- Very much worried about my Irregular periods because it gives me uncertainty about conceiving.
6-Insecure feelings
7- Wants to please my Husband by becoming perfect wife and and try to do what he wants.
Physical symptoms:
1-Severe Weakness and very low energy level and Sleepy & Tiredness all the day.
2- Over Weight from last some years(68kg and my age is 22 Years) and its increasing gradually.
3- Pale Complexion due to Low Blood HB.
4- Dark Circles around Eyes has started after marriage,even i am sleeping a lot in day time.
5- Lazy but want to be active.
6- Stomach is Severely BLOATED and my stomach is like i am pregnant.
7-Urine Incontinence from last some days.
8-NAILS are Thin and Brittle from last 6 months before that nails were strong.
Please further note that little Blood Spoting has started from yesterday but its not like actual periods and i am not sure its real period or not? and even in the last month blood spoting remains about 10 days then with iron venofer injections comes periods which remain for further 15 days.
And further have a detail look at my case,and please advice me.
if there is any change required in remedies.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-06-24 08:36:42]
Thanks for advice.
i just want to give more information that i have noted about my personality and other physical symptoms before starting remedies.
Psychological Symptoms:
1- i am very much possessive about my husband and fear losing him.
2- i want a lot of attention,time and love & care actually i have not been given enough care and attention and time by parents so i need more of this especially from my Husband.
3- i start weeping and get emotional frequently.
4- i want to be very much consoled and wants to be care of all the time.
5- Very much worried about my Irregular periods because it gives me uncertainty about conceiving.
6-Insecure feelings
7- Wants to please my Husband by becoming perfect wife and and try to do what he wants.
Physical symptoms:
1-Severe Weakness and very low energy level and Sleepy & Tiredness all the day.
2- Over Weight from last some years(68kg and my age is 22 Years) and its increasing gradually.
3- Pale Complexion due to Low Blood HB.
4- Dark Circles around Eyes has started after marriage,even i am sleeping a lot in day time.
5- Lazy but want to be active.
6- Stomach is Severely BLOATED and my stomach is like i am pregnant.
7-Urine Incontinence from last some days.
8-NAILS are Thin and Brittle from last 6 months before that nails were strong.
Please further note that little Blood Spoting has started from yesterday but its not like actual periods and i am not sure its real period or not? and even in the last month blood spoting remains about 10 days then with iron venofer injections comes periods which remain for further 15 days.
And further have a detail look at my case,and please advice me.
if there is any change required in remedies.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-06-24 08:36:42]
jiya2 6 years ago
Hello Dr.Kadwa
Thanks for advice.
i just want to give more information that i have noted about my personality and other physical symptoms before starting remedies.
Psychological Symptoms:
1- i am very much possessive about my husband and fear losing him.
2- i want a lot of attention,time and love & care actually i have not been given enough care and attention and time by parents so i need more of this especially from my Husband.
3- i start weeping and get emotional frequently.
4- i want to be very much consoled and wants to be care of all the time.
5- Very much worried about my Irregular periods because it gives me uncertainty about conceiving.
6-Insecure feelings
7- Wants to please my Husband by becoming perfect wife and and try to do what he wants.
Physical symptoms:
1-Severe Weakness and very low energy level and Sleepy & Tiredness all the day.
2- Over Weight from last some years(68kg and my age is 22 Years) and its increasing gradually.
3- Pale Complexion due to Low Blood HB.
4- Dark Circles around Eyes has started after marriage,even i am sleeping a lot in day time.
5- Lazy but want to be active.
6- Stomach is Severely BLOATED and my stomach is like i am pregnant.
7-Urine Incontinence from last some days.
8-NAILS are Thin and Brittle from last 6 months before that nails were strong.
Please further note that little Blood Spoting has started from yesterday but its not like actual periods and i am not sure its real period or not? and even in the last month blood spoting remains about 10 days then with iron venofer injections comes periods which remain for further 15 days.
And further have a detail look at my case.
KINDLY ADVICE.if there is any change required in remedies.
Thanks for advice.
i just want to give more information that i have noted about my personality and other physical symptoms before starting remedies.
Psychological Symptoms:
1- i am very much possessive about my husband and fear losing him.
2- i want a lot of attention,time and love & care actually i have not been given enough care and attention and time by parents so i need more of this especially from my Husband.
3- i start weeping and get emotional frequently.
4- i want to be very much consoled and wants to be care of all the time.
5- Very much worried about my Irregular periods because it gives me uncertainty about conceiving.
6-Insecure feelings
7- Wants to please my Husband by becoming perfect wife and and try to do what he wants.
Physical symptoms:
1-Severe Weakness and very low energy level and Sleepy & Tiredness all the day.
2- Over Weight from last some years(68kg and my age is 22 Years) and its increasing gradually.
3- Pale Complexion due to Low Blood HB.
4- Dark Circles around Eyes has started after marriage,even i am sleeping a lot in day time.
5- Lazy but want to be active.
6- Stomach is Severely BLOATED and my stomach is like i am pregnant.
7-Urine Incontinence from last some days.
8-NAILS are Thin and Brittle from last 6 months before that nails were strong.
Please further note that little Blood Spoting has started from yesterday but its not like actual periods and i am not sure its real period or not? and even in the last month blood spoting remains about 10 days then with iron venofer injections comes periods which remain for further 15 days.
And further have a detail look at my case.
KINDLY ADVICE.if there is any change required in remedies.
jiya2 6 years ago
Please take the following remedies twice a day for 15 days and report back..
Sepia 30
Arsenicum Album 30
Sulphur 30
Nux Vomica 30
Sepia 30
Arsenicum Album 30
Sulphur 30
Nux Vomica 30
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Dear Dr.Kadwa
Hope you are doing Fine.
I have taken Sepia 30, Arsenicum Album 30, Sulphur 30 and Nux Vomica 30 twice a day for 15 days as you prescribed.
i have done various following Pathological tests prescribed by Gynecologist and all following tests are Normal/Positive.
1-Urine Test,
2-Culture Sensitivity Test,
3-Complete Blood Picture including Blood HB,
5-Serum B-HCG,
10-TSH (Thyroid Test)
13-Pap Smear - OB/Gyn Cytology
But the following 2 tests are NOT NORMAL:
1 - Prolactin Hormone Test result is 48 which is very High. (Normal range of Non-Pregnant women is 5 to 27).
2- I have also done Ultrasound Pelvis Scan With Vaginal Probe and in this report i have been diagnosed with Bilateral small peripherally arranged 10-12 Follicles in Ovaries i.e. PCOD. And further Uterus is Retroverted.
Irregular/Delayed Periods:
Still having Irregular/Delayed Periods and even last periods was come with taking pathological medicines and was very late.
As i have been diagnosed with PCOD/PCOS (Polycystic Ovary syndrome/Disease).
And doctor has prescribed me Glucophage 250mg for 3 months and Dopergin 0.2mg for 1 month to balance hormone.
And prescribe me daily 30mins brisk walk strictly to reduce Body weight and Diet changes to avoid Carbohydrates.i am very much worried about this because i am trying to conceive.
Weight is still increasing and now my weight is 70kg and Age is 22 years.
Low Blood HB:
Blood HB has been in range now.THANKS :)
Bowl Movement:
Improvement in Bowl Movement.:)
Back pain:
Improvement in Back pain. :)
Sleep Problem (Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
No Major Improvement and Still Feel difficulty falling asleep but i sleep too much and all the day i feel sleepy and lazy. I keep thinking while trying to sleep and i worry too much.
Unwanted Hairs:
No Improvement in thick unwanted hairs on my face (on Jaw line, Upper lips and Chin),on Breast around Areolas, Abdomen, Thighs,Legs and on Hips.
Hair Fall and thin Hairs:
No Improvement even Hairs are very much falling.
Pain in Shoulders near neck:
No Major Improvement i am feeling severe pain in shoulders from last 3 years and in whenever i am in stress this pain increases.
Breast Lumps:
No Improvement in breast lumps.
Urine Incontinence:
Still sometime feel this.
Kindly advice me specially for my PCOD/PCOS and to Balance my Prolactin Hormone and to Reduce my Body weight.
As i am having Irregular Periods/Menses from Puberty.I want to Conceive and i am worried about it.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-08-05 11:45:31]
Hope you are doing Fine.
I have taken Sepia 30, Arsenicum Album 30, Sulphur 30 and Nux Vomica 30 twice a day for 15 days as you prescribed.
i have done various following Pathological tests prescribed by Gynecologist and all following tests are Normal/Positive.
1-Urine Test,
2-Culture Sensitivity Test,
3-Complete Blood Picture including Blood HB,
5-Serum B-HCG,
10-TSH (Thyroid Test)
13-Pap Smear - OB/Gyn Cytology
But the following 2 tests are NOT NORMAL:
1 - Prolactin Hormone Test result is 48 which is very High. (Normal range of Non-Pregnant women is 5 to 27).
2- I have also done Ultrasound Pelvis Scan With Vaginal Probe and in this report i have been diagnosed with Bilateral small peripherally arranged 10-12 Follicles in Ovaries i.e. PCOD. And further Uterus is Retroverted.
Irregular/Delayed Periods:
Still having Irregular/Delayed Periods and even last periods was come with taking pathological medicines and was very late.
As i have been diagnosed with PCOD/PCOS (Polycystic Ovary syndrome/Disease).
And doctor has prescribed me Glucophage 250mg for 3 months and Dopergin 0.2mg for 1 month to balance hormone.
And prescribe me daily 30mins brisk walk strictly to reduce Body weight and Diet changes to avoid Carbohydrates.i am very much worried about this because i am trying to conceive.
Weight is still increasing and now my weight is 70kg and Age is 22 years.
Low Blood HB:
Blood HB has been in range now.THANKS :)
Bowl Movement:
Improvement in Bowl Movement.:)
Back pain:
Improvement in Back pain. :)
Sleep Problem (Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
No Major Improvement and Still Feel difficulty falling asleep but i sleep too much and all the day i feel sleepy and lazy. I keep thinking while trying to sleep and i worry too much.
Unwanted Hairs:
No Improvement in thick unwanted hairs on my face (on Jaw line, Upper lips and Chin),on Breast around Areolas, Abdomen, Thighs,Legs and on Hips.
Hair Fall and thin Hairs:
No Improvement even Hairs are very much falling.
Pain in Shoulders near neck:
No Major Improvement i am feeling severe pain in shoulders from last 3 years and in whenever i am in stress this pain increases.
Breast Lumps:
No Improvement in breast lumps.
Urine Incontinence:
Still sometime feel this.
Kindly advice me specially for my PCOD/PCOS and to Balance my Prolactin Hormone and to Reduce my Body weight.
As i am having Irregular Periods/Menses from Puberty.I want to Conceive and i am worried about it.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-08-05 11:45:31]
jiya2 6 years ago
Please take the following remedies twice a day for 15 days and report back...
Apis 30
Sulphur 30
Causticum 30
One dose means 2 pills or drops of all the three remedies at a time.
Apis 30
Sulphur 30
Causticum 30
One dose means 2 pills or drops of all the three remedies at a time.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Hi Dr. Kadwa
THANKS for your kind reply.
i have taken Apis 30 , Sulphur 30 and Causticum 30 for 15 days.i want to give update here.
After taking above medicines for 15 days and then my periods started on 16th day and it remains for 7 days:)
Sleep Problem (Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
Feeling Improvement:)
Pain in Shoulders near neck:
Feeling Improvement but still there:)
Urine Incontinence:
Feeling Improvement:)
Breast Lumps:
No Improvement in breast lumps.
HAIRS & Skin Problems:
Hair Fall and thin Hairs:
No Improvement even Hairs are very much falling and Lenght i very short.
Unwanted Hairs:
No Improvement.
Keratosis Pilaris/Ingrowing Hairs:
I have been Strawberry legs/skin means have hairs with Dark Pores which are very prominent and also ingrwon hairs and have Bumps on skin on Legs, Thighs, Arms, you can say whereever i have hairs on my body,skin is not plain.
Body Weight:
Weight is not reducing much even i have started Treadmill for reducing.
Important NOTE:
i will do My Ultra sound for checking PCOD after 2 months.
Please advice me remedies that i should take now further , to have Regular periods in FUTURE and
-for PCOD and
-to Balance my Prolactin Hormone and
-for my Hairs/skin Problems.
PLEASE NOTE THAT It has been 9 months i am trying to CONCEIVE and i am not pregnant yet therefore please also advice me remedy to conceive early.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-09-09 18:15:52]
THANKS for your kind reply.
i have taken Apis 30 , Sulphur 30 and Causticum 30 for 15 days.i want to give update here.
After taking above medicines for 15 days and then my periods started on 16th day and it remains for 7 days:)
Sleep Problem (Slow Fall Asleep in Nights):
Feeling Improvement:)
Pain in Shoulders near neck:
Feeling Improvement but still there:)
Urine Incontinence:
Feeling Improvement:)
Breast Lumps:
No Improvement in breast lumps.
HAIRS & Skin Problems:
Hair Fall and thin Hairs:
No Improvement even Hairs are very much falling and Lenght i very short.
Unwanted Hairs:
No Improvement.
Keratosis Pilaris/Ingrowing Hairs:
I have been Strawberry legs/skin means have hairs with Dark Pores which are very prominent and also ingrwon hairs and have Bumps on skin on Legs, Thighs, Arms, you can say whereever i have hairs on my body,skin is not plain.
Body Weight:
Weight is not reducing much even i have started Treadmill for reducing.
Important NOTE:
i will do My Ultra sound for checking PCOD after 2 months.
Please advice me remedies that i should take now further , to have Regular periods in FUTURE and
-for PCOD and
-to Balance my Prolactin Hormone and
-for my Hairs/skin Problems.
PLEASE NOTE THAT It has been 9 months i am trying to CONCEIVE and i am not pregnant yet therefore please also advice me remedy to conceive early.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-09-09 18:15:52]
jiya2 6 years ago
Hi Dr.Kadwa very much Thanks for reply and time.
i just want to update you before taking above remedies that i have done Prolactin Hormone Test today and as per result now Prolactin Hormone is in NORMAL RANGE now :) Thanks
So now i have following Main problems/symptoms:
2- to Regulate my Menses/Periods in Future
3- to Reduce my Body Weight (Obesity)
4- Unwanted Thick Hairs on Upper lips, Full Jaw line,Chin, Breast, Arms, Thighs,Hip and Belly and also have ingrown Hairsdue to which there are like Bumps on skin
5- Hairs are falling & very Thin
6- Breast Lumps in both sides of different size
7- Difficulty in falling asleep from last week.
I have not done recent Pregnancy test yet and i will do it in 2 weeks.
Please note that i am trying to CONCEIVE therefore advice me remedy to conceive early.
So is there any change now in remedies?
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-09-16 08:29:24]
i just want to update you before taking above remedies that i have done Prolactin Hormone Test today and as per result now Prolactin Hormone is in NORMAL RANGE now :) Thanks
So now i have following Main problems/symptoms:
2- to Regulate my Menses/Periods in Future
3- to Reduce my Body Weight (Obesity)
4- Unwanted Thick Hairs on Upper lips, Full Jaw line,Chin, Breast, Arms, Thighs,Hip and Belly and also have ingrown Hairsdue to which there are like Bumps on skin
5- Hairs are falling & very Thin
6- Breast Lumps in both sides of different size
7- Difficulty in falling asleep from last week.
I have not done recent Pregnancy test yet and i will do it in 2 weeks.
Please note that i am trying to CONCEIVE therefore advice me remedy to conceive early.
So is there any change now in remedies?
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-09-16 08:29:24]
jiya2 6 years ago
Hi Dr.Kadwa i am very thankful for your kind support and time and suggestions.
i have taken Thuja 30 and Borax 30 twice a day for 15 Days..i want to give update here.
UPDATE about Menses/PERIODS:
I have done Pregnancy test an its NEGATIVE but my Periods has not started yet and its late by 8 days:(
I have visited Gynecologist for checkup and my PCOD status and she prescribe me that for Conceiving Periods should be Regular.
And for treatment of PCOD reduction in Body weight is very necessary and Diet changes to avoid Carbohydrates and daily 30mins brisk walk strictly to reduce Body weight.
And prescribe me to continue taking Glucophage 500mg 3 times a day for further 3 months.
1-Body Weight(Obesity)is not reducing much even i have started Treadmill for reducing.
2-Severe Bloating BUT Bowl Movement is very good even having loose motion.
3-Breast Lumps in both sides of different size.
4-Hairs are very falling and Length has become very short.
5-Unwanted Thick Hairs and on my face (on Jaw line, Upper lips and Chin),Thighs,Legs,on Hips and thin hairs on Breast around Areolas, Abdomen, and thick Ingrown Hairs(Keratosis Pilaris) on legs and thighs.
Important NOTE:
My Prolactin Hormone and Blood HB is in NORMAL RANGE now :)
And i will do Specific Ultra sound for checking PCOD status after 3 months now.
Therefore please advice me Special remedies that i should take now further for my following Main Symptoms:
-for Regular my Menses/periods
-for PCOD
-To Reduce Body Weight
It has been 10 months now that i am trying to CONCEIVE and i am not pregnant yet therefore please also advice me remedy to conceive early.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-10-06 09:21:09]
i have taken Thuja 30 and Borax 30 twice a day for 15 Days..i want to give update here.
UPDATE about Menses/PERIODS:
I have done Pregnancy test an its NEGATIVE but my Periods has not started yet and its late by 8 days:(
I have visited Gynecologist for checkup and my PCOD status and she prescribe me that for Conceiving Periods should be Regular.
And for treatment of PCOD reduction in Body weight is very necessary and Diet changes to avoid Carbohydrates and daily 30mins brisk walk strictly to reduce Body weight.
And prescribe me to continue taking Glucophage 500mg 3 times a day for further 3 months.
1-Body Weight(Obesity)is not reducing much even i have started Treadmill for reducing.
2-Severe Bloating BUT Bowl Movement is very good even having loose motion.
3-Breast Lumps in both sides of different size.
4-Hairs are very falling and Length has become very short.
5-Unwanted Thick Hairs and on my face (on Jaw line, Upper lips and Chin),Thighs,Legs,on Hips and thin hairs on Breast around Areolas, Abdomen, and thick Ingrown Hairs(Keratosis Pilaris) on legs and thighs.
Important NOTE:
My Prolactin Hormone and Blood HB is in NORMAL RANGE now :)
And i will do Specific Ultra sound for checking PCOD status after 3 months now.
Therefore please advice me Special remedies that i should take now further for my following Main Symptoms:
-for Regular my Menses/periods
-for PCOD
-To Reduce Body Weight
It has been 10 months now that i am trying to CONCEIVE and i am not pregnant yet therefore please also advice me remedy to conceive early.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-10-06 09:21:09]
jiya2 6 years ago
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
hi Dr.Kadwa
i have taken Sepia 30 and Lycopodiuum 30 in evening for a 4 days.
My periods has NOT Started yet and its late approximately by 14 days:(
I have observed following symptoms and have stopped the remedies:
i am having excess thick vaginal secretions that is like Gel, clear, stretchy and slippery and i feel wet all the day and i am feeling this is Abnormal.
And while taking remedies i noted egg white discharge pieces but from the day i have stopped the remedies i have not noticed egg white discharge pieces.
Further note that i am having severe weakness especially after having sex and having Dark Circles around eyes in weakness even my diet and sleep is enough.
Still Severe Bloating BUT Bowl Movement is very good even having loose motion sometimes.
Please prescribe me what should i do next and especially my periods has not Started yet.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-10-13 08:05:17]
i have taken Sepia 30 and Lycopodiuum 30 in evening for a 4 days.
My periods has NOT Started yet and its late approximately by 14 days:(
I have observed following symptoms and have stopped the remedies:
i am having excess thick vaginal secretions that is like Gel, clear, stretchy and slippery and i feel wet all the day and i am feeling this is Abnormal.
And while taking remedies i noted egg white discharge pieces but from the day i have stopped the remedies i have not noticed egg white discharge pieces.
Further note that i am having severe weakness especially after having sex and having Dark Circles around eyes in weakness even my diet and sleep is enough.
Still Severe Bloating BUT Bowl Movement is very good even having loose motion sometimes.
Please prescribe me what should i do next and especially my periods has not Started yet.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-10-13 08:05:17]
jiya2 6 years ago
Please take a single dose of Lachesis 200 and see how that affects over a week.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
I have taken Lachesis 200 single Dose and 5 days has passed.
BUT my periods has NOT Started yet and now its late approximately by 20 days:(
I am having severe weakness especially after having sex and having Dark Circles around eyes.
Please prescribe me what should i do next especially my periods has not Started yet.
I have taken Lachesis 200 single Dose and 5 days has passed.
BUT my periods has NOT Started yet and now its late approximately by 20 days:(
I am having severe weakness especially after having sex and having Dark Circles around eyes.
Please prescribe me what should i do next especially my periods has not Started yet.
jiya2 6 years ago
Please take Graphites 200 in evening for a week and see how that affects.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
thanks for your kind advice.
i want to update you that my Periods has started Today BUT i have NOT yet taken Graphite 200. However my Periods are late by 23 days.
New Symptoms from last Month:
-From last month i am having Freckles (i.e.small yellowish or brownish spot) on the skin of face cheeks and i am very much worried about it.
-Dark Circles around eyes even my diet and sleep is enough.
However i have bought Graphites 200 so should i take it now or any other remedy advice for my following Symptoms:
-To have Regular Menses/periods with good flow;
-To Cure PCOD and
-To remove Unwanted Thick Hairs on my Body and especially on my face
-Freckles (i.e.small yellowish or brownish spot in the skin of face cheeks.
Please advice.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-10-28 09:00:28]
thanks for your kind advice.
i want to update you that my Periods has started Today BUT i have NOT yet taken Graphite 200. However my Periods are late by 23 days.
New Symptoms from last Month:
-From last month i am having Freckles (i.e.small yellowish or brownish spot) on the skin of face cheeks and i am very much worried about it.
-Dark Circles around eyes even my diet and sleep is enough.
However i have bought Graphites 200 so should i take it now or any other remedy advice for my following Symptoms:
-To have Regular Menses/periods with good flow;
-To Cure PCOD and
-To remove Unwanted Thick Hairs on my Body and especially on my face
-Freckles (i.e.small yellowish or brownish spot in the skin of face cheeks.
Please advice.
[Edited by jiya2 on 2018-10-28 09:00:28]
jiya2 6 years ago
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